New Insights in Chemical Reactivity by Means of Electron Pairing

Apr 17, 2002 - Comparison of localization and delocalization indices obtained with Hartree-Fock and conventional correlated methods: Effect of Coulomb...
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4794 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 106, No. 18, 2002


2001, Volume 105A Jordi Poater, Miquel Sola` , Miqel Duran, and Xavier Fradera: New Insights in Chemical Reactivity by Means of Electron Pairing Analysis Page 2052. Equations 4, 7, and 8 contained errors. The equations should read

hσσ′(r1,r2) )

f σσ′(r1,r2) Fσ(r1)


2Γσσ′(r1,r2) Fσ(r1)

- Fσ′(r2)

∫hσσ(r1,r2) dr2 ) -1; ∫hσσ′(r1,r2) dr2 ) 0 λ(A) )

λ(A) )

(Sij(A))2; ∑ i,j

δ(A,B) )

Sij(A)Sij(B) ∑ i,j

∑ (DµνDλσ - 2Dµνλσ)Sµν(A)Sλσ(A); δ(A,B) ) 2 ∑ (DµνDλσ - 2Dµνλσ)Sµν(A)Sλσ(B) µνλσ

(4) (7)



The eighth row of the first part of the Table 2 ((a) HF/ 6-31G*) is missing. The missing row reads δ(O,S) 1.380 1.373 1.064. 10.1021/jp0204511 Published on Web 04/17/2002