New Literature - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

New Literature. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1976, 10 (10), pp 1058–1059. DOI: 10.1021/ ... Published online 2 March 2005. Published in print 1 October ...
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Dust control. Bulletin 5000 covers primary/secondary cyclones in numerous sizes, and of carbon or stainless steel. Performance specifications are given, as well as material on dust collection and product recovery. Dustex 160

NEW LITERATURE Particulate/SO, control. Brochures RC 1001 and RC 1203 describe advanced methods, processes, and equipment, as well as experience with systems for controlling these pollutants. ResearchCottrell 151 Cold chambers. Bulletin MC-130 describes features of a 4- and 8-1 chamber capable of providing temperatures down to -130 OC (-202 OF). FTS Systems, Inc. 152 Inflow prevention. Bulletin tells about self-sealing manhole designed to prevent inflow of surface waters. Lifting device is also detailed. Neenah Foundry Co. 153 Natural gas alternatives. Brochure describes ways that industrial companies can eliminate dependence on natural gas if a curtailment occurs. Alternate fuels, including waste by-products, and how to use them, are discussed. Midwesco Energy Systems 154 Combustion controls. Brochure, "Field Draft Controls for Wood Burning Appliances", tells how to select such controls

for most efficient combustion. Field 155 Control Division, Conco

Turbidity measurement. Selection guide lists line of instrumentsthat can measure turbidity and suspended solids in concentrations of 0.001-20%. Monitor Technology, Inc. 161

Fluid flow measurement. Bulletin 207200 describes low-cost rotameters designed to measure very low-volume gas or liquid flow. Construction, materials, and specifications are described AMETEK, Inc. 156

Column chromatography. "Column Chromatography Separations Using Woelm Adsorbents" covers separations of organics, including phenols and aromatic nitro compounds, insecticides, and the like. ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 162

Liquid chromatography. Brochure on columns and packings for high-performance liquid chromatography is now available for precise analytical applications. E-06423. Du Pont 157

Water IeveVflow. Application Notes 1, 2, and 3 gives useful information on techniques of measuring water level and flow in manholes, sewage, water supplies, streams, and other places where such measurements are called for. Leupold & Stevens, Inc. 163

Tubular filters. Bulletin EF/18 features tubular filters that provide high corrosion resistance. Particle retention 60 mesh to 1 w ; flow capacities to 1100 gpm with "Shock Backwash" cleaning. The Duriron Co.. Inc. 158

Toxic chemical. Form No. 101-1111-76 explains that recent tests showed that no bis-chloromethyl ether, a powerful carcinogen, was formed in air from reaction of hydrochloric acid and formaldehyde. Analytical procedures are described. Dow Chemical U S A . 164

Mass spectrometry. Vol. VIII, No. 5 of Nuclide Spectra numerous MS applications, including gas analysis, ion source design, isotope ratio analysis, and other topics. Pubs. 1608-0267. Nuclide Corp. 159

Are You Having Trouble with Peak Tailing in GC Analysis of Sulfur Gases? Minimize this with . . .

CHROMOSIL 310 At Trace Levels

In Percent Concentrations

, ' 0


0 Min.

6 f t . x 1 1 8 ' ' T e f l o n , Chromosil 310, cnl. T e m p . 40Oc. F l o w


ZOcc/mln., Det.. Flame Pnotometric.






6 f f . x 114'' g l a s s , ChromoSll 310. coi. em^. 4 0 0 ~ F. I O W R a t e 55ml/min., Sample S t r e : 0 . 3 ~ ~et.. . Thermal Conaucf i v i t y 2 4 O M A . 180°C.

More details on Sulfur Gas Analysis in Our FREE Bulletin 7226



Environmental Science & Technology

Heat recovery. Brochure tells how to recover heat to save energy and avoid creating thermal pollution. Heat can even be recovered from wastewater. Ludell Manufacturing Co. 165 Pollution control. Bulletin N-30 describes a whole line of products for improved combustion, vapor disposal, and disposal of gaseous wastes in populated areas. National Airoil Burner Co., Inc. 166 Chlorinators. Bulletin 210 describes Model 210 gas chlorinators available in 4, 10, 25, 50, and 100 Ib/d maximum feed rate. Many safety features are included. Chlorinators Inc. 167 Microbiocides. Flyer sheet (Ref. No. 75-8) describes Chemtrol 20 and 21, which are brominated compounds that control cooling water system microorganisms, but hydrolyze rapidly to minimize pollution. Zimmite Corp. 168 Chromatography. Application Note ANGC 4-76 describes multi-purpose inlet system to facilitate splitless sample injection on open tubular columns, and how that technique enhances trace analysis. Hewlett-Packard 169 Sludge dewatering. Bulletin A-1 1002 tells how a new product, sludge filter bags, simplifies and speeds up sludge dewatering. The Carborundum Co. 170 Heat loss minimization. Optima brochure tells how windows minimize condensation and heat loss by conduction through avoidance of metal-to-metal contacts. Season-all Industries, Inc. 171 Cooling water treatment. Bulletin 680 describes Polynodic non-chromate cooling water treatment. Many formulations also do not use phosphate or zinc. Test data are given. Betz 172 Equipment lease. Bulletin 100M describes leasing plans for environmental test equipment. Lease includes attractive “right-to-buy” option. Tenney Engineering, Inc. 173

chargeable batteries)Teflon gas-sampling pump for tracegas measurements and air pollution studies. Science Pump Corp. 177 Spectrophotometer. Order No. 8-40 describes the Model 550 UV-Vis Double Beam Spectrophotometer of high performance and low cost. Perkin-Elmer 178 Centrifugal pumps. Bulletin G-376 explains how self-priming pumps, Type G, are used to pump chemicals, plating solutions, radioactive wastes, solvents, and 179 the like. LaBour Pump Co. Sonic monitoring. NUSONICS brochure describes sonic flowmeters, solution monitors, and pipeline interface detectors, and tells how “sound velocimetry has many process and pollution control uses.” MAPCO Inc. 180 Flowmeters. Bulletin B-71 concerns a magnetic flowmeter that offers a free path for almost all conductive liquids, and is unaffected by changes in conductivity, pressure, temperature, or viscosity. It can handle slurries. Brooks Instrument Division, Emerson Electric Co. 181 Microscopy. 1976 product catalog lists over 100 microscopy supplies for microbiological laboratories for work on microbiological, fiber, and fine particle specimens. SPI Supplies 182 Plastic ware. Catalog lists over 1300 items of plastic ware, including screening for wastewater and industrial effluent maintenance, laboratory equipment, and many other items. Cole-Parmer Instrument Co. 183 Pumps/compressors. Bulletin describes Models MB-302 and MB-602 welded bellows vacuum pump/compressors that provide contaminant-free air for auto emission tests, nuclear reactor monitoring, and other applications. Metal Bellows co. 184

secticides from soil, analyzing tumors, and performing cell and food analysis. Brinkmann Instruments Inc. 188 Gas mixers. Brochure describes gas mixers and process analyzers, portable flue-gas analyzers, and recording flue-gas analyzers. Thermco Instrument Corp. 189 Fume scrubber. Bulletin details uses and advantages of three basic designs of fume scrubbers for removing particulates from gases or absorbing or condensing vapors and cooling gases. Water use is economical. Graham Manufacturing Co. 190 FlamelessAA. Methods manual describes advantages of flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy, and tells what technique, skills, and practice are needed, and “how-to-do-it.” Brochure describes this manual, which company is offering for sale. Instrumentation Laboratory Inc. 191 Oxide removal without chromate. Information describes new formulation, HYBRITE, which uses a proprietary form of hydrogen peroxide to remove oxides from copper alloy metal surfaces without dichromate use or disposal problems. R.H. Miller Div., Pennwalt Corp. 192 Strip mining. Report finds strip mine laws inadequate in many states. Environmental Policy Center, 324 C St., S.E., Washington, DC 20003 (write direct). Standards. 1976 catalog lists many standards that have been published recently. American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018 (write direct). Sulfur limitations. “The Impact of Sulphur Limitations on Refinery Activities”. CONCAWE Report No. 5/76. Stichting CONCAWE, 60 Van Hogenhoucklaan,The Hague 2018, The Netherlands (write direct).

Valve. Valve with simple rubber sleeve, which provides control of slurry, is described in brochure. It provides safe flow control and tight shutoff when necessary. Red Valve Co., Inc. 185

Chromium (VI) exposure. Criteria document is available in single copies. Office of Technical Publications, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Post Office Building, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (write direct).

Pollutant analysis. News release and Catalog TP-76 describe glassware and apparatus for analysis of environmental pollutants. Tudor Scientific Glass Co. 175

Analyzers. Brochure announces availability of analyzers and systems for pollution control, quality control, personnel safety, and other attendant applications. They detect gaslvapor, oxygen, combustibles, phenol, and the like. Teledyne Analytical Instruments 186

Grants and assistance. Guide tells how to apply for field research grants and volunteer assistants in many fields, including conservation and marine sciences. Applications Office, Center for Field Research, 10 Juniper Road, Belmont, MA 02178 (write direct).

Leachate handling. Paper, “Sanitary Landfills: No Place For Leaching”, tells how leachates can be kept from contaminating off-property streams and other bodies of water, and then renovated. Hinde Engineering Co. 176

Water resources. Bulletin 23, 10th edition, lists line of water resources instruments for channel flow, water level, and other measurements, and includes scenes of the US. northwest. Leupold & Stevens, Inc. 187

Gas sampling pump. Data sheet describes a l-lb (including motor and re-

Homogenizers. Applications Brochure BR 350 lists instruments for extracting in-

Solution separation. Circular describes ClRA 101 chromatographic infrared analyzer and aqueous solution separation/ identification by G U I R techniques. Sadtler Research Laboratories. Inc. 174

Need m o r e information about any items7 i f so j u s t circle the appropriate numbers on one of the reader service cards bound into the back of this issue and mail in the card No stamp is necessary Volume 10, Number 10, October 1976