New Journal Appears - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - The Board therefore authorized the new journal, which will appear as a quarterly. The new journal will contain four times as many pages ...
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New Journal Appears The Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data i s issued for the first time this month jfVcs A P P L I E D PUBLICATIONS l i a s a new

territories, respectively, and to the indi­ vidual area chairmen. The eastern areas which have con­ ducted satisfactory campaigns and their iirea chairmen are: Area 5, Up-State N e w York. David \V. Stewart; Area 6, Eastern New York, Charles E. M oser; Area 7, New York Southern Tier, Λ\ alter D . Kelly, Jr.; and Area 17, Delaware-South Jersey, Vernal R. Hardy. The western areas reaching their goals are: Area 26, Central Michigan, Howard S. Nutting; Area 28, Central Illinois, Thomas L. Gresham; Area 2 9 , Central Indiana, Wayne \V. Hilty; Area 31, Southern Indiana-Northern Ken­ tucky, Peter Tavormina; Area 5 0 , Idaho-Montana, Ralph C. Shank; and Area 5 2 , Washington-Oregon, Joseph Schulein. In addition, five other areas are s o close to their goal that it is expected that they will make their quotas soon. These include Area 2 1 , Virginia-Hamp­ ton Roads; Area 23, North Carolina; Area 24, South Carolina; Area 4 0 , Mis­ souri; and Area 4 8 , Colorado-Wyoming.

journal—the Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. Predecessor of the new journal was lù-EC's Che win* al and Engineering Data Series, w h i c h was first issued in 1956 on a semiannual basis. Since the new journal w a s a part of lù-EC for four issues, this first issue will bear the designation. Volume IV, N o . 1. It will be issued twice a* often as Chemical and Engineering Data Series, and price per issue to AC'S members remains the same. As the vohime of manuscripts submitted to Chemical and Engineering Data Series became greater, it became apparent to the ACS Board of Directors that a new journal incorporating all the features of the series with ». deled features would be desirable. T h e Board therefore authorized the nexv journal, which will appear as a quarterly. The The building fund campaign of­ new journal will contain ίυιιτ times as fice at 22 East 38th St., New York many pages as the first volume did in 16, X. Y., closed on Dec. 31, 1958. 1956. All correspondence in connection T w o broad subject areas will make with the campaign should n o w be up the n e w journal. The iirst offers addressed to: data obtained through new concepts American Chemical Society or new methods, or by extensions of Building Fund Campaign such data. For example, data on 1801 Κ Street, X.W. phase equilibria, thermodynamics, and Washington 6, D . C. molecular transport may be? included. The second area contains articles which characterize compounds, list physical properties as ends in them­ selves or as aids to other studies or Conrad Installed evaluations. Carl M. Conrad, leader of th e plant fibers laboratory at USDA's Southern Regional Research Areas Exceed Quotas Laboratory, NewOrleans, is chair­ Ten of 55 fund drive areas m a n of t h e Louisi­ exceed quotas; five more ana Section for on verge of making 1 0 0 % 1959. H e was chairman-elect a n d JTOLTR of the 2 5 eastern territory areas, chairman of t h e and six of the 30 areas in t h e western nominations c o m territory, had exceeded their building C. M. Conrad mittee in 1958. fund quotas by mid-Decemoer, John H. C o n r a d served t h e section in 1954 as Nair, chairman of the planning com­ chairman of t h e manpower committee mittee, says. In announcing the 10 a n d chairman of the professional rela­ honor areas, Nair expressed thanks to tions a n d status committee. T h e n e w chairman-elect is Calvin C. Rolland of Glenn A. Ne««y n.nd Albert: T.. Elder, Leon Segal of chairmen of the eastern arid western American Cyanamid.

Southern Regional Research Labora­ tory is secretary; Jules A. Lorio, Jr., of \V. H. Curtin is treasurer; and L. R. Collins of \V. H . Curtin is member-atlarge of the executive committee.

Kruse Heads Oklahoma Paul F. Kruse, Jr., assistant direc­ tor of the Noble Foundation biomedical division, was elected chairman of t h e Oklahoma Section. He served the section last year as chair­ man-elect and chairman of the program committee. Other officers P . F. Kruse installed for 1959 are M. R. Shetlar of the University of Oklahoma, chairmanelect; Alfred J. Weinheixner of the Uni­ versity of Oklahoma, secretary; and Robert J. Sirny of Oklahoma State Uni­ versity, treasurer. Otis C. Dernier of Oklahoma State University is the new councilor; and Bernard Heston of Uni­ versity of Oklahoma is the new alter­ nate councilor.

Coastal Empire Elections Wyndham E . Priddle is the newly elected chairman of the Coastal Empire Section. Priddle is a supervisory analytical chemist at USDA's Agricul­ tural M a r k e t i n g Section, Savannah, Ga. H o m e r L. Strickland of the U. S. C u s t o m s W. E. Priddle Laboratory is chair­ man-elect of the section for 1959. Other newly elected officers for 1959 include Janet Spillane of t h e U . S. Public Health Service, secretary-treas­ urer; C. Verne Bowen of the U. S. De­ partment of Agriculture, councilor; and Arnold M . Mattson of t h e U. S. Public Health Service, alternate councilor.

Our Error C&EN, Dec. 2 9 , page 7 9 , reported that Connell Leroy Duke w a s appointed to the advisory board of Analytical Chem­ istry. The appointee's name is Con­ nell Leroy Luke. JAN.
