The right-hand glass panel which the chemist is holding is coated with a varnish based upon dehydrated castor oil and coumarone-indene resin. Incompatibility of the ingredients
has made the film cloudy. The panel on the left was coated with the same varnish except that 5% of the resin was replaced with Nevillac. The mixture is now compatible and perfectly clear.
Nevillac® makes friends out of enemies in coating formulations One i m p o r t a n t f e a t u r e of N e v i l l a c , Neville Chemical Company's family of hydroxy resins, is its value as a co-compatibilizing agent in the formulation of coatings. I t is inherently so highly compatible and soluble t h a t it acts as an effective agent in bringing normally unfriendly materials together into clear film. This characteristic generally pertains to its use with most elastomers, plasticizers, solvents and other resins. There are, however, several other good reasons for considering Nevillac as a valuable addi-
tion to coatings. Nevillac possesses strong ability to increase adhesion, control viscosity, and add resistance to water, acids and alkali. It also possesses permanent thermoplasticity and ease of emulsification. If you formulate coatings, it m a y well pay you to write for Neville's Technical Service Bulletin No. 75, and then a laboratory sample of the Nevillac grade potentially most useful to you.
Neville Chemical Co., Pittsburgh 25, Pa.
Neville Products Resins—Coumarone-indene, Hydrocarbon (Thermoplastic and Heat Reactive), Hydroxy • Oils — Plasticizing, Neutral, Rubber Reclaiming, Shingle Stain • SolventsAromatic (Refined and Crude), Semi-Aromatic (Refined and Crude). • Antioxidants—Non-Staining Rubber • High Purity Indene • Indene Derivatives • Crude Naphthalene.