New Literature Digest - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

New Literature Digest. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1967, 1 (1), pp 91–91 ... Published online 14 July 2004. Published in print 1 January 1967. Learn mo...
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NEW LITERATURE DIGEST Lab catalog. A useful and comprehensive catalog for air pollution laboratory equipment is available. The catalog includes current procedures for standard air pollution tests and a complete listing of the equipment needed for the tests. Instruments and apparatus for equipping a complete air pollution laboratory are listed, described, and their prices given. W. H. Curtin and Co. 80 Activated carbon. An 8-page bulletin describes the use of granular activated carbon for tertiary treatment of sewage and waste water, and for taste and odor removal from water supplies. The bulletin includes photographs, process flow sheets, plant efficiency data, and cost lists of an actual installation. 81 Bartlett-Snow-Pacific. Water quality. A 16-page brochure discusses the effective management of water resources on the basis of accurate and continuous monitoring of the various characteristics that affect water quality. Included is a discussion of permanent and semipermanent systems and submersible systems for short-term survey work or where water sampling presents a problem. Honeywell, Inc. 82 Water treatment. An 8-page bulletin describes water treatment equipment and processes available to the industrial, power. municipal, chemical, and industrial waste treatment markets. In addition to listing technical papers available on the general subject, the bulletin also briefly discusses ion exchange, condensate treatment. clarification, filtration, hot process systems, deaerating heaters, heat recovery and adsorption systems. Graver Water Conditioning Co. 83 Filtration glossary. This 84-page glossary defines terms used in the filtration industry and explains how these terms are used. It includes both the precise and scientific definitions as well as many colloquial or coined terms that are common parlance in the field. About one third of the booklet is devoted to a

wide variety of tables and graphs that are useful to those working in any area where filtration is a part of the operations. Fram Corp. 84 Wet scrubbers. This 24-page bulletin contains a great deal of information about all the basic types of wet scrubbers used for the removal of noxious gases, corrosive mists, and entrained solids. Inclu2ed are operating schematics, basic design drawings, and engineering specifications. Comparisons of operating costs and performance characteristics of various types of wet 85 scrubbers are made. Ceilcote Co. Water treatment plants. Two reports on the design of new water treatment facilities at Greenwich, Conn., and Phoenix, A r k , are available. The reports describe the overall treatment facilities and highlight the use of special blowers in providing diffused air for the aeration systems of the sewage plants. Fuller Co. 86 Soluble silicates. A 12-page bulletin covers the treatment of raw and waste waters with soluble silicates. The bulletin discusses the use of silicates as coagulants in many different areas and under many different conditions. Included in the bulletin are suggestions for small-scale tests, the preparation of laboratory stock solutions, and a nomograph for the preparation of activated silica sols. Philadelphia Quartz 87 co. Cas chromatograph. An 8-page brochure gives detailed illustrations and descriptions of Model 850 Prepkromatic automatic preparative gas chromatograph. The instrument separates and collects pure components for a multitude of scientific needs. The brochure also lists accessories for the new device. Nester,’Faust Manufacturing Corp. 88 Surfactants. A product bulletin and samples of a new family of low-foaming, biodegradable, nonionic detergents, emulsifiers, and wetting agents is avail-

able. Generically, the materials are described as acylated oxyethylated poly01s. The bulletin includes product descriptions and information on the physical properties, physical performance data, and biodegradability. Charts showing detergency performance and control of bacterial growth are included. Millmaster Onyx Corp. 89 Process analyzers. A 44-page booklet describes a line of process pH analyzers, ORP analyzers. electrodes, electrode chambers, and accessories. The booklet features the Model 900 process pH analyzer, including photographs and specifications of two versions of this instrument. Other portions of the bulletin deal with pH operating theory, industrial application data. and a bibliography of reference material on the theoretical and practical aspects of continuous pH measurement. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 90 Technical journal. The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, which sponsors the translation and publication in English of the West German technical journal, Stuub-Reinhulung Der Luft (Dust-Clean Air Maintenance) reminds people working in the field of air pollution about the existence of the publication. Made available in limited quantities since January 1965, the English translation is available in limited quantities to technical libraries, government agencies. scientists, and nonprofit institutions concerned with air pollution. Those not qualifying for free copies can still obtain copies of the monthly journal, which contains technical articles on the effects and control of dusts, gases, vapors, and radioactive particles, with special emphasis placed on dealing with sources of community air pollution, at a subscription cost of $24 a year. Separate issues can also be purchased. For information on the availability of this journal, address inquiries to the Clearing House for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, U S . Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va. 22151 Volume 1, Number 1, January 1967 91