New Literature - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

New Literature. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1978, 12 (4), pp 477–478. DOI: 10.1021/es60140a610. Publication Date: April 1978. ACS Legacy Archive...
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LITERATURE Fabric filters. Brochure RC- 1700 discusses 9 basic questions utilities should ask about fabric filters. Dissertation RC- 121 1 tells how to minimize cost of SO2 scrubber reagents. Research-Cottrell 151 Temperature controllers. Data bulletin describes the Model 918 digital temperature controller. Another data bulletin describes the Model 141 digital temperature indicator. Eurotherm 152 Corp.

Sampler. Brochure describes “Multisampler” accessory for infrared spectophotometry. Can handle up to 30 consecutive samples. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 160 Electrostatic precipitator (EP). Brochure tells how and why “HYDROPRECIPITROL” wet EP unit works, and meets air pollution codes more efficiently than do dry EPs, scrubbers, and filters. Fluid-Ionic Systems 161

Upper air data. “LO-CATE W2000SA” describes system for acquiring wind and other meteorological data from the upper atmosphere. 153 Beukers Laboratories, Inc.

Toxics measurement. Brochure describes company’s diversified capabilities in the rapidly growing field of toxic substances measurement and control. Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. 162

Waste removal. Brochure describes a number of proprietary processes for disposal of chemical, and other process waste materials, and unique thermal techniques for waste processing. 154 N.C.E. Corp., U.S.A.

Linings. Bulletin 462 describes “Nerva-Tite”, a flexible PVC membrane lining for sewage lagoons, industrial ponds, holding pools, and other water contaminant projects. Rubber & Plastics Compound Co., 163 Inc.

Dust collection. Bulletin DC- 1-200B covers construction/operation of “FABRI-Pulse” pulse-jet dust collectors. Full technical specifications and guidelines are given. American Air Filter Co., Inc. 155

Gas analyzers. Bulletin gives technical data on features/benefits, applications, spectra, and ordering information on the line of “Quadrupole Residual Gas Analyzers”. CVC Products, Inc. 164

Stack monitoring. “Clean AER System Brochure” describes total system for stack monitoring-“AER” stands for “Automated Emissions Reporting.” System meets all EPA 170 specifications. Lear Siegler Sludge treatment. Brochure describes a solvent conditioning process that facilitates dewatering and reduces sludge drying costs; much of the solids have other uses; solvents are recycled. 171 Resources Conservation Co. Fluorometry. Form 10-1077-wpcp discusses uses of readily-measured fluorescent dye tracers in the water pollution control plant, and lists firms equipped and skilled to use this tech172 nique. TURNER DESIGNS Sulfur testing. Newsletter, “Sulfur Reporter”, announces sulfur analyzer with full inter-lab reproducibility. Analysis every 2 min; digital readout in % and ppm. Fisher Scientific Co. 174

Water monitors. Bulletin 780 outlines pH, Redox, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity monitors. Technical article describes exclusive method of pH measurement. Great 175 Lakes Instruments, Inc.

Chromatography. Brochure describes the company’s multi-channel data system for chromatography, an important chemical analysis technique. 156 Spectra-Physics

Complete CO combustion. Brochure fully describes economical catalytic method of achieving more complete carbon monoxide (CO) combustion with increased catalytic activity and reduced carbon residue. Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corp. 165

Dust collection. Brochure describes a wide range of pulse-jet dust collectors for demanding industrial applications, as well as auxiliary and optional equipment. Peabody Air Resources 157 Equipment Co.

Water testing. Folder describes field environmental laboratories, portable, that can perform up to 23 water tests. All needed reagents and apparatus are provided in kits. Hach Chemical Co.

Image processing. Brochure discusses image enhancement, aerial photography, color separation, and many related subjects. Can be helpful for environmental remote sensing. Optronics 158 International, Inc.

HC bioreclamation. Folder describes new natural, non-chemical way to remove water contaminant HC (hydrocarbons), such as underground oil or gasoline spills. Ground Water Associates, Inc. 167

Solving odor problems. Brochure tells how to solve odor problems in existing or proposed facilities. Some specific 178 solutions are offered. TRC

Level sensing. Bulletin PDS-2106 describes liquid level sensor that is debris resistant. No moving parts, or effects by heavy object impact or severe turbulence. National Sonics Div., Envi159 rotech Corp.

Noise analysis. Bulletin 98-3 describes a complete line of noise measurement and analysis instruments for enforcing noise statutes and OSHA rules, and many other applications. Quest Electronics 168

Need more information about any items? Ifso, just circle the appropriate numbers on one of the reader service cards bound into the back of this issue and mail in the card. No stamp is necessary.


Energy savings. Bulletin and attached reprint tell how a new type of boiler plant control system reduced fuel consumption by the equivalent of 408 000 gal/y of oil. W.N. Best Combustion Equipment Co. 176 Particle size analysis. Form 50042703/00 describes the automation of classical particle size analysis-0.1 to 100 p-accuracylrepeatability better than f1%. Micromeritics Instrument 177 Corp.

Volume 12. Number 4, April 1978 477

Coal technology. Brochure describes company’s capabilities with coal, cogeneration, conservation, and new energy technology. J.E. Sirrine Co. 179

Cooling tower water. Bulletin No. 508 describes the “Tower Tamer” system for control of cooling tower water chemistry, including careful biocide 180 feeding. Zimmite Corp.

Coal Desulfurization Chemical and Physical Methods ACS Symposium Series No. 64 Thomas D. Wheelock, Editor Iowa State University Based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of fuel Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. The 23 chapters in this volume cover the current research on industrial rocesses and methods for removing sul/h from coal. Both chemical and physical extraction methods that are used currently or that are being adopted currently by industry are reviewed. Related work on characterizing and analyzing the various forms of sulfur in coal is included. This work is significant because it can lead to the development of industrial technology that will enable medium- and high-sulfur coals to be utilized in an environmentally acceptable manner.

CONTENTS Coal Microstructure and Pyrlte Distribution Forms of Sulfur in Coal Organic Sulfur in Raw Coals Coal Preparation Chemical Comminution Flotation Process for Coal Desulfurization Coal Beneficiation Methods Dry Table - Pyrite Removal from Coal Magnetic Desulfurizationol Some Illinois Basincoals High-Intensity High.Gradient Magnetic Separation Meyers Process for Desulfurization Coal Desulfurization Test Plant Status Oxidative Desulfurization of Coal AmmonlaIOxygen System for Sulfur Removal Alkaline Solutions with Dissolved Oxygen Hydrothermal Coal Process Low-Temperature Chlorinolysis Desulfurization and Sulfidation of Coal and Coal Char Fluid-Bed Carbonization, Desulfurization Hydrodesulfurizaiion of Coals Hydrodesulfurization of Coal Char by Acid Leach e Desulfurization during Gaseous Treatment Desulfurization in a Fluidized Bed Reactor


332 pages (1977) clothbound $25.00 LC 77-17216 ISBN 0-8412-0400-4

SWAmerican Chemical Society 1155 16th St., N.W./Wash., D.C. 20036 Please send copies of 64 Coal Desulfurization at $25 00 per copy C Check enclosed for $ - 0 Bill me Postpaid in U S and Canada, plus 75 cents elsewhere

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Environmental Science & Technology

easily “trouble-shot’’ when necessary. Zimpro Inc. 189 Clean air scrubbers. Portfolio RC 1 1 14B describes basic SO2/particulate scrubbers for industry. Dissertation 1208 discusses SO2 scrubber corrosion problems, especially with chlorides, and how to handle them. ResearchCottrell 190

Laboratory supplies. Catalog lists filter papers, chromatography supplies, ion exchange papers, and many other items and their applications. WHATMAN INC. 181

Refuse shredders. Data Sheets P78 1-A and P-791 fully describe certain primary refuse shredders, and the experience in their operations in different municipalities. Gruendler Crusher & Pulverizer Co. 191

Filters and pumps. Sethco-G- 10 Catalog is a guide to the selection of appropriate filter systems and pumps for any corrosive solution application. Ranges 10-12 600 gph. Sethco Division, Met-Pro Corp. 182

Corrosion inhibitors. Bulletin describes “WA- 170 Series” low-molybdenumphosphorus inhibitors for corrosion and scale. Corrosion is 0.5-2.5 mils/y; effluents contain no toxic heavy metals. Mogul Division, The Dexter Corp.

Aerosol size. Bulletin 3030 describes an electrical aerosol-size analyzer. Measures 10 diameter increments 0.003-1 .O p ; automatic operation. 183 Thermo-Systems Inc.

High-purity water. Brochure PB843 describes high-volume reverse osmosis system for high-purity water at a lower price. Millipore Corp. 193

SO2 scrubbing. Dissertation RC- 1207 explains how to use power plant wastewater streams to supply part or all of the requirements of an SO2 flue gas scrubber. Guidelines are given. 184 Research-Cottrell

Solar electricity. Brochure, “Solar Electric Power for Earth”, describes company’s capabilities and products, and a unique systems approach to using solar energy for certain electric applications. Solar Power Corp. 194

Biochemicals. CHEMALOG 77/78 is a catalog of over 8000 biochemicals for research, development, and manufacturing. Ion exchange resins and enzymes are included. Chemical Dy185 namics Corp.

Air flow measuring. Bulletin 1 1 15 reports on designs for direct flow measurement of air in new or existing ductwork. Cambridge Filter Corp.

H2S detection. Brochure describes company’s line of “Colortec” hydrogen sulfide (HzS) detectors for personnel monitoring to areawide transport studies. Metronics Associates, Inc. 186

Noise control. Data sheet tells about “Soundfoil” for better noise damping and reduction. Resists abrasion and chemicals. The Soundcoat Co., Inc. 187

Gas chromatography (GC).Order No. L-5 13 describes operations and applications of new detectors for GC. One application is the detection of aromatics in gasoline. Perkin-Elmer Corp.



Filtering. Booklet tells about compact “Vacu-Matic” liquid filter series. Specifications are in U S . and metric. Filtration together with aeration is also covered. Hoffman Air & Filtration 198 Systems Water screens. Bulletin 3 16-400 gives full information and “specs” on basic equipment for screening plant intake water. Marine life protection is fea199 tured. Envirex Arsenic exposure. ”Epidemiology Studies Selected Non-Carcinogenic Effects of Industrial Exposure to Inorganic Arsenic”, Final Report, US. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Toxic Substances, Washington, DC 20460 (write direct).


Computerized wwt. Bulletin describes “Zimpulse” computer-based process control systems developed especially for wastewater treatment (wwt). Each unit contains its own logic, and thus is

Recycling. Recylcing Hotline has brochure for grade school children; explains importance of recycling. Department of Ecology, Recycling Hotline, Olympia, WA 98504 (write direct).