New Phenolic Glucosides from the Leaves of Eurya Tigang - Journal

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Journal of Natural Products Vol. 5 5 . No. 9. pp. 1270-1274. September 1992







Dqartmmt of Pharmacy, Swiss Federal Institute of TccbnologV ( E T H ) Zurich, CH-8092 Ziirich, Switzerland and TOPULRAU

Chrmirtty Department, Uniwrsity of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea hSTRACT.--Three new compounds, 6'-O-coumaroyl-1 '-0-I2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl)p-D-glucopyranoside [l](eutigoside A), 6'-O-coumaroyl-1 '-0-[2-( l-hydroxy-4-oxo-2,5-cyclohexadien-l-yl)ethyl]-~-~-glucopyranoside I21 (eutigoside B),and 6'-O-cinnamoyl-1'-0-[2(l-hydroxy4-oxo-2,5-cyclohexadienl-yl)ethyl]-~-~-glucopyranoside [3] (eutigoside C) have been isolated from the leaves of Eurya tigang, along with other known compounds(afzelin, quercitrin, p-coumaric acid, methyl-a-D-fructofuranoside,isorengyol, and euryanoside). Their structures were determined by chemical and spectroscopic methods (uv, ir, ms, 'H-'H COSY, and 'H-I3C COSY).

Eurya tigang Sch. & h u t . (Theaceae) is a small tree growing in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. The leaves of Eurya are used in the traditional medicine of Papua New Guinea as covers for tropical ulcers and sores (1). In our continuing search for bioactive constituents from medicinal plants used in Papua New Guinea we have collected leaves of E . tigang for phytochemical and biological investigations (2). In an early investigation of this species, the presence of b-sitosterol, betulinic acid, and other triterpenes has been reported (3). This report deals with the isolation and structure elucidation of phenolic glucosides and their antiproliferatory activity against human bladder carcinoma T-24 cell and mouse keratinocyte MK cells.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The air-dried leaves of E . tigang were extracted successively with petroleum ether, CHCI,, and MeOH at room temperature. A combination of cc and dccc of the MeOH extract succeeded in the isolation of eutigosides A 117,B 121,and C {3]. Acid hydrolysis of compounds 1,2,and 3 with 1 N HCl yielded glucose. Alkaline hydrolysis of compounds 1 and 2 resulted in coumaric acid, whereas that of 3 gave cinnamic acid. Desacyl moieties of compounds 2 and 3 were the same chromatographically, indicating that they differed due to their acyl moieties. The fabms of compound 1 showed m/z 469 [M + NaI+, 446 EM]+, corresponding to the molecular formula C,3H260,. The 'H-nmr spectrum of compound 1 showed the presence of a trans olefinic system (6 7.59 and 6.27 ppm, d, J = 15.7 Hz), aromatic protons of two AA'BB' spin systems 6.64 (2H, d, J = 8.4 Hz, H-3, H-5), 6.78 (2H, d, J = 8.4, H-3", H-S"), 7.03 (2H, d , J = 8.4, H-2, H-6), 7.39 (2H, d, J = 8.4 Hz, H-2", H-6"), and two methylene groups typical of a phenylethyl alcohol moiety. The p-methylenic protons appeared as a multiplet at 6 2.83 ppm, whereas the amethylenic protons resonated at 3.94 ppm and 3.66 ppm. An anomeric proton signal (4.32, d, J = 7.8Hz)andfurthersugarprotonsignals(3.00-4.52,6H)established the presence of a b-linked glucose moiety in the molecule (4). The 13C-nmr spectrum clearly showed that an acyloxy function was attached to the glucose moiety at C-6 due to a deshielding of the corresponding signal by 2.5 ppm. A short range 13C-lH2D correlation experiment with the inverse mode permitted the as-

'Present address: Dr. W. Schwabe Anneimittel, 7 5 0 0 Karlsruhe 41, Germany.

September 19921

Khan et al. : Phenolic Glucosides


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sociation of all protons with the carbon atoms to which they were directly attached. The acyloxy function was identified as a coumaroyloxy group by comparison of 13C-nmr (DEPT) data with earlier reported literature data (5-7). Thus, the structure of compound 1 was established at 6'-0-co~maroyl-1'-0-{2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]-p-~glucopyranoside. Compound 2 had a mol wt of 462 and a molecular formula of C23H26010, and compound 3 had a mol wt of 446 and a molecular formula of C23H2609derived from fabms and 13C-nmranalysis. The signals of the 'H-nmr spectrum of compound 2 were in good accordance with the signals of the coumaroyl and 6'-substituted glucose moieties in compound 1.The remaining 13C-nmrsignal at 187.8 ppm and signals at 69.2, 127.9, and 154.3 could be attributed to the l-hydroxycyclohexa-2,5-dienonedue to the upfield shift of the CH, protons at C-7 of compound 1from 2.84 pprn to 2.04 pprn in the 'H-nmr spectrum of 2, which was also supported by 'H-'H and I3C-'H correlation experiments. By comparison of the 13C-nmr spectra of compound 2 with those of structurally related known compounds (8,9), the structure of compound 2 was determined as 6'0-coumaroyl- 1'-0-124l-hydroxy-4-0~0-2,5-cyclohexadien1-yl)ethyIl-p-D-glucopyranoside. The uv and it spectra of compounds 2 and 3 were nearly identical. The 'H-nmr spectra of 2 and 3 presented analogous protons for l-hydroxy-4-0~0-2,5-cyclohexadien-ethyl and glucose moieties. The residual resonances showed the lack of the


