New Books: Vitamins, A Digest of Current Knowledge - Journal of

New Books: Vitamins, A Digest of Current Knowledge. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1953, 1 (2), pp 196–196. DOI: 10.1021/jf60002a650. Publication Date: Apri...
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N E W BOOKS lost sight of the social realities involved “Lethane“ and “Thanite” also hardly in food and nutrition that are so deeply ivarrant the five precious pages used. rooted in history. folklore. and religion. 3. The important role of toxaphenes For this reason, reading Jensen‘s hisDDT, aldrin, and other newer synthetic, tory of food serves as a timely and refor control of cotton insects is not even LLOYD B. JENSEN, 278 pages, the freshing reminder to natural scientists hinted at. Garrard Press, Champaign, Ill. 1953. not to overlook the tremendous social 4. Important recent miticide de84-50. Reviewed by FRANCISJOSEPH and cultural implications of their work. velopments are missing. WEISS, consultant on food and nutribut it should also be required reading tion, Washington, D. C. 5. The three nontechnical developfor historians and political scientists who ments which have played a significant until lately were not wont to deal with part in influencing developments in this man’s most universal need with the proTHE ENORMOUS expansion of our factual field are neglected: fundity and understanding that recent knowledge in this scientific age together The Food and Drug Administration advances in agricultural and nutritional with the natural limitations of our intelTolerance Hearings (FDC-57) ; Federal science require. lectual apparatus have led to ever Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide The last chapter “Sutrition and greater specialization and finally to a -\ct of 1947: and the Delaney CongresMan’s LVelfare” does not bring anything breakdown of the totality of our knowlsional Committee Hearings of 1950-52. new to the natural scientists, but offers edge into social and natural sciences 6. Minor errors noticed include: the social scientist in a few very conwhich subsequently split in ever more a n unpardonable error occurred on the densed pages and up-to-date tables the fields of research. However, anthropolfrontispiece in omission of the ‘Y’ from essence of the newer knowledge of nutriogy occupies a central position comColorado Springs; page 43, bond incortion. The very comprehensive bibbining physical and cultural aspects of rectly placed in methallyl chloride; page liography a t the end of the book is a most man’s origin and development-and so 200, typographical error, listing inwelcome addition for all interested in does food, being both a physical subcorrectly initials of P. hT.Annand. man and his foods. stance and the most powerful driving This book could have been written This brief volume may be of some force in human history, and social and only by a man who is not only a master value to those not intimately connected cultural life. While humans have spent with this rapidly developing field. and in many fields of science. but also under99% of the half a million to one million especially to those outside the United stands to integrate his knowledge onto years they have been waddling on earth States. I t is of decidedly lesser interest one all-encompassing unit. The book as food gatherers, it is only since the and use to the expert, to research workcontains a wealth of new and not easily Seolithic revolution or, according to ers impatiently pressing the frontiers. accessible information and should be radiocarbon dating, about 7000 years highly recommended to all workers in and those looking for summarized inforago, that they became food producers. the field of food and nutrition. mation more recent than 1948. I t is fascinating to follow in Jensen’s book the intricate relation between agricultural and food preparation on the Chemical Control of Insects Vitamins, A Digest of one hand and major cultural developments on the other hand. H e most conCurrent Knowledge T. F. \$‘EST, J. ELIOT HARDY,and vincingly demonstrates that civilization J. H . FORD. 211 pages. John Wiley & L. J. HARRIS. vii 244 pages. cannot exist where man must spend his Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1952. .John de Graff, Inc., 64 West 23rd St., time like a n animal in gathering acorns, $3.25. Reviewed by C. J. KRISTER. New York lo! N. Y. 1952. $3.75 digging roots, collecting small animals Du Pont Co. such as snails, grubs, or insects or huntT H I S is a \\ell written review of most ing larger ones; however, food producCOURAGE IS essential for those tackling of the major advances up to 1950. The tion must be effective to offer man the the formidable task of outlining the clinical and nutritional aspects are more natural basis for his achievements. present status of modern developments detailed than the biochemistry of the Prehistoric finds show that, wherever in the control of insects with chemicals. vitamins; thus a considerable amount agriculture appears, there is also a site Such courage is demonstrated by the of data in the review will be of value in of a n early civilization. Better nutrition three authors of this volume, but it is stimulating memories of clinicians and cannot be discounted as a major factor doubtful that they have successfully comdieticians. in the sudden efflorescence of cultures as pleted their mission. Space devoted to some of the B vitamuch as faulty or insufficient nutrition A rapid reading enables this reviewer mins (two pages to pantothenic acid may have contributed to the decline and to record the following reactions : and three pages to vitamin Bs) is small fall of empires. From 1834, when the 1. The status of the field up to 1948 compared to that on some of the others universal nutrient was found to consist is apparently well covered, but the de(87 pages for vitamins A, C, and D) of three components (carbohydrate, provelopments of the last four years are not and results largely from the little knowltein, and fat) until 1949, when the disdescribed in this book which carries a edge concerning the nutritional and covery of vitamin B12 increased the 1952 dateline. clinical phases of certain B vitamins. number of essential nutrients to 50, The historical approach, which the 2. Considerable space is devoted to agronomists and nutritionists were conauthor believes to be the most valuable, compounds which no longer play a major cerned with the study of the chemical makes the book particularly useful to role in modern chemical insect control. composition of various foods. their growbeginning science students interested in Eleven pages are given to nicotine and ing, processing, digestion, physiological vitamins. only one and a half for parathion. response, chemical reaction, and thus

Man’s Foods-Nutrition and Environments in Food Gathering Times and Food Producing Time
