New FLEXOL plasticizer DOP with improved color - C&EN Global

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New FLEXOL plasticizer DOP mt\\ improved color Trade-Mark

TV o grades of FXEXOL Plasticizer D O P are ncn\r available from Carbide's excpauded plant facilities. D O P is the mos-t widely used plasticizer for vinyl resins, because i t combines s o many desirable properties in one plasticizer. Highly compatible with vinyls, its low volatility a n d resistance to water extraction extend the useful life of vinyl products. N o w , . . top quality is assured you b y the availability of color-improved D O P from Carbide.

F L E X O L Plasticizer D O P for all n o n ­ electrical uses—maximum A . P . H . A . color of 100. F L E X O L Plasticizer D O P - 1 5 0 for elec­ trical u s e s — D . C . resistivity over 2 χ 1 0 δ m e g o h m / c m . a n d a power factor u n d e r 4 per c e n t — m a x i m u m A . P . H . A . color of 150.

In nitrocellulose finishes DOP combines the desirable advantages of low volatility, excellent print resistance, and good cold-check resistance. Samples of thenewFLEXOLPlasticizers D O P and DOP-150 for your own evaluation will be supplied on recpiest. Call o r write our n e a r e s t office. W h e n writing, please address Dept.E-5.

Performance i n VINYLITE Resin VYNW ( 3 5 . 5 % DOP) Plasticizer Lossin 1 0 d a y s from 0 . 0 0 4 " V Y N W film: Air, 6 0 ° C .


Wa*er,25°C Oil,




Brittle Temperature


Stiffness at -10°C

2 8 , 0 0 0 psi

"Flexol" and "VinyZite" are registered trade-marks of C & CCC VOLUME

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