Journal of Natural Products

[Vol. 5 5 , No. 9

AA'BB' spin system of 1 and 2 and the presence of multiplets at 7.62 and 7.40 ppm, which could be assigned for a cinnamoyl moiety. Further evidence for the cinnamoyl moiety was provided by 13C n m r (Table 1). The structure of compound 3 was elucidated as 6'-O-cinnamoyl- 1'-0-[2-( 1-hydroxy-4-0~0-2,S-cyclohexadien-l-yl)ethyl]-& D-glucopyranoside on the basis of comparison of spectroscopic data of known reported compounds (10-12). Compounds 1,2,and 3 showed moderate antiproliferative activity in the human bladder carcinoma T-24 cell line (13) and in the mouse keratinocyte MK cell line (14). To our knowledge compounds 1,2,and 3 are new compounds, and this is the first report of the occurrence of phenylpropanoid glycosides in the family Theaceae.

TABLE1. I3C-nmrSpectral Data of Eutigosides A [l],B [2], and C I31 (75 MHz, CDaOD, ppm). I


c-1 c-2 c-3 c-4

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . c-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . c-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . c-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . c-1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . c-2' . . . . . . . . . . . . . c-3' . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-4' . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c-5' . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-6' . . . . . . . . . . . . . c-1" . . . . . . . . . . . . .

c-r c-3" C-4" c-5" C-6"

. . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .............


c-a . . . . . . . . . . . . . c-$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . c=o . . . . . . . . . . . . .




130.4 130.9 116.2 156.8 116.9 130.6 36.5 72.4 104.9 75.4 78.0 71.9 75.1 64.7 127.1 116.2 130.9 161.3 130.6 116.9 115.0 146.8 169.1

69.2 154.3 128.0 187.8 127.9 154.3 41.0 65.9 104.9 75.5 77.9 71.8 75.0 64.6 127.0 116.9 131.2 161.5 131.2 116.9 114.9 146.8 169.1

69.2 154.3 127.8 187.8 127.7 154.2 41.0 65.9 104.4 75.4 77.9 71.7 75.0 64.8 135.7 129.9 129.2 130.8 129.2 129.9 115.9 146.5 168.5

EXPERIMENTAL GENERAL EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES-~Wersed-phase low pressure liquid chromatography (Iplc)wascarriedoutusingaBiichi681andaLabomaticmplccolumn(71.3cmX 1.85cmi.d.). Thecolumn was packed with RP-18, particle size 40 prn (Bondesil, Analytichem International). The solvents used for lplc were hplc grade. Si gel 60 F254plates from Merck (0.25 mm, Art. no. 5729) were used for tlc analysis. Uv spectra were obtained on a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 3 spectrophotometer. Ir spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer 78 1 spectrophotometer and fabms spectra on a ZAB 2-SEQ spectrometer. All n m r experiments were performed with a Bruker MM-300 Spectrometer operating at 300 ('H) and 75.5 MHz (l3C). All samples prepred for n m r measurements were made as CD30D solutions with TMS (6 0) as the internal standard. PLANT MATERIAL, EXTRACTION.AND IKNATlON.--The phllt m a t d W S C O k t d on the road to Mt. Gahavisuka Park, North of Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea in September

September 1992)

