Nov 5, 2010 - Granodine is said to form a nonmetallic, crystalline zinc phosphate coating which bonds paint to metal, inhibits the spread of underfini...
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NEW CHEMICALS AND SPECIALTiES Sponge Rubber Blowing Agent Ansul Chemical Co. has introduced a new product designated as Ansul Bio. a nontoxic·. nondiscoloring. and odorless sponge rr v 'l)er blowing .ment. The manu­ facturer claims this blowing agent is a tree flowing. uiiitcnnK M/.ed dry powder that may be used with either natural or synthetic rubber. One part of Ansul Bio is said to be equal to two parts of sodium bicarbonate; it is water repellent and re­ sistant to l imping, caking, and leaching. CS 1

Protective Finish f o r Steel American Chemical Paint Co. has intro­ duced a product known as Granodine, claimed to give a finish on steel which meets government specifications for ord­ nance products. Granodine is said to form a noiimetallic. crystalline zinc phosphate coating which bonds paint to metal, in­ hibits the spread of underfinish corrosion, and thus protects painted steel from rust damage. According to company engineers, Granodine may be applied by spraying, dipping, or brushing, and at various tem­ peratures. CS 2

M a t e r i a l Processed from Perlite Great Lakes Carbon Coq·), has an­ nounced the availability of products proc­ essed from perlite, which it claims are adaptable to a number of uses. Important properties of the products are their small sealed voids which account for their light weight and their good insulating proper­ ties, high surface area, irregular shape, and mild abrasives. According to the company, the proc­ essed products are dry, white powders having a chemical composition high in silicates and aluminum oxide with a small percentage 1 of other elements. They are inorganic, insoluble in water and in most acids, contain no oxidizing elements, a n d have low electrical conductivity and vapor adsorption. T h e processed materials should he of interest to the oil industry for use in drill­ ing and cementing oil wells; and in indus­ tries in need of materials for fillers, ex­ tenders, insulants, refractories, fire r e ­ tardants, and abrasives. CS 3

o-Chloroacetamide Chemical Development Corp. is now producing α-chloroacetamide, a white, crystalline solid with a molecular weight of 93.52 and melting point of 119° C , water- and alcohol-soluble. Although t h e eventual potential uses of this material arcnot known, the company suggests its use as a resin catalyst, photographic antifogging agent, and in the manufacture of in­ termediates, such as a-chloroa-.etonitrile. 2768

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a-aminoacetanude, α-cyanoacetamide, βaminopropionamidc, and α,ω-dicyanobutyramide. CS 4

4-Property Compound Sahyun Laboratories have developed an ointment known as Diaphine Hydrochlo­ ride that is said to b e a surface anesthetic, bactericide, fungicide, and antihistamine. T h e laboratory reports that the d r u g is sale for both oral and surface use in the treatment of urinary infections, trigonitis, burns, and infectious diseases of t h e skin, such as eczema, ringworm, impetigo, and athlete's foot. CS 5

Soldering Fluxes and Process The Coronil Soldering Process, for use in the manufacture of automotive radia­ tors and other heat exchange equipment, has been announced by Mathieson Chemi­ cal Corp. T h e process employs a series of soldering fluxes bearing the n a m e M C C which w e r e developed coopera­ tively by McCord Corp. a n d Mathieson. It is claimed that M C C fluxes, which are m a d e from hydrazine, are suitable for use in joining most of the commonly used metals, producing bonds of good strength. They leave no corrosive residues and eliminate corrosion of plant equipment, simplify production methods, a n d pro­ duce radiators of good strength. CS 6

Liquid Floor W a x A liquid wax composition, designated as Nu Surfas Pen-Trating Wax, said to make floors water resistant, greaseproof, stainproof, marproof, and to eliminate traffic lanes, has b e e n introduced by Nu Surfas Corp. T h e company claims that the use of this wax reduces maintenance costs of wood, concrete, terrazzo. marble, ceramic tile, linoleum, and cork floors, provides underfoot safety, adds years to the life of commercial and industrial flooring, and makes any further waxing unnecessary. T h e company points out that Nu Surfas Pen-Trating Wax is com­ posed of oil and solids blended to t h e con­ sistency of water which, by means of oxidation, becomes an integral part of the flooring. CS 7

Process Cuts Corrosion; Saves C r i t i c a l M e tes is Strategic metals such as nickel can, after continued use, still give the economical protection against corrosion with the use of Lectro-Clad pipe and fittings made available by the Bart Mfg. Corp. C H E M I C A L

T h e Bart process is a p a t e n t e d process for depositing a p r e d e t e r m i n e d thickness of nickel on the interior a n d / o r exterior of p i p e a n d fittings from 1.5- to 20-in. International Pipe S t a n d a r d . Only 0.006 in. nickel is necessary to protect against most corrosive action; however, in e x t r e m e cases up to 0.015 in. or more can be a p ­ plied. T h e company claims that t h e b o n d is such that the nickel becomes an i n t e ­ gral p a r t of the steel. T h e lining has been proved to be p o r e free and can w i t h s t a n d beating, b e n d i n g , welding, and reducing without any eflect to t h e b o n d or corrosive resistance of t h e nickel, according to the c o m p a n y . C S 8

L o w - T e m p e r a t u r e Pyranol For Specialty C a p a c i t o r s C e n e r a l Electric C o . announces the d e ­ velopment of a l o w - t e m p e r a t u r e Pyranol, which it claims extends the useful r a n g e of specialty Pyranol capacitors. Pyranol specialty capacitors show n o loss in microfarad capacity for t e m p e r a ­ ture d o w n to — 32° C , which means t h a t the same specialty capacitor can b e used, not only for high a n d low t e m p e r a t u r e s , but also for indoor and outdoor applica­ tions, the company says. T h e use of this d e v e l o p m e n t in capaci­ tors for such applications as capacitor motors a n d fluorescent ballasts m e a n s that t h e c o l d - w e a t h e r uses of these u n i t s will b e extended. CS 9

Fast C o l o r Bases T h e Hilton-Davis Chemical Co. has in­ troduced a series of stable fast color bases, designated as Spectrolenes, w h i c h m a k e possible rapid mixture with combinations of n a p h t h o l s for a n u m b e r of brilliant shades. T h e colors are said to b e effec­ tive for textile d y e i n g a n d printing. T h e m a n u f a c t u r e r claims that loss of color value d u e to prolonged storage h a s been cut to a m i n i m u m . Presently avail­ able Spectrolenes a r e : R e d KB, Red R C , Scarlet 2 G , O r a n g e H D , a n d Blue B. Hilton-Davis p r o d u c e s 16 n a p h t h o l s a n d combinations of these with each fast color base. CS 10

F e r r o t i t e M e t a l Conditioner T h e Baltimore Paint and Color W o r k s offers Ferrotite, a m e t a l conditioning pri­ mer for ferrous metals, aluminum, a n d m a g n e s i u m alloys, b a s e d on c o m b i n e d resins. T h e company claims that t h e p r o d ­ uct eliminates the need for conventional chemical metal surface preparations, a n d that it acts chemically t o lock a resinous film into the surface of the metal, pro­ viding a h a r d , t o u g h , corrosion-resistant base for protective a n d decorative finishes. Application is by spray gun, d i p p i n g , brushing, or roll coater. T h e c o m p a n y points out that F e r r o t i t e is not i n t e n d e d as a finishing coat, b u t as a s h o p coat to protect a clean surface from contamination and to give t e m p o ­ rary metal protection. C S 11 A N D