New Product Digest - Environmental Science ... - ACS Publications

New Product Digest. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1969, 3 (1), pp 81–82. DOI: 10.1021/es60024a605. Publication Date: January 1969. ACS Legacy Archive. No...
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new products diaest Water Quality D a t a

The Precision AquaRater gives repeatable data-zk3 % o r better-on water quality within 2 minutes, according to the manufacturer. Designed to measure oxygen demand in the range of 10-300 mg. per liter, the AquaRater incorporates sample combustion furnace, gas purifying carbon furnace, and sample injection port. The section containing the furnace controls includes indicating controlling pyrometers and silicon controlled rectifiers, CO, flow control, flowmeter, drier, and infrared analyzer. The company claims that the rapidity and sensitivity of the AquaRater are applicable to the detection of process upsets o r cooling equipment failure by the presence of product in process or heat exchanger waters. Precision Scientific Co. 62 Industrial Waste Water

A look a t the ocean floor

In an age o f constant striving to know more about our surroundings, the oceans of the world are explored f o r the valuable information they provide. Oceanographers seeking topographic data of the sea floor, in any area of the Continental Shelf or Slope, as well as salvagers needing precise means f o r locating objects within the range of commercial diving systems, benefit f r o m the develcpment of the Mark I Deep Tow side scan sonar system. A surface vessel tows the Mark 1’s “towfish” by a 2000 foot cable, enabling use at substantial depth and reasonable speed. Sonar transducers, which send out short, high-intensity pulses in a nearly horizontal pattern, and a shipboard graphic recorder, which provides maps resembling aerial photographs, complete the system T h e Deep T o w is lightweight, and the manufacturer claims that it can operate in the ocean in water depths t o 1200 feet, producing a permanent relief map o f the ocean floor. T h e makers hope that the Mark I system will provide a valuable tool in locating and determining limits o f offshore mineral deposits, and that it will aid in offshore engineering and construction, pipeline and cable route selection, location of shellfish beds, and research activities requiring a broad acoustic look at the ocean bottom. EG& G International

A two-deck, center discharge vibratory separator designed for industrial waste water cleanup is available. Manufactured in 60” and 48” diameter models, in carbon and stainless steel, the Vibro-Energy units also can be used to recover valuable solids, and are applicable in canning, pulp and paper, and dairy industries, according to the company. Sweco, Inc. 63

Portable pH M e t e r

The Model 101 transistorized portable p H meter uses one standard type battery, and features easy to read meter range from 2-12 p H and reproducibility within 0.05 pH, according to the manufacturer. The device, which gives instant calibration, comes with carrying case, electrode, and buffer solutions. Aquatronics, Inc. 64