Needs of the Library of the Chemists' Club - Industrial & Engineering

Needs of the Library of the Chemists' Club. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1923, 15 (1), pp 98–98. DOI: 10.1021/ie50157a835. Publication Date: January 1923. Note...
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Vol. 15, No. 1

Needs of the Library of the Chemists’ Club The accompanying list shows some of the more important vacancies in the files of journal literature available to the chemists of the country through the library of the Chemists’ Club, New York City. I t is earnestly requested that you look through



American Food Journal. New York. Vols. 1-3 (1906-1908) American Journal of Science. New Haven, Conn. Ser. 1, Vol. 2 (1820) Vols. 5-7 (1822-1824) Vols. 10-11 (1826) VO~S. 14-15 (1828-1829) Vol. 49 (1845) Ser. 2 , Vols. 20-21 (1855-1856) Vols. 23-24 (1857) American Mineralogzst. Philadelphia, Pa. Vols. 1-4 (1916-1919) American Perfumer and Essential Oil Review. New York. Vols. 1-4 (1906-1909) Vol. 1 3 (1918-1919), index only Vol. 14 (1919-1920), index only Vol. 15 (1920), t o date Anales de la sociedad quimica Argentzna (now Anales de la asociacion quimica Argentina). Buenos Aires. Vol. 8 (1920), t o date Analyst. London. Vols. 46-47 (1921-1922) General index, Vols. 21-30 (1598-1905). 1906 Annalen der Physik und Chemie, ed. by Poggendorff. Leipzig. Vols. 9-160 (1826-1876) Annales de chimie analytique appliquBe a l’cndustrie. Paris. Vols. 3-12 (1898-1907) Annales des falsifications. Paris. Vols. 1-3 (1908-1910) Vol. 8 (1915), t o date Arbeiten aus dem kaisevlichen Gesundheitsamte (now Arbeiten aus dem Reichsgesundheitsamte). Vols. 17-31 (1900- 1907) Vol. 49 (1916), t o date Archzef WOOY de Suikerzndustrie in NederlandschIndie. Soerabaja, Java. Vols. 1-17 (1593-1909) Vols. 27-28 (1919-1920) Archiw f i l r Chemie und Mikroskopie. Wien. Vols. 1-2 (1908-1909) Vol. 8 (1915), t o date when publication ceased. Asphalt und Teerindustrie. Berlin. Vol. 3 (1903) Vol. 10 (1910), date of latest volume unknown Beibllltter zu den Annalen der Physik. Braunschweig. Vols. 41-43 (1917-1919) Biedzrmann’s Zentralblatt far Agriculturchemie. Leipzig. Vols. 1-30 (1872-1901) Vol. 41 (1912) t o date Biochemical Bulletin. New York. Vol. 4 (1915) t o date Biochemische Zeitschrift (formerly Beitrage zur chemzschen Physiologie und Pathologie). Berlin. (Cont’d next column)

your own library and offer such duplicates as may help fill these gaps to the librarian, 52 East 41st St., New York City, for it is only in this way that these volumes may be made available to the profession as a whole.

Vol. 4 (1904) Vol. 7 (1905) Vols. 49-68 (1913) VOlS. 72-77 (1915-1916) Vols. 79-84 (1917) Vols. 93-100 (1918-1919) Brennstoff-Chemie. Essen. Vols. 1-2 (1920-21) Bulletin of the Imperial Institute. London. VOlS. 1-7 (1903-1909) Bulletin of the Philosophzcal Society of Washington. Washington. Vol. 15 (1906) Bulletin de la socidtk industrielle de Mulhouse. Mulhouse, France. Vols. 1-33 (1826-1863) ) or Vol. 36 (1866, March) Vol. 74 (1904, September) complete Vol. 77 (1907, April-May) volumes vols. 83-85 (1913-1919) Le Caoutchouc & la gutta-percha. Paris. Vols. 1-5 (1904-1908) Vol. 15 (1918), index only Vol. 16 (1918) Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, Pai’asitenkunde und Infektionskra.nkheiten, 11 Abt. Jena. Vols. 1-22 (1895-1909) Vols. 28-50 (1910-1920) Chemical Trade Journal. London. Vok. 1-44 (1887-1909) VOl. 47 (1910) Chemiker-Zeitung, CLlthen. Vols. 1-2 (1877-1878) Chemische Industrie, Die. Berlin. Vols. 3 7 4 2 (1914-1919) Chemische Revue dber die Fett- und Harz-Industrie (now Chemische Umschau auf dem Gebiete der Fette, Oele, Wachse, und H a r z e ) . Stuttgart. Vols. 1-3 (1894-1896) Vol. 5 (1898), index only Vols. 6-8 (1899-1901) Vol. 9 (1902), index only VOl. 11 (1904) Chemisthe Umschau auf dem Gebiete der Felte, Oele, Wachse, und Harze formerly Chemische Renrue. . ,). Stuttgart. Vols. 26-27 (1919-1920) Chemisches Zentvaiblatt. Berlin. Vol. 86, No. 23 (1915), or complete vol. General Register (1902-1906). 1907 Deutsche Filrber-Zeitung. Leipzig. Vols. 1-56 (1866-1920) Note: Vols. 1-4 (1865-1868) called Thiiringer Mustrrzeitung f u r Filrberez Dinglers polytechnisches Journal. Berlin. Vol. 325 (1910) Elektrochemische Zeitschrzft. Berlin. Vol. 22 (1915) Vols. 25-26 (1918-1919) Engineering and Mining Journal. New York. Vols. 1-14 (1866-1872) Vols. 17-18 (1874) (Conc’d next column)


Research on the Corrosion of Steel Pipe The National Tube Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa., has announced the establishment of an Industrial Fellowship in the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research of the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. The purpose of this fellowship is a systematic study of practical methods for the prevention of corrosion in hot-water supply systems. It is also giving attention to the classification of



Vol. 23 (1877) Vol. 25 (1878) Vol. 41 (1886), index only Vol. 45 (1888) Vol. 67 (1894) Vol. 60 (1895), index only Fdrber-Zeitung. E d . by Lehne. Berlin. Apparently 1870-1872 Called Reimann’s no volume 1879 FBrber-Zeitung numbers 1881-1888 used 1905-1915 Vol. 28 (1917) Farben Zeitung. Bcrlin. VOlS. 1-16 (1895-1910) Fovtschritte der Physik. Braunschweig. Vols. 40-56 (1884-1900) Vol. 68 (1912) t o the volume for 1919 Gas Journal, formerly ( a ) Gas Lighting Journal; (b) Journal of Gas Lighting. London. Vol. 116 (1911) Vols. 121-125 (1913-1914) Vols. 129-130 (1915) Vols. 133-148 (1916-1919), indexes only Vols. 149-154 (1920-1921) Gazzetta chimica italiana. Rome. Vol. 50 (1920) t o date Indza Rubber and Gutta-percha and Electrical Trades’ Journal, now India Rubber Journ a l ) . London. Vols. 1-40 (1884-1910) India Ruhhev Journal. London. Vol. 41 (1911) VOl. 43 (1912) Vols. 48-53 (1914-1917) Vol. 54 (1917), index only VOl. 57 (1919) Vol. 58 (1919), index only Vol. 59 (1920) Vol. 60 (1920), index only Vol. 62 (1921), index only India Rubber World. New York. Vols. 1-27 (1889-1902) Vols. 28-30 (1903-1904), indexes only Vols. 3 5 4 2 (1906-1910) Jahrbuch f u r Acetylen und Cavbid. IIalle. Vol. 4 (1902), date of latest volume unknown Jahrbuch der Elekfrochemie. Halle. Vol. 16 (1909), date of latest volume unknown Jahrbuch der Radzoaktivatiit und Elektronik. Leipzig. Vol. 3 (1906), t o date Jahresbevicht dher die Fortschrztte der Agriculturchemie. Berlin. S r r . 3, Vols. 10-11 (1907-1905) Vol. 1 3 (1910), date of latest volume unknown Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie. Braunschweig. 1911, date of latest volume unknown Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritle der Thierrhemie. Weisbaden. Vol. 39 (1909), date of latest volume unknown



waters of various chemical composition with respect to their relative corrosive action upon iron and steel, particularly in the form of pipe lines, boiler economizers, tubes, etc. The present incumbent of this fellowship is Clifford R. Texter, who for the past several years has been carrying out research on the corrosion of iron and steel, where not exposed directly to the atmosphere. Mr. Texter will be glad to correspond with engineers and manufacturers interested in the field to which his fellowship relates