First Page Image. Pregnanediol Glucuronide And Estriol Glucuronide. Sigma Chemical Co. has recently announced the availability of pregnanediol glucuro...
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IMEW CHEMICALS AND SPECIALTIES Pregnanediol Glucuronide And Estriol Glucuronide Sigma Chemical Co. has recently an­ nounced the availability of pregnanediol glucuronide and estriol glucuronide. These compounds have been quite diffi­ cult to obtain because of the need for human pregnancy urine as a source mate­ rial and a tedious extraction procedure. This offering by Sigma now makes these compounds readily available for re­ search purposes. The purity is expected to run in excess of 9 8 % on the preg­ nanediol glucuronide and 90% on the estriol glucuronide, thus making these compounds more than adequate for spectrophotometric standards. CS 1 Cleaners f o r Instrument P a r t s Two companion cleaners for use in re­ pairing and overhauling clock, watch, and measuring-instrument parts are announced by the Aviation-Industrial Chemicals Divi­ sion of Fine Organics, Inc. FO-126 is designed for use in instru­ ments parts-washing machines and is not­ able for fast, efficient cleaning without corrosive effect to parts. It is rinsable with water or standard trade solvents. FO-131 is made for bench use for hand cleaning and rejuvenation of clock, watch, and instrument parts and jewelry. CS 2 Fire Extinguisher Fluid Chlorobromomethane, a fire extin­ guishing agent, is now being manufac­ tured on a commercial scale by Eston Chemicals, Inc. Large-scale tests made by the Navy and Army Air Forces have proved the effectiveness of this material, particularly for fighting magnesium, in­ cendiary, and electrical fires. Its efficiency on a weight basis is reported to b e more than twice that of carbon tetrachloride. CS 3 Crystalline Enzymes Crystalline enzymes have been added to the list of research chemicals of Mann Fine Chemicals, Inc. Included in this list is hyaluronidase and trvpsin. The latte : is receiving considerable attention for its ability to proteolyze dead tissue in suppurating lesions. Enzymes are assayed in accordance with the most advanced procedures available, according to the company. CS 4 Glucose-6-Phosphcte Dehydrogenase Sigma Chemical Co. is now offering the enzyme, glucose-6-phosphate dehy­ drogenase, as well as a high purity glucose-6-phosphate. These preparations are of considerable interest to those laboratories working with VOLUME

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nucleotides. They are specific reagents for the assay of triphosphopyridine nu­ cleotide, which was itself recently offered by Sigma in research quantities. Glucose6-phosphate dehydrogenase is also known as "Zwisciheiiferinent:." CS 5


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Cast Iron Welding. An electrode for cast iron welding, EutecTrode 26, has been announced by Eutectic Welding Al­ loys Corp. This electrode, it is claimed, differs from conventional ferrous elec­ trodes in that the carbon content is evenly distributed. CS 6 Trypsin Available. Crystalline trypsin, produced by Armour Laboratories under the brand name of Tryptar, is available to all registered hospitals in the country. Used for cleaning dead tissue from wounds and body cavities, it is expected to be in sufficient supply for general distribution within a short time. CS 7 Flooring Material. An industrial floor material of asphalt-rock limestone and cold asphalt emulsion to which pulverized rubber h a s been added is being marketed by Flash-Stone Co. Called Immediate-Set, it is claimed to have three times the resist­ ance to loads, impact, and shock found in the same type of material without the rubber. CS 8 Terramycin for Ear Infections. Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., has introduced a terra­ mycin product for treating external ear infections. The dosage consists of a vial containing 25 mg. of crystalline terramycin hydrochloride and a dropper bottle con­ taining 5 cc. of a mixture of 95% propyl­ ene glycol and 5 % benzocaine. The anti­ biotic destroys infecting bacteria, the ben­ zocaine eases pain and discomfort, and the propylene glycol softens waxy deposits and relieves congestion. CS 9 Hand Cleaner. A hand cleaner that turns to a liquid when applied is being added to the Skin-Cote line manufactured by Boyer-Campbell Co. It contains a sol­ vent, buffered by emollient oils, petro­ latum, and lanolin. It has been found effective in removing carbonaceous dirt from hands and also from painted sur­ faces. CS 10 Rubber-Base Wall Coating. Faratex, a rubber-base wall coating, is announced by Truscon Laboratories. Resistant to alkali, it shows no "dead spots" from the lime in plaster or because of variations in sur­ face porosity. It is claimed that unpainted walls a n d ceilings require no sealing coat before application of Paratex. CS 11



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