Khan et al. : Phenolic Glucosides


1988. The voucher specimens are deposited at the Herbarium (ZT,11813) ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, UPNG Herbarium, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, and at the National Herbarium in Lae, Papua New Guinea. The airdried leaves of E . tigmg (1.7 kg) were percolated with petroleum ether, CHCI,, and MeOH which gave 20 g, 35 g, and 46 g of crude extracts, respectively. The MeOH extract (10 g) was partitioned with n-BuOH-H20 (4:6). The n-BuOH extract (0.9 g) was applied on dccc (Biichi, B-670) in ascending order using the organic phase of CHCI3-MeOH-H2O(7: 13:s) as a stationary phase and eluting with the aqueous phase. Fractions 17-33 contained 60 mg of eutigoside A [l].Eutigoside B 121(40 mg) and eutigoside C [3](30 mg) were isolated by Rp-18 lplc using MeOH-H20 (8:2) as a solvent. EutrgosideA [l].-Amorphous colorless powder: [a]*'D -26" (MeOH, c = 0.80); uv (MeOH) h rnax nm 310, 295; ir (KBr) Y rnax cm-' 3400, 1690, 1630, 1600, 1515; 'H n m r (300 MHz, CD,OD) coumaroyl moiety 6 6.27 ( l H , d,]= 15.7 Hz, H-@, 7.59 (1H, d , j = 15.7 Hz, H-B), 7.39(2H, d, ]= 8.4 Hz, H-2", H-6"), 6.78 (2H, d,] = 8.4 Hz, H-3", H-5"); phenylethyl alcohol moiety 6 3.95 ( l H , m, H,-8), 3.66 ( l H , m, Hb-8), 2.83 (2H, t-like, H-7), 7.03 (2H, d,]= 8.4, H-2, H-6), 6.64 (2H, d, / = 8 . 4 Hz, H-3, H-5);glucosemoiety64.32(1H, d , J = 7 . 8 H z , H-l'), 3.35-3.39(2H, overlapping H-2',H-3'), 3.22(1H,t-like,H-4'), 3.53(1H,m,H-5'),4.50(1H,dd,]= 11.8,2.2Hz,H,-6'),4.34 ( l H , dd,]= 11.8, 2.2Hz,Hb-6'); '3CnmrseeTable l;fabmsm/z(rel. int.)[M+Na]+469(40), [MI+ 446 (15), consistent with C23H2609. E u t i g o d B [2].-Amorphous pale yellow powder: (a120D-23" (MeOH, c = 0.50); uv (MeOH) h max nm 310, 295; ir (KBr) Y max cm-' 3400, 1710, 1690, 1630, 1600, 1515; 'H nmr (300 MHz, CD,OD) coumaroyl moiety 6 6.35 ( l H , d,]= 16.2 Hz, H a ) , 7.64 ( l H , d,]= 16.2 Hz, H-p), 7.75 (2H, d,]=8.7 Hz, H-2", H-6"), 6.98 (2H, d, J = 8 . 7 Hz, H-3", H-5"); l-hydroxycyclo-2,5 dienone moiety 6 3.96 ( l H , m, H,-8), 3.66 ( l H , m, Hb-8), 2.03 (2H, t-like, H-7), 7.10(2H, d,]= 10, H-2, H6), 6.07 (2H, d,]= 10 Hz, H-3, H-5); glucose moiety 6 4.32 ( l H , d, ]=7.8 Hz, H-l'), 3.35-3.39 (2H, overlapping H-2', H-3'), 3.29 ( l H , t-like, HA'), 3.52 ( l H , m, H-5'), 4.48 ( l H , dd,]= 11.8, 2.2 Hz, H,-6'), 4.34(1H, dd,]= 11.8, 2.2Hz, Hb-6'); '3CnmrseeTable l;fabmsdz(rel. int.)IM+ Na]+ 485 (20), [MI+ 452 (25), consistent with C23H26010. Eutigoside C [3].-horphous pale yellow powder: [IX]~'D -20" (MeOH, c = 0.70); uv (MeOH) h rnax nm 310, 286; ir (KBr) Y max cm-' 3400, 1710, 1690, 1630, 1600, 1515; 'H nmr (300 MHz, CD30D) cinnamoyl moiety 6 6.55 ( l H , d , j = 16.2 Hz, H-a), 7.72 ( l H , d,]= 16.2 Hz, H-p), 7.66 (2H, m, H-2", H-6"), 7.40 (3H, m, H-3", HA", H-5"); 1-hydroxy cyclohexadienone moiety 6 3.96 ( l H , m, H,-8), 3.66(1H,m, Hb-8), 2.04(2H, t-like, H-7), 6.99(2H,d,J=9, H-2, H-6), 6.05(2H,d,]= 9 Hz, H-3, H-5); glucose moiety 6 4.33 ( l H , d,]= 7.8 Hz, H-l'), 3.35-3.39 (2H, overlapping H-2', H-3'), 3.22(1H, t-like, H-4'), 3.52(1H, in, H-5'),4.53(1H,dd,]= 11.8, 2.2Hz,Ha-6'),4.34(1H, dd,]= 11.8, 2.2Hz, H,-6'); '3CnmrseeTable l;fabmsdz(rel. int.)[M+Na]+469(30), [Mf+446 (25), consistent with C23H2609. ACIDICAND ALKALINE H Y D R o L Y s I s . ~ m p u n d s1-3 were applied on a tlc phte with reference sugars and hydrolyzed at 90" for 30 min with HCI fiunes according to Kartnigand Wegschaider(15). After drying, the tlc plate ws eluted with the lower phase of CHC13-MeOH-H20(7: 13:s) and detected with anisidine reagent (16). In the same way eutigosides were hydrolyzed with 1 N NaOH and detected with Na2CO3-KMnO4(1: 1) spray reagent. BIom,iYs.-Compounds 1 , 2, and 3 showed weak in-vitro growth inhibition (antitumor activity) in the human bladder carcinoma T-24 cells as well as the MK mouse keratinocytes. IC,, values were found tobe28.7, 31.9, and29.3 ~g/mlinhumanbladdercarcinomaT-24cellsand9.2,9.4,and 12.6pg/mlin MK m o w keratinocytes, respectively, for compounds 1 , 2, and 3. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.We also thank Drs. A. Fredenhagen and H. Peter (Ciba-Geigy AG, Basel) for the biological testing of these compounds.

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