New nitric acid process in Italy

Journal of Chemical Education. October, 1928. New Nitric Acid Process in Italy. Two Italian firms have recently worked out processes for obtaining con...
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New Nitric Acid Process in Italy. Two Italian firms have recently worked out processes for obtaining concentrated nitric acid direct from the oxidation of synthetic ammonia, according t o the Department of Commerce. One process is a patent of the Ing. Fauser of the Montecatini and the concentrated nitric acid is being produced in the Meran and Novara plants of the Societa Italians Ammonia of the Montecatini p u p . The 1927 production of concentrated nitric acid by this pmcess is estimated at 12,000 tons in terms of 100 per cent acid, about threefourths of which w a s obtained in the form of 5&55 per cent acid in the Montecatini plants. The remainder was produced a t the Bussi plant of the Societa Azogeno on the patents of Ing. Toniolo. The Novara and Montecatini plants have a yearly capacity of 10,000 tons of nitric acid a t 48' BC. and another plant is now being put up by theSocieta Italiana Ammonia a t Mass, which will have an annual capacity of 3000'tons. Ing. Toniolo produces 60-70 per cent acid and the Bussi plant is also making liquid nitrogen peroxide. This new industry will make Italy independent of foreign sources of supply of nitric acid.-Ch. Mwketr, 23,220 (Aug., 1928).