Exhibiting: Modern laboratory porcelain, including alumina mortars and pestles, loose plate funnels, porous bottom cruci- bles, alumina bucking board ...
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table-top unit separates ten cubic feet of dry, ultra-pure hydrogen per hour Wherever pure hydrogen is needed and impure hydrogen is available, t h e Model C Serfass Purifier can provide a constant, economical, trouble-free source. Presently available analytical techniques a r e not sufficiently sensitive to determine any impurities in the hydrogen separated by this new i n s t r u m e n t . I m p u r e hydrogen under p r e s s u r e is passed over a resistance-heated bundle of palladium alloy tubes. Hydrogen and deuterium pass t h r o u g h t h e tubes, b u t all other gases a r e barred. Unlike p u r e palladium, the special alloy will never become b r i t tle, needs no p u r g i n g or system evacuation. Typical feed gases for t h e purifier include impure hydrogen, forming gas, cracked ammonia, and cylinder hydrogen. The model C will s e p a r a t e fifteen cubic feet of hydrogen per hour at differential p r e s s u r e s to 100 psi with a maximum outlet p r e s s u r e of 150 psi. L a r g e r capacity u n i t s a r e available on special order. FOR C O M P L E T E F A C T S on t h e Serfass Model C Hydrogen Purifier w r i t e for Bulletin 1159. The Serfass Corporation, a s u b s i d i a r y of Milton Roy Company, 1300 E. Mermaid Lane, Philadelphia 18, Pa.


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CONSOLIDATED ELECTRODYNAMICS CORP. 3 0 0 North Sierra M a d r e Villa Pasadena 1 5 , Calif.

CRESCENT M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O . 1 8 3 9 South Pulaski Rd. Chicago 2 3 , III.

Exhibiting: 21-212 Process Chromatograph, 26-312 Liquids Moisture Monitor, 26-310 Process Moisture Monitor, NEW 21-130 Mass Spectrometer. Representatives at Exhibit: Harold Wiley, Bob Enochs, E m m e t t Brownèll, Art Dean, Bill Holden, Bill Bailey, Vic Adams, Royce Howard, Lew Byers, John Scheaffer, Ed Escher. General Product Line: Develops, designs, manufactures, and sells analytical and control instruments including mass spectrometers, process refractometers, and other stream analyzers, leak detectors, and a sulfur-compound sensitive monitor called the Titrilog; data-processing instruments and systems including transducers, amplifiers, recording oscillographs, analog-to-digital converters, and magnetic tape recording systems; high vacuum equipment, including pumps, gages, valves, stills, furnaces, and coaters.

Exhibiting: No. 6000 WIG-L-BUG electric mortar & pestle for mixing and grinding small samples. Representatives at Exhibit: S. E. Sheri­ dan, V. E . Soucek, C. E. Sheridan. General Product Line: Manufactures electric mortar and pestle for small samples.



COORS PORCELAIN C O . 6 0 0 Ninth St. Golden, Colo.

Exhibiting: Modern laboratory porcelain, including alumina mortars and pestles, loose plate funnels, porous bottom crucibles, alumina bucking board and muller. Representatives at Exhibit: C. S. Ryland, B. D . Landes. General Product Line: Manufactures a complete line of scientific porcelain, including porous-bottom crucibles, alumina mortar, Buchner funnels, combustion tubes, high alumina and zircon porcelain, a n d industrial ceramics. Booth:




DISTILLATION PRODUCTS INDUSTRIES Division of Eastman Kodak Co. Rochester 3 , Ν . Υ.

Exhibiting: Organic analytical reagents and Spectro solvents for spectrophotometry and the newer Eastman organic chemicals. Representatives at Exhibit: J. T. Puess, M. Guntrum, K. Brown. General Product Line: Eastman organic chemicals—purified organic chemicals sup­ plied in the purity and quantities generally required for laboratory use. Also largerthan-laboratory amounts of rare organic chemicals. Booth:


E-C APPARATUS C O . 5 3 8 Walnut Lane Swarthmore, Penna.

Exhibiting: Countercurrent fractionator, completely automatic, with 200-tube extraction train; countercurrent frac­ tionator, manual operation, 20-tube extraction train; electrophoresis appara­ tus with water-cooled pressure plates; electroconvection apparatus; new gel electrophoresis apparatus. Representatives at Exhibit: Samuel Ray­ mond, Robert Raymond, Charles Giles, William Kempf, Norman Hibbert. General Product Line: Apparatus for the analysis and fractionation of chemical and biological materials.

C O R N I N G GLASS W O R K S Corning, Ν . Υ ,


Exhibiting: Complete display of Pyrex brand laboratory glassware, including new reverse taper stopcock of Teflon and new gas chromatography coil made of glass. Representatives at Exhibit: J . R. Bûcher, R. J. Mathieu, Κ. Bullard, R. A. Petty, J. W. Kopko. General Product Line: Laboratory glassware, laboratory drain lines, color filters, radia­ tion shielding windows, and optical glass.

THE E A T O N - D I K E M A N C O . M t . Holly Springs, Pa.




Exhibiting: A broad line of filter paper for laboratory use. Also papers for chroma­ tography, electrophoresis, and specialty uses such as indicator and test purposes, bench covering for laboratories handling radioactive materials. Representatives at Exhibit: T. H . Logan, Jr., C. E . Avery, C. U. Stevens. General Product Line: Papers for all kinds of filtration, absorption, and saturation. Booth:


COULTER INDUSTRIAL SALES C O . P. O . Box 2 2 Elmhurst, I I I .

EBERBACH CORP. P . O . Box 1 0 2 4 A n n Arbor, M i c h .

Exhibiting: Coulter counter particle size analyzer—unique electronic principle provides highly sensitive, rapid measure­ ment of number and size of particles, independent of factors other t h a n particle size. Representatives at Exhibit: Bob Ehret, Art Ulrich, Bob Berg, Herb Russinger. General Product Line: Coulter counter par­ ticle size analyzer—unique electronic prin­ ciple provides highly sensitive, rapid measurement of number and size of particles, independent of factors other than particle size.

Exhibiting: Dyna-Cath mercury cathode apparatus; differential thermal analysis apparatus, electroanalysis apparatus ; Roto-Tilt shaking hot plate; newly developed accessories for the Waring Blendor, and shaking and stirring appara­ tus for all types of laboratories. Representatives at Exhibit: R. O. Boehnke, L. W. Bittman, Robert Beuhler. General Product Line: Produces a full line of laboratory shakers and stirrers, including the Power-Stir and Lab-Stir, as well as electroanalyzers, Dyna-Cath mercury cathode apparatus, and other equipment.



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