New Anticancer Agents - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Thiadiazole derivatives active against tumors in experimental animals, but toxicity poses clinical problems. Chem. ... Eng. News Archive...
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ments a n d procedures for direct meas­ tivity and slow d o w n others. Since urement of various electrolytes' ionic enzymes work as a team, it is apparent, activity. And, continues Natelson, an­ Natelson points out, that chaos would NITROETHANB other important n e e d is t o study emo- result at t h e cell level if hydrogen and CH3CH2N02 i tional changes as they affect chemo- other ion concentrations were to get 1-NITROPROPANE regulator concentration changes and in out of control. CH3CH2CH2N02 turn chemoregulator effects on ion con­ In studies on t h e relation between centration in living organism. bicarbonate, p H , a n d C 0 2 in blood, 2 - NITROPROPAN Ε • Fluid Imbalance a n d Disease. If Natelson finds equations (HendersonCH3CHISJ02CH3 medicine's aim is to find rational pro­ Hasselbalch, a m o n g others) based on cedures to treat disease involving fluid equilibrium considerations describing or electrolyte imbalance, then a clear conditions which a r e approached b u t understanding is n e e d e d of those never achieved in t h e normal individ­ mechanisms regulating this balance in ual. His research shows t h a t bicar­ t h e body. Only then c a n observed bonate level cannot b e estimated with chemical abnormalities b e interpreted any degree of accuracy from p H and intelligently. total C 0 2 in a living organism. H e The modern approach to under- also finds normal cell metabolism and AND D E R I V A T I V E S ! standing fluid a n d electrolyte balance breathing rate are most important fac­ I began with studies of acidosis i n 1917. tors in determining blood p H , b u t A practical instrument to measure t h e neither is taken into account in com­ blood's carbon dioxide level w a s d e ­ monly used equations. veloped. Then followed studies on cal­ Other work on sodium, calcium, chlo­ cium a n d phosphorus levels in t h e blood ride, a n d phosphate ions, a n d sugar by the solubility p r o d u c t principle. shows wide variations between blood Later studies on other ions used t h e level and intake. Some pathological same idea and it seemed t o fit h u m a n conditions may cause a n e w balance blood conditions. "Normal" values b e ­ point to b e established—brain injuries came established for many ions. often show a hyperchloremia p h e ­ However, many inaccuracies have nomenon. become apparent recently in using Thus it is apparent, Natelson says, "normal'* values and calculating other that i n t h e h u m a n body, one is dealing ion concentrations from solubility prod­ with a complex system of balance which uct. Clinical tests of b o d y conditions is under constant regulation a n d re­ SOLVENTS show m a n y inconsistencies i n this adjustment. T h e state of t h e system I method for finding body chemical com­ can onlv b e estimated after data are position. Even w h e n a disease is di­ available—including both clinical and REDUCING AGENTS agnosed, o n e ion cannot b e positively chemical data. predicted from others* • Blood pH. Studies have been E M U L S I F Y I N G AeEIMTS made on t h e relation between C 0 2 in blood a n d its pH, illustrating compensaI tory mechanisms working in living or­ New Anticancer Agents R A W MATERIALS ganisms. I n a h u m a n , d e p t h a n d rate Thiadiazole derivatives ac­ of breathing control loss of C 0 2 , cell FUELS metabolic rate controls carbonic acid tive against tumors in ex­ pouring into the system, and m e t a b ­ perimental animals, but t o x ­ olism also controls other organic pro­ icity poses clinical problems DISPERSING AGENTS duction a n d removal. Kidney action affects t h e system. These in t u r n are controlled b y plasma p H through ac­ jt\ NEW CLASS OF COMPOUNDS, tion on enzyme systems, and certain 2-aminol-l,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives, brain centers control gland action. shows activity against several trans­ Thus, t h e body has a carefully regulated planted animal tumors in studies by Learn how the Nitroparaffins servomechanism designed to maintain American Cyanamid researchers. constant p H . I n t h e human, t h e or­ may be of help in improving yozvr While clinical trials h a v e not progressed ganism is in constant activity t o avoid present product or in creating to t h e point of indicating potential establishment of equilibrium. Instead, new products. interest in treating h u m a n cancer, a t h e body maintains certain selected new class of active compounds is con­ steady states where it functions best. zorite: sidered significant i n t h e search for Thus it is not surprising t o find a wide a n effective chemotherapeutic agent. variety of values for various blood con­ COMMERCIAL JT1 According t o J. J. Oleson and co­ stituents with a particular pH in dis­ C 0 R P workers of t h e Lederle Labs Division SOLVENTS -1^SW ease, Natelson says. (JACS, D e c . 2 0 ) , three tumors were Enzyme chemists find p H a n d salt studied in mice: melanoma, a glio­ 260 MADISON AVE. Η»£&Πΐ concentration must b e maintained blastoma, and a lymphosarcoma. The NEW YORK 16, N.Y. B f 3 j 5 * a L within n a r r o w limits to have normal parent compound, 2-arninol-1,3,4cell metabolism. A 0.1 unit shift in thiadiazole, appears to b e t h e most Branches in principal cities I p H will speed u p some enzyme's a c ­ active. T h e 2-lower alkylamino and





FEB. 13. 1 9 5 6

W h e r e too m a n y "cooks" D O N ' T spoil the broth! Ι Si.


Good "cooking" makes for good cellulose. Here at Buckeye, giant 60-ton digesters give our raw materials just as fine a "cook" as man can devise! But — while each "cook^ is in progress, samples are continuously being checked and tested i » our laboratories. The result? Exacting down-the-line production control to guarantee you a Buckeye product precisely suited to your need; This is one of 27 controls used b y Industry's first producer of cellulose... a process that combines care with imagination in the making of both cotton linters and high alpha wood cellulose. Two great plants . . . at Memphis, Term, and Foley, Fla.. . . offer the finest facilities for production, research, and customer service. If you have a cellulose problem, why not write to Buckeye? You'll find our staff of technicians easy to talk to . . . and, better still, quick with the answers! Please address inquiries to: Buckeye Cellulose Corporation, Dept.62-Cl, P.O. Box 6746, Memphis 8, Tenn.

...first in cellulose FEB. 13, 1956



change from . . .

4 0 MESH 4 0 0 MESH . . . i n a few minutes, without interrupting operations. Yet any desired mesh may be maintained continuously. Ease of adjustment and close product control are possible with the . . .


2-acylamino derivatives a r e also active and less toxic, while the 2-phenylamino derivative is inactive. I n most cases, substitution in the 5-position reduces activity of 2-amino derivatives. T h e activity and toxicity of the ethyl derivative made it appear most promising, so Lederle next turned t o clinical trials. Preliminary results—at both Children's Hospital in Boston and SloanKettering—indicate toxicity might b e too high for effective clinical use. However, more study will be needed before a final decision can be reached.

Air Pollution Research

Jkvr Classifier

The Hardinge Gyrotor Classifier system, combined with a Hardinge ball or pebble grinding mill is an integrated grinding, classifying and product conveying system. Also available with an air-heating furnace for delivering a dry, ground product from undried feed.

T h e Public Health Service has allocated $392,000 to three agencies for research into air pollution. T h e funds, part of $1.8 million voted by the last Congress for this purpose, has been apportioned as follows: Weather Bureau, $196,000, to study dilution a n d dispersal of contaminants in t h e air. National Bureau of Standards, $98,000, to develop methods for analysis and identification of gaseous contaminants; to collect, treat, and analyze concentrated samples of atmospheric pollutants; to study aerial reactions between gases and cliemicals that may cause pollution. Bureau of Mines, $98,000, to determine how different oils and fuels in autos, trucks, buses, and other vehicles affect air contamination; to develop simple and inexpensive methods for identifying and measuring exhaustgas compounds that contribute to air pollution problems; t o improve design and methods of operating incinerators to curb pollution; to determine the most effective low cost methods for removing sulfur dioxide from stack gases at furnaces a n d processing plants.

^ A n e w , cobalt-60 source will be used at General Mills Research Laboratories in radiation studies of foods and chemicals. The source, nearly 4000 curies of activity, was shipped from Oak Ridge in a 6000-pound lead container.

Complete specifications upon request. Bulletin AH-449-41.




2 4 0 Arch S t


Muio OHic· a n d Worts



• Research in b a r i u m t i t a n a t e a n d titanium h y d r i d e formation is being undertaken at Horizons, Inc., w i t h t w o new government contracts. One, awarded b y Wright Air Development Center, is a broad and fundamental contract for study a n d improvement of electrical ceramics for use in highly specialized aircraft typified by barium titanate a n d including a large n u m b e r

of related materials. Eugene W a i n e r will direct the project. T h e second project, a w a r d e d by Office of Naval Research, will b e headed b y Tien-Shih Liu under the direction of Morris Steinberg. It calls for a fundamental study of the mechanism by which hydrogen embrittlement occurs in manufacture of titanium and how the hydrogen is distributed in t h e final product. Horizons will try to arrive at concepts of alloying the titanium which will alleviate this embrittling. • An e x p a n d e d research p r o g r a m in a l l e r g y and infectious diseases is b e ing undertaken a t the National Institutes of Health. Long-term basic studies in these fields will be supported through grants t o outside scientists; a n increase of $3.2 million will be sought for this program for fiscal 1957. T h e program will b e administered b y t h e National Microbiological Institute, which is being redesignated as t h e National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The renaming reflects the importance of research o n allergies and the close relationship of such r e search with the study of infectious diseases. • Coal gasification using nuclear h e a t

is being studied by the Bureau of Mines. T h e bureau will build t w o experimental units models of possible nuclear-heat units except t h a t they will be heated electrically. The first is b e ing used at Morgantown, W . Va.; t h e second is to be completed this spring. T h e threefold objective of t h e p r e liminary work: to determine suitable materials for constructing such units; to determine their heat transfer characteristics; and t o study other process variables. AEC plans to have a p r e liminary engineering study m a d e of factors that must be considered in t h e nuclear phase of the problem ( C & E N , Dec. 19, 1955, p a g e 5 4 5 7 ) . • Some a l u m i n u m alloys can resist corrosion in either a marine or inland atmosphere for a t least 20 years, a c cording to F . M . Reinhart and G. A. Ellinger of the National Bureau of Standards. The study, m a d e for t h e Navy Bureau of Aeronautics, also p r o vided data on effects of heat treatment and protective coatings o n corrosion rates. • New York University college of engineering increased expenditures for research from $2.2 million in 1 9 5 3 - 5 4 to $2.8 million in 1954-55, a 23.6% increase. Industry-sponsored research in that period increased 3 5 % , according to the college of engineering's a n n u a l report.