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Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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LATEST INFORMATION ON SODIUM HANDLING Only the cover remains the same on the third—and latest—edition of USI's comprehensive brochure, "Handling Metallic Sodium on a Plant Scale." You'll find the contents of this authoritative source of sodium technology completely revised and greatly expanded. The new brochure contains the latest information on metallic sodium and its applications, sodium-handling equipment, methods of handling sodium in the plant and general safety and first aid procedures. A comprehensive list of references has also been up-dated. New information has swelled the equipment section to more than double its previous size. There are many clear, easy-to-follow illustrations and diagrams plus much more detail on such aspects of sodium handling as construction of pipelines; heating lines and valves; insulation, repair and alteration of lines; recommended gaskets, valves and vessels; pumping, transferring, filtering and

purifying the liquid metal; and instrumentation of liquid sodium systems. Whether the volume of sodium you use is large or small, you'll find "Handling Sodium on a Plant Scale" useful. Write for your copy today. For assistance on specific problems involving sodium, contact our Technical Service Department.

DUSTRIAL CHEMICALS CO. Division of National Distillers and Chemical Corp. 9 9 Park Ave., N e w York 1 6 , N. Y. Branches in principal cities Please send me:


Handling Metallic Sodium on a Plant Scale n High Surface Sodium • ' Sodium Dispersions

Analytical Method for Sodium Hydride Production & Application of Alcohol-Free Sodium Alkoxides Laboratory Production & Use of Sodium Wire

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