rayon and nylon, Hi-Tac can b e emplo> e d as an additive to improve t h e adhesive properties of standard latex-type adhesives for a variety of applications. CS 3
Feed-Grade Methionine Phenolic Plastics A class of phenolic plasties is being produced by Bakélite division, Union Carbide and Carbon Corp. and is designated as C-22 general-purpose phenolic molding materials. These new phenolics, with curing rates 15 to 45 r r faster than those of phenolics previously regarded as last-curing, also offer high gloss and good mold release, the company reports. Three such materials, all suitable for compression and plunger molding in positive or semipositive molds, are currently available: BM-18750 b l a c k - a generalpurpose nonbleedproof molding material offered in the flow range 50 to 120; BM-18752 brown—a general-purpose bleedproof brown material^offered in the flow range 50 to 130; and BM-18751 Black—a general-purpose bleedproof .material offered in t h e flow range 50 to 130. To determine various flow ranges, flow was taken at 700 p.s.i. CS 1
Enteric-Coated Aspirin T h e Arner Co. has announced the development of a process to mass produce enteric-coated aspirin tablets. These can safely be taken by people who
For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on any item or process mentioned here, see coupon on p a g e 2 4 6 7
suffer gastric distress from ordinary aspirins. The enteric-coated tablet will withstand action of gastric juices for three hours and readily disintegrates in the intestines, according to Carlton F . Zimmerman, chief control chemist. CS 2
Latex Adhesives For Rayon and NySon
TefrazoSium Salts
High strength bonds are obtained between rubber and rayon or n> Ion through the use of two new latices, designated as Hi-Tae 56'-\l and Hi-Tae 802, the General Tire & Rubber Co. has annouiu ed. Both types are recommended for treating cord or fabric to be used in the m a n u facture of tires, belting, hose, or other iubber goods involving a fabric-rubber structure. In preparing commercial dips, these latices may be blended with resorcinol formaldehyde resin solution to obtain high levels of adhesion. In addition to their use in latex dips for
K C A , ^
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Sharpies Chemicals, Inc., h a s a n n o u n c e d that isobutylamine and diisobutylamine are available in semicommercial quantities. Commercial production can b e initiated if d e m a n d warrants. These t w o chemicals h a v e b e e n suggested in technical and p a t e n t literature as intermediates for use in the following industries: agriculture, petroleum, p h a r maceutical, plastics, rubber, a n d textile.
I m p e r v i o u s t o a l m o s t all acids . . . t h i s n e w m a t e r i a l is odorless, t a s t e l e s s a n d n o n - t o x i c . I t will n o t cloud or b r e a k d o w n in t h e presence of Corrosive c h e m i c a l s . . . a n d h a s m a n y p r o p e r t i e s w h i c h c a n n o t be m a t c h e d b y a n y o t h e r m a t e r i a l . Ask for further details on your letterhead.
Chemical Resistance
% CHANGE SOLUTION dimensional weight 30 Cc > H,SO< .062 3 H;SO< .091 10 I N a O H .086 1 c NaOH 0.10 ethanol .053 50 c ethano! .085 acetone 2.1 1.0 ethyl acetate 0.35 .45 ethylene dichloride 1.5 2.5 CCI, none .022 Cone: H C I 0.067
SOLUTION toluene heptane 1 0 ' ; NaCi distilled Η , Ο ΙΟ''; H N Ô , 10' ο HCI 5 ' ; acetic acid oleic acid 10 l "; NH.OH 2'c Nd.CO, 3'c H O . ,
CS 6
PRODUCT % CHANGE dimensional weight none
.018 .016 .082 0.10 0.10 .099 0.13 .078 0.25 0.11 0.11
Test Method 7 0 1 1 , Federal Specification L P - 4 0 6 A .
hOiSéhtûîÎ hhnratftnP< inc. 2462
T h e Montclair Research Corp. has announced t h e production of a n u m b e r of tetrazohuin salts. T h e salts available at present are 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazohuin chloride, neotetrazolium chloride [ p , / / diphenylene-Z?is-2- ( 3,5-diphenyl tetrazolium c h l o r i d e ) ] , and neotetrazolium phosphate. These water-soluble compounds are reduced by living cells to stable colored derivatives. T h e neotetrazohum salts, which are colored purple to black in t h e reduced form, have been used in histological research, since the p r o d u c e d color contrasts distinctly with blood-containing tissue. T h e triphenyl tetrazolium chloride yields a d e e p red color on r e d u c t i o n a n d has been used successfully as a m e a n s of determining the germinating ability of seeds. CS 5
Bsobufylamine And Diisobisfylamine
-V-· * 4
Availability of a feed-grade methionine in a price range that will enable feed m a n u facturers to use the amino acid in fortifying soybean meal has been a n n o u n c e d b y U. S. Industrial Chemicals, I n c . USI's feed grade methionine is a lightgray, free-flowing powder. It is used in varying amounts, d e p e n d i n g o n the quantity of fish and animal protein in t h e feed. For all-vegetable rations, addition of one to two pounds of methionine per ton ot feed has resulted in marked improvement in both rate of gain a n d feed efficiency, it is said. CS 4
Amebiasis Treatment. An organic arsenic-bismuth compound, called Milibis, has been introduced by Winthrop-Stearns, Inc., for use in treating amebiasis. CS 7 Concrete Floor Paint. T h e W i l b u r & Williams Co. has brought out a quick, air-drying, vinyl coating to simplify t h e concrete-floor system of application. T h e coating is said to resist at least 10 times the wear as compared to m a n y applications and also to resist gasoline, oils, greases, animal fats, a n d m a n y chemicals.
CS 8 A N D