New Books - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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Books 3000 series G C / M S systems using a Digital Equipment Corp. P D P - 8 com­ puter data system. Detailed operating instructions and sample software dia­ logue are given for a variety of opera­ tions. Although well written, these chapters would be of little use to any­ one using a different GC/MS and computer data system. The bibliography, chapter 10, is grouped according to technique or type of analysis. While the cited liter­ ature is accurate, I felt some areas should have been expanded. As an ex­ ample, only one eight-year-old refer­ ence was cited for "Qualitative Headspace Analysis." The authors included a short sec­ tion on the uses and principles of chemical ionization mass spectrome­ try (CI/MS). Rather than going into CI, a brief review of the basic principle of mass spectrometry would have been more useful. They also fail to mention t h a t computer searches and printed mass spectra collections cannot be ap­ plied to chemical ionization spectra. Overall, the book is grammatically well written and fairly free of typo­ graphical errors. However, it is written specifically to be used in conjunction with a particular G C / M S data system combination. This severely limits its usefulness and anyone who purchases this book solely on the basis of its title is going to be disappointed.

New Books Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Food and Beverages, Vol. 2. George Charalambous, Ed. xii + 327 pages. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. 1979. $25

This volume contains the second half of the proceedings of a sympo­ sium on the analysis of food and bev­ erages by H P L C held on April 1-6, 1979 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The first chapter comprises a brief overview (18 pages, 30 references) of the hundreds of H P L C analyses presently in use in food and beverage industries. T h e sec­ ond chapter provides a guide to H PLC instrument selection in the food science laboratory, and another chap­ ter discusses the advantages of using reversed-phase H P L C . Most of the re­ maining 11 chapters focus on the ap­ plication of liquid chromatography to the determination of various com­ pounds. T h e compounds covered in­ clude gluconic acid, sweeteners, flavor constituents, dextromethorphan hydrobromide, hop compounds, vitamins A and E, patulin, and polymethoxylated flavones.

NMR and Biochemistry: A Symposium Honoring Mildred Cohn. S. J. Opella and P. Lu, Eds. xii + 434 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1979. $45

T h e contributions to this volume were presented at a symposium held at the University of Pennsylvania in J u n e 1978. T h e 28 chapters are ar­ ranged in sections on proteins and nucleic acids, strategies for biological NMR, membranes and intact cells, and enzymes. Over half of the chap­ ters emphasize NMR, but certain other chapters deal only with bio­ chemistry. Applications of l n C NMR, I9 F N M R and · !Ι Ρ NMR are included. Among the suggested N M R strategies are N M R relaxation methods, high resolution N M R at higher magnetic fields, simultaneous combination of magic-angle sample spinning and ran­ dom molecular motion, and the use of rotating frame spin-lattice relaxation in the presence of an off-resonance rf field for the study of protein motility. Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Third International Symposium on Chemistry and Biology—Carcinogene­ sis and Mutagenesis. P. W. Jones and Philip Leber, Eds. xxvi + 892 pages. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, P.O. Box 1425, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1979. $49.95

This volume is based on the 3rd In­ ternational Symposium on Polynu­ clear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, which was held at the Battelle-Columbus La­ boratories in October 1978. T h e mea­ surement of polynuclear aromatic hy­ drocarbons (PAH) is covered in ap­ proximately 18 of the .56 chapters. Sampling techniques for both liquids and gases are included, and many chapters are devoted to PAH analysis using capillary column gas chromatog­ raphy, H P L C , or synchronous lumi­ nescence spectrometry. Other chap­ ters deal with the development of an instrument for field monitoring of P A H vapors, the distribution of PAH with respect to particle size in aero­ sols, and the development of an aque­ ous PAH Standard Reference Ma­ terial. X-Ray Spectroscopy: An Introduction Β. Κ. Agarwal. xiii + 418 pages. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010. 1979. $39.90

This book, which emphasizes the physics of X-ray spectroscopy, at­ tempts to balance historical informa­ tion with t r e a t m e n t of recent advances to produce a text for a one-year post­ graduate course. The chapter on sec­ ondary spectra and satellites contains

several sections on the Auger effect, and X-ray Raman scattering is briefly treated in the chapter on the scatter­ ing of X-rays. One chapter is devoted to an account of soft X-ray spectrosco­ py, including both emission and ab­ sorption spectra. T h e elements of the primary X-ray source unit, the spec­ tral analyzer, and the detector are de­ scribed in the last of the eight chap­ ters.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spec­ troscopy in Molecular Biology. Bernard Pullman, Ed. ix + 537 pages. D. Reidel Publishing Co., Inc., 160 Old Derby St., Hingham, Mass. 02043. 1978. $56

This book relates the proceedings of the 11th Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemis­ try held in Jerusalem in April 1978. The first 13 chapters cover NMR studies of nucleic acids and their con­ stituents. Another 11 chapters deal with NMR studies of peptides, pro­ teins and amino acids, including cyclic hexapeptides, opioid peptides, dihydrofolate reductase, and chymotrypsin. A discussion of gene-5 protein nucleic acid interaction is followed by structural studies on an inhibitor of such interactions: aurintricarboxylic acid. T h e five chapters on membranes and related topics include an applica­ tion of magic angle sample spinning to phospholipid bilayers and an in vivo 15 N N M R study of bacterial cell walls. 13

C NMR of Monomers and Polymers. 200 spectra. Sadtler Research Labora­ tories, 3316 Spring Garden St., Phila­ delphia, P a . 1 9 1 0 4 . 1 9 7 9 . $ 2 5 0

This is the first volume in a new spectra collection. T h e spectra have been produced on a 20 MHz F T - N M R instrument and are indexed alphabeti­ cally, by polymer class and by peak lo­ cation. Each spectrum is repre­ sented in a 0-200 ppm base scan with offsets, as appropriate, for bands be­ yond 200 ppm. Guidelines for Kinetic Analysis of En­ zyme Reactions. 37 pages. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Stan­ dards, 771 E. Lancaster Ave., Villanova, Pa. 19085. 1979. $9. No. PSC-7

This document reviews the methods based on measurement of the rate of conversion of a substrate to a final product and the method used to calcu­ late the rate at which the reaction pro­ ceeds. T h e guidelines apply to both reference methods and routine screen­ ing procedures.


Books Nomenclature and Definitions for Use in the National Reference System in Clinical Chemistry. 22 pages. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Stan­ dards, 7 7 1 E. Lancaster Ave., Villanova, Pa. 19085. 1979. $9. No. PSC-13

T h e standards have proposed defi­ nitions in three categories: materials, methods, and procedural definitions. Definitions are offered in each section for items such as Certified Reference Materials, Reference Method (Class A, B and C) a n d Detection Limit.

Coulometric Analysis. E. Pungor and I. Buzas, Eds. χ + 301 pages. Akadémiai Kiado, Budapest; Heyden & Son, Inc., 247 S. 41st St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. 1979. $ 3 1

This book is based on t h e 1st International Coulometric Symposium, which was held in Mâtrafured, Hungary in October 1978. T h e 41 participants were primarily from East European countries. Topics of the eight plenary lectures included electrogeneration of coulometric titrants, t h e

quality of constant-current coulomet­ ric titrations, chronocoulometry, cou­ lometric titrations in nonaqueous sol­ vents, and data processing in controlled-potential electrolysis. Applica­ tions to clinical laboratory diagnostics and pharmaceutical analysis, and t h e development o"f coulometric instru­ mentation in Hungary were a few of the topics covered in the 14 discussion lectures.

Continuing Series Fats, Waxes and Derivatives, Vol. 3. 400 spectra. Sadtler Research Labora­ tories, 3316 Spring Garden St., Phila­ delphia, Pa. 19104. 1 9 7 9 . $ 2 5 6



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T h e collection includes infrared ab­ sorption spectrograms of commercial­ ly available fatty materials, unsaponifiable matter, natural and synthetic waxes. T h e spectra were determined in t h e spectral region 4000 to 200 c m - 1 . An alphabetical listing of the products according to trade name or chemical name and a classification index are furnished. Monomers and Polymers, Vol. 24. 300 spectra. Sadtler Research Laboratories, 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa.19104.1979.$192

This volume includes spectra of commercially available products such as monomers, polymers, catalysts, cur­ ing agents, antioxidants, stabilizers, and modifiers. T h e spectra were de­ termined on an IR grating spectropho­ tometer in t h e frequency range from 4000 to 250 c m - 1 and are presented on transmittance vs. linear wavenumber charts. Advances in Chromatography—1979. A. Zlatkis, Ed. xv + 956 pages. Chro­ matography Symposium, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Houston, Hous­ ton, Tex. 77004. 1 9 7 9 . $ 4 0

This volume represents the pro­ ceedings of t h e 14th International Symposium on Advances in Chroma­ tography held in Lausanne, Switzer­ land in September 1979. T h e book is divided into seven sections. T h e first, entitled "contemporary chromatogra­ p h y " (4 chapters), includes "flip-flop" chromatography. There are sections on the theory and practice of gas chro­ matography (26 chapters), liquid chromatography (17 chapters) and thin-layer chromatography (3 chap­ ters). Applications sections include biomedical applications of GC (10 chapters) and LC (10 chapters); and 7 chapters on environmental analysis.