New High-Temperature Material - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - ADD ANOTHER HIGH-TEMPERATURE material to the list. It's a felted asbestos—phenolic resin material made by Continental-Diamond Fibre Co...
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EQUIPMENT New High-Temperature Material Asbestos-phenolic laminates and moldings stand up to exposures for brief periods a t 3 5 0 0 F. JHLDD



material to the list. It's a felted asbes­ tos—phenolic resin material made by Continental-Diamond Fibre Corp. The material comes in laminated sheets or as molded tubes and molded rods. Parts made of the material can take continuous operation at 500° F., inter­ mittent operation at 900° F., the com­ pany says. In addition, tests show the asbestos-base phenolic can withstand temperatures of 2500° and 3500° F. for limited periods in the 10- to 15second range. And after exposure at high temperatures, the material still holds on to a large part of its mechani­ cal strength, the company adds. To make the laminate, felted asbes­ tos made from extra-long staple, nonferrous asbestos fiber is impregnated with a heat-resistant phenolic resin or varnish. Molded tubes, rods, and parts use the same kind of phenolic resin combined with types of asbestos adapt­ able to a molding operation. The type of asbestos fiber used for the laminates is ASTM grade (D-375-52) AAAA. Some of the properties of the mate­ rial, claims C D F : β

Heat resistance.

• Chemical resistance. • Water resistance. • Good dimensional stability. • Elimination of or reduction in sur­ face crazing in finished items. In addition, the material has high stiffness, low porosity, and good insula­ tion properties. Parts subjected to tem­ peratures from 300 to 350° F. in dry or wet steam show little change of di­ mensions or mechanical strength, the company says. And, C D F adds, the laminates retain their dry properties after being immersed in boiling water for two hours or water at room tempera­ ture for 30 days. Standard fabricating or machining methods can be used with the material, according to the company. Some of these: drilling, milling, tapping, sawing, countersinking, counterboring, and 58


F E B . 3, 1 9 5 8

threading on automatic screw machines. And laminates u p to Vie inch thick have been cold-punched using conven­ tional punching techniques. When compared to electrical grades of conventional high-pressure laminates, the asbestos phenolic shows average electrical insulating properties. Pre­ liminary tests on 0.045-in. thicknesses, says CDF, result in a short-time dielec­ tric strength of 160 volts per mil. Arc resistance is about 190 seconds. CDF is aiming the material at mis­ sile and aircraft manufacture right now. But the company is carrying on tests to expand the area of commercial use. El

• /VUcrofiim planetary camera for high-speed and error-proof production is available from Microline Products (GAF). Automatic exposure control of the M T / O 35 mm. camera compen­ sates for variations in voltage as well as background density and gives exact exposure time. Reduction range is 12 to 30X; copy table is 40 by 60 in., the company says. Ε2 • A viewer-enlarger-processor which produces 18- by 24-iri. working prints from unitized microfilm is available from Microline Products ( G A F ) . A single push-button control activates the Micromatic which automatically de­ livers stabilized prints to the operator in less than a minute, according to the company. Ε3 • Fabricated plastic extrusions—fin­ ished or semifinished parts which are made from plain extruded rods, tubes, or molding—can now be made to speci­ fications by Anchor Plastics. Ε4 • Prefabricated membrane water­ proofing, known as Glasell, is made up of multiple plies of glass fabric laminated with coal tar pitch or asphalt. The manufacturer, Tvvinsburg-Miller, says it may be applied either by hot mopping or cold adhesive. Ε5

• Crystal lattice -models of feldspar, α-quartz I, a-quartz II, β-qusurtz I, and ^-quartz II have been added to the line distributed by Arthur S. LaPine. The models consist of wooden spheres fixed in position and permanently joined by metal rods. Angles and dimensions of the models are based on data obtained by x-ray and electron diffraction. Lin­ ear magnification is 250 million times, 1 A equals 2 5 mm. Ε6

Lab W a r e · « · • Lab vacuum furnace, built on the modular principle, is being made by New York Air Brake. Designated the F-15, the furnace assembly is said to be capable of all the following vacuum or inert gas operations: melting, cast­ ing, annealing, alloying, sintering, heat treating, and crystal growing. It can also b e converted to a high vacuum evaporator by attaching a special base plate assembly and an 18- by 30-in. bell jar to the pumping unit. Ε7 • Controlled! h u m i d i t y cabinets are now available from Blue M with dry bulb temperatures from 32° to 185° F. and controlled relative humidity from 20 to 9 8 % . The cabinets come in two sizes, 5.8 and 27 cu. ft. Ε8 • A forced-convection oven made by National Appliance is designed to save lab bench space. Floor model 5921 has controls and blower motor mounted under the oven chamber. Έ9 • A m b e r - c o l o r e d p o l y e t h y l e n e bottles are now available from Nalge Co. Used for storing bght-sensitive mate­ rials, the bottles are all in the Boston round shape and come in small sizes of 1, 2 , 4, 8, 16, and 32 ounces and E in large sizes of V 2 a n d 1 gal. Ό • N e w vacuum arc melting furnace, by New York Air Brake, melts, alloys, consolidates, or refines very high tem­ perature metals and alloys, the com­ pany says. The unit is primarily a re­ search furnace for producing experi­ mental amounts of high-purity metals. It can use either consumable or nonconsumable electrodes. Ell • Filtering flask and Erlenmeyer flask of 50O-ml. capacity are now made by Nalge from Mar lex 50 polyethylene. Ε 12 • High-flux g a m m a irradiators, manu­ factured b y Isotopes Specialties, are for use from 60O r per hr. to over 3 X 10 e r ner h r . Ε 13

Fluid Handling · · · • Pyroceram tubing is now commer­ cially available from Corning Glass. Tubing, in diameters ranging from 1/8 to 3 / 4 in., can b e u s e d for such appli­ cations as heat exchangers. As diame­ ters increase, Corning says it could b e used for process piping. Coefficient of expansion is 5 to 11 Χ 10 - 7 c m . / c m . / ° C . (compared with 3 2 Χ Ι Ο 7 for borosilicate glass.) Ε 14 • Pipe groovers that roll grooves in lightweight pipe and tubing without re­ moving any metal h a v e been added to Victaulic's line. T h e s e are portable tools and are adjustable from V/4 to 12 in. in diameter. Grooved pipe ends make leak-tight joinings with the com­ pany's snap-joint couplings. Ε15 • Tank-mounted



are being made by Davey Compressor to operate at 100 and 200 p.s.i. Davey says they are free from vibration a n d do not require special compressor rooms or foundations. Ε1 6 • Ductile

iron s t e a m traps



available from Strong, Carlisle, & H a m ­ mond. T h e traps are designed for serv­ ice to 500 p.s.i. and 650° F. They have an inverted bucket design a n d in­ ternal parts are m a d e of stainless steel.

• Tapered reducing flanges lined with Fluoroflex-T, a virgin Teflon compound, are now being m a d e by Resistoflex. Ε 22

• Teflon spray n o z z l e s with flow rates of 2 gal. per min. or less have b e e n de­ veloped by Bete F o g Nozzle, Inc. They are m a d e in eight models with 80° spray patterns. 23

Processing · · · • An acid mixer w i t h a sloping bottom for complete d r a i n a g e has been devel­ oped by American Agile. T h e mixer is m a d e of polyethylene, has a 10-gal. capacity. T n e r e a r e seven flanged outlets, four on t o p , two on t h e side, and one on the bottom, each 1 in. in diameter. Ε 24 • Hydraulic ram b e n d e r said to be portable enough to be moved to the job is being m a d e b y Wallace Supplies


Mfg. It will blend 3 / 4 - through B-in. pipe, I-beams, channel, angles, or simi­ lar structural shapes. Ε 25 • A shaft-mounted gear reducer that eliminates need for motor bases, rails, supporting structures, and flexible cou­ plings is available from Lovejoy Flex­ ible Coupling. Single reduction types are said to be 9 8 % efficient and afford 4.5:1 speed ratio ( n o m i n a l ) . Double reduction types are said to b e 9 6 % efficient and afford 14.7:1 speed ratio ( n o m i n a l ) . Horsepowers range from fractional to 120, output speeds from 8 to 425 r.p.m. Ε 26 • Vitrified




Ε 27


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February 3 . 1 9 5 8

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Ε 17 • Self-priming r o t a r y gear p u m p , by

E c o Engineering, has a housing of type 3 1 6 stainless steel or Hastelloy C. Gears are m a d e of Teflon, as are the internal bearings a n d packing. The unit is designed to operate at 1750 r.p.m. with fluids of low viscosity at capacities to 10 gal. p e r min. Ε1 8





k Plastic-coated packing adapts valves for use over a 450° F. t e m p e r a t u r e range without readjustment, says Powers Regulator, t h e manufacturer. T h e packing is asbestos coated with Teflon and can b e u s e d between —50° a n d 400° F . a n d pressures u p to 250 p.s.i., the company says. Ε 19




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3 c

• Cast stainless steel fittings are now

available 3 0 0 and designed 6 7 0 ° F. 3 0 in.


types of applications are being m a d e by Simmonds-Worden-White in sizes ranging from 3 to 42 in. in diameter; special sizes a n d shapes can be made.


from Cooper Alloy in both the 400 alloy series. They are for service to 2 5 0 0 p.s.i. at a n d come in sizes from 8 to Ε 20


Readers' Information Service

• N e w line of multiple station mani­ folds comes from Valvair to eliminate t h e need for separate sub-bases w h e n mounting solenoid pilot valves. The manifolds, of aluminum alloy bar stock, come in two-, three-, four-, and fivestation types. Ε 21

Chemical a n d Engineering News 430 Park Avenue N e w York 22, Ν. Υ.





Instruments . . .


This section includes: C H E M I C A L S EXCHANGE — Chemicals, Resins, Gums, Oils, Waxes, Pigments, etc. ; EQUIPMENT MART—New Equip­ ment, Instruments, and Facilities for Plant and Laboratory; and T E C H N I ­ CAL SERVICES—Consultants, Engi­ neering, Testing and Professional Services.

• An acceleromefer, operating o n t h e electrokinetic principle, is being m a d e b y Consolidated Electrodynamics t o sense dynamic accelerations d o w n t o 0.01 G from 2 5 c p.s. to 80 k.c. I t h a s a flat response b e t w e e n 5 0 c.p.s. a n d 6 0 k.c. It senses vibratory accelera­ tion a n d shock u p t o 1000 G's a n d is not affected b y 2 0 0 G's steady-state a c ­ celeration. I n t h e instrument a polar fluid acts as a seismic mass in a cylin­ d e r partitioned laterally b y a porousceramic disk and closed at both ends b y flexible diaphragms. W h e n accelera­ tion or shock occurs it forces some of t h e polar fluid into t h e porous partition. This creates an electrical output equivalent t o the instantaneous accel­ eration. Ε 35

Advertising Rates: Space rate is $35 per inch. Lower rates available on contract basis. An "inch" advertise­ ment measures Vs" deep on one col­ umn. Additional space in even lineal inch units. Maximum Space—4" per Directory per publication. Set ads due 21 days in advance of publication; complete plates—18 days.

T E C H N I C A L SERVICES LEBERCO LABORATORIES ν Β Ë ^ ^ Industrial Toxicity I VP* 1 Cosmetic Toxicity V ^ Wm^J Pharmaceutical Toxicity ^^^m^^ Hormone Assays · Research Send for information concerning our services 127 HAWTHORNE ST.,ROSELLE PARK, N.J.



36th Year


• Digital recorder that prints 1 1 col­ u m n digital information a t rates t o five prints per second is being m a d e by Hewlett-Packard. T h e Model 560A can b e used with t w o or more counters simultaneously, digital voltmeters, time recorders, and flowmetering equip­ ment and systems. In addition to t h e printed tape record, the Model 560A provides a n analog current or voltage output to drive a galvanometer or p o ­ tentiometer strip chart recorder or to provide a servo control. Ε 36

M A I J P i r F A V « t 5Atk S T . . M A S P P T H 7 8 . N . Y . C . ~^T Formerly


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C ^ ^ ^ ^ A A ·0 * f o l l o w i n g F D A p r o c e d u r e s , f o r * OÏIOTHSI^ · chemicals, f o o d s , d r u g s , c o s m e t i c s , pesticides, additives. B i o l o g i c a l assays. Screening t e s t s . C o m p l e t e research a n d d e v e l o p m e n t services. No o b l i g a t i o n for e s t i m a t e s . F




130 East 59 St.. New York 22 ·

from page 5 9 )

• Link synchronization control system

for conveyors has been developed by U. S. Electrical Motors. I t is said to permit variable speeds of assembly on production conveyors o n those applications where absolute position synchronization between t w o conveyors is required. Position can b e h e l d within ±3 in. Ε 28 • A solenoid-operated lubricator de­ veloped to distribute lubricating oil from a self-contained reservoir or from reservoirs in the m a c h i n e itself is n o w available from Bijur Lubricating. A total of 20 bearings can b e served b y a single lubricator. 1 29 • Exothermic gas generators are avail­ able in a n e w line from A . A . Straub Co. T h e generators p r o d u c e inert gas by burning fuel gas u n d e r controlled conditions. O u t p u t of t h e standard models range from 500 to 25,000 c u . ft. per hr. Larger models c a n b e h a d to meet individual needs, t h e company says. Ε30 102


George L. Rozsa, M . D . 143 Linwood Avenue

Buffalo 9, New York

Mu S-064O

EQUIPMENT (Continued

HISTOLOGY I for I Iinlusir.v a n d R e s e a r c h

FEB. 3, 1 9 5 8

• Alumina ceramics now come i n vari­ ous shapes, a n d sizes from F r e n c h t o w n Porcelain. A m o n g the uses for t h e material, says the company: nozzle, guides, dies, p u m p s , and gages. Ε 31 • N e w oven for relief of hydrogen e m brittlement o n p l a t e d p a r t s a n d for stress relieving a n d normalizing metal parts is b e i n g introduced b y GrieveH—'dry. T h e oven has t w o chambers. operates independently a n d h a s i n _ / i d u a l maximum operating tem­ perature. T h e u n i t comes with either electric or gas heating equipment. Ε 3 2 • Continuous duty a i r compressors, by

Atlas Copco Eastern, deliver from 47 to 105 cu. ft. of air p e r min. a t pressures of 100 p.s.i. The compressors r a n g e in weight from 440 to 595 lb., can he in­ stalled a s either stationary or portable units, t h e company sâys. E 33 • Redesigned




American-Standard, come in 4 6 sizes; one, two, a n d four passes; a n d 1.2 to 124 sq. ft. of heat transfer surface. A new baffle structure with flanged lip a t each tube hole and around outer edge gives tighter tube fit, improves thermal properties, company says. Έ 3 4

• Strain g a g e l o a d cells for electrical measurement of weight of product in batching a n d storage tanks is available from Cox & Stevens Electronic Scales. They are designed in nine capacities covering t h e range from 5 0 0 to 200,000 pounds. Ε 37 • Printed circuit photorelay, b y Photobell Co,, h a s a printed circuit board held in a sheet steel cradle which fits into a conventional conduit box of t h e one-gang t y p e . Ε 38 • N e w all-electronic digitizer, b y Con­ solidated Klectrodynamics, is a n aid to mass spectrometry. I t converts the amplitude and t r u e mass n u m b e r of each mass spectrum peak on a n oscillo­ gram into a signal to a parallel-entry type paper tape printer. Readout from the unit is continuously available. Ε 3 9 j



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