New chemicals=new opportunities

MORE INFORMATION AND. OTHER CHEMICALS. There are many more new7 chemicals available. Twenty-one are featured in the 1957 edition of "Physical Proper t...
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New chemicals=new opportunities Noufs the time to start your study of the 21 chemicals newly available from Carbide and Carbon. If you are interested in product improvement or developing profitable new products check these chemicals, for instance: CELLOSIZE HYDROXYETHYL CELLULOSE WP-4400— an outstanding thickening and stabilizing agent for all types of latex paints; for cosmetics, pharmaceu­ ticals, and textile specialties. DECANOIC ACIO— for preparing paint dryers with improved h y d r o c a r b o n solubility; barium salt as a stabilizer for vinyl chloride resins; as an inter­ mediate for plasticizers and lubricants. 2-AAETHYLPENTANOIC ACID— f or t h e production of dies ter lubricants, plasti­

cizers, non-yellowing alkyd resins, flavoring. MORE INFORMATION OTHER CHEMICALS


There are many more new7 chemicals available. Twenty-one are featured in the 1957 edition of "Physical Proper­ ties of Carbide and Carbon Chemicals." This quick and easy reference contains the latest physical property and con­ densed application data for more than 335 organic chemicals. # · · Call or write the nearest CARBIDE office for your copy. Ask for F-6136. In Canada: Carbide Chemicals Company, Division of Union Carbide Canada Limited, Montreal and Toronto.




Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Company A Division of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation 30 East 42nd Street


New York 17, Ν. Υ.

The term "Cellosize" is a registered trade­ mark of Union Carbide ana Carbon Cor­ poration. VOL. 49, NO. 5


MAY 1957