Nov 5, 2010 - Sodium-Calcium Combination Product. National Distillers Chemical Corp., producers of metallic sodium by the electrolysis of sodium chlor...
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NEW CHEMICALS AND SPECIALTIES Sodium-Calcium Combination Product National Distillers Chemical Corp., producers of metallic sodium by t h e electrolysis of sodium chloride, offers a sodiumcalcium combination product as a lowcost source of metallic sodium, or lor reactions w h e r e the calcium content of the product will prove advantageous. I t is shipped in brick form, packed dry in 55-gal. drums. Typical analysis ( b y w e i g h t ) of the combination product is: sodium 6 5 to 7 5 % , calcium 15 to 2 5 % , sodium monoxide 1 0 % , and chlorides (sodium and calcium) 1%. CS 1



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Research on Cleansing And Healing A g e n t

worth t r y i n d r a j i ^ • ΡοΙγηη^ΓΪτ^^^^^^Μι^^^^^


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Plants: Vernon, California Jackson, Mississippi Salt Lake City, Utah

American Cyanamid C o . is making available, in trial-lot quantities, 3,3'iminobispropylamine. This compound is a colorless, high-boiling, strongly basic amine, a n d is completely mlscible at room t e m p e r a t u r e with water a n d most c o m mon organic solvents. 3,3'-Iminobispropylamine has been found useful in t h e synthesis of ion exchange resins. T h e company suggests that the potentialities of t h e compound a s a a intermediate for t h e preparation of surface active agents, pharmaceuticals, and d y e stuffs should b e investigated, since its structure a n d t h e three-carbon separation between amine groups differentiate i t from other available polyamines. CS 2

A treatment using a high purity crystalline form of trypsin, called T r y p t a r b y Armour and Co. w h o make t h e product, is being developed by L. S. Roettig, Richard Patton, a n d H o w a r d G. Reiser, all on the surgical faculty of Ohio State University. T h e procedure w a s devised originally to remove fibrous clots from the chest cavity in tuberculous empyema, but it has proved quite effective also, a c cording to Dr. Roettig, in contaminated amputations d u e to accidents, blood clots following blood vessel surgery, chronic bone infection, diabetic gangrene, sloughing wounds after failure of skin grafts, varicose ulcers, b e d sores, a n d several other conditions. Tryptar is injected into t h e chest o r other cavity. I n an open surface w o u n d it may b e applied directly as crystals o r in a w e t dressing. It must b e a p p l i e d every few hours, b u t t h e treatment takes only a few days. T h e r e are no side-effects from surface u s e , b u t it is sometimes necessary to control a histaminelike r e action with medication when it is i n jected. Dr. Roettig reported that trypsin is C H EM I C A l

For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on a n y i t e m o r process mentioned h e r e , see coupon on p a g e 1 3 5 6

rapid in action, nonantigenie a n d nonirritating. I t will not h a r m living tissue a n d will greatly facilitate t h e process of tissue repair. Because of its peculiar property of dissolving d e a d tissue while not affecting living tissue, it enables elean wounds to heal quickly a n d not to b e c o m e chronic ulcers. Dr. Roettig also said another result of the use of T r y p t a r is t h e disappearance of bacteria as well as dead tissue from wounds. F u r t h e r m o r e , it needs no special case work-up or laboratorycontrol. The use of T r y p t a r is still in t h e experimental state, but Armour is setting u p other research programs in various clinics to outline clearly t h e value of t h e treatment as more of t h e enzyme becomes available. CS 3

Slime Control in Cooling W a t e r Systems Santophen 4 5 , a technical grade of sodium trichlorophcnate, is reported by Monsanto Chemical Co. to b e effective against bacteria and algae, common slimeforming organisms in large cooling water systems. I t is readily soluble in water and m a y b e introduced into t h e system a t any convenient point. According to t h e manufacturer, Santophen 45 is toxic to gram-negative bacteria, common slime producers. Because of t h e water solubility of the acid or free chlorophenol form, it is favorably a d a p t e d to cooling waters that a r e maintained in a n acid condition. The product possesses t h e typical c-hloro phenolic odor characteristic of this class of c o m p o u n d s . I t is n o t recommended w h e r e odor is a matter of concern, such as in most of t h e p u l p a n d paper industry. CS 4

insecticide Reference Standards With t h e cooperation of t h e various members of t h e insecticide industry, t h e American Association of Economic E n t o mologists, section on insecticides, has undertaken t h e sponsorship of insecticide reference standards. These standards a r e intended chiefly for bioassays of insecticides; however, they are also suitable for use a s standards for chemical assays a n d in collaborative insecticide research studies. T h e following A A E E Reference Standards became available on April 1: D D T , technical grade Methoxychlor, technical grade Lindane Toxaphene Tetraethyl pyrophosphate, 4 0 % Parathion, technical grade Chlordan, technical grade AND



Treat Cooling Water

There will be a charge of $1.00 per standard. Order must be accompanied by remittance. All shipments will be made via express collect. Send orders to the following distributing agency: Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, Insecticide Testing Laboratory, Madison 1, Wis. CS 5


ie Proven Way

Ethyl-Mercury Salts Medical Chemicals Corp. offers some 18 ethyl-mercury salts of inorganic, aromatic, and aliphatic . acids in pharmaceutical, purified, technical, and crude grades. Because of their protective effects against bacteria, fungus, and mildew, this series of compounds is of interest to the textile, leather, tanning, adhesive, and paint industries. CS 6



Heat-Resistant Bake Enamel. A baking enamel for finishing metals that offers resistance to heat has been developed by the United Lacquer Mfg. Corp, Originally intended to provide an attractive protective finish for ash trays, Base Y 2323 is now expected to be used for a variety of other metal objects that are subjected to heat while in use. The enamel adhers well to steel, aluminum, brass, chrome plate, gold, and silver. It is nonyellowing and gives good chemical, solvent, and mar resistance. It is available in all colors and in full gloss, semigloss, and flat finishes. Application may be by the spray or dip process. CS 7 Penicillin Therapy. Crystalline Penicillin O, Potassium, trade-marked Cer-OCillin, in an antibacterial substance differing from penicillin G in that the benzyl group of the latter is replaced by the allylmercaptomethyl group. The Upjohn Co. is preparing and packaging the compound in sterile, dry powder, 200,000 units per vial. Cer-O-Cillin is indicated in penicillin G-sensitive patients in the treatment of streptococcic, staphylococcic, pneumococcic. and gonococcic infections. CS 8 Prometron. Schering Corp. is manufacturing this product. Each ml. contains 2.5 mg. estradiol benzoate U.S.P., and 12.5 mg. crystalline progesterone U.S.P. in oil solution for intramuscular injection. The compound is used in the treatment of secondary amenorrhea of short duration due to endocrine deficiency. Dosage consists of 1 ml. given intramuscularly, followed the next day by the same dose. The complete treatment is two injections.






2 9,



High labor costs involved in frequent condenser tube cleaning are eliminated when chlorination is employed. Manhours used for tube cleaning can be utilized for other m a i n t e n a n c e j o b s , an important factor with the increasing manpower shortage.

Elimination of frequent shut-down for tube cleaning helps power plants stay continuously "on the line." When chlorination is employed, many plants find that outage for cleaning is reduced to once per year and then only for removing trash from tube sheets. Years of operation have proved the dependability and a c c u r a c y of W&T Chlorinators for cooling water treatment. Low maintenance and automatic program operation keep operating costs to a minimum. Your W&T Engineer is prepared to make a survey of your plant to recommend the proper chlorination equipment. Write today for more information on slime control — no obligation, of course.

CS 9

Protective Masking Compound. Eutectic Welding Alloys Corp. is offering an aid in protecting surfaces from welding heat, flames, and spatter. The compound, called Eutect-Mask, is canned in thin paste form which can be spread quickly with the welding flux over the area to be protected. The dried residue, it is claimed, is easily removed after the welding operation is completed. CS 10

Hundreds of power plants and refineries have found chlorination by W&T the answer to heat exchanger slime problems. By eliminating slime forming- m i c r o organisms, maximum heat transfer is maintained in the c o n d e n s e r s . The result — overall plant efficiency is kept at a maximum.


W & T Air Operated Visible Vacuum Chlorinator

W A L t À C Ε" & TIER Ν Α Ν :'V"^Rb-DÙÇtS>3N;Ci;;^;':·;·/?.Ç H.L 0 R Ι Ν c A Ν D C ΗΈ M! C A l . C o k Τ R Ο Ιί'î Q U Ι Ρ ΜΈΝ.Τ Belleville 9,· New Jersey •.Represented in ,Principal Cities-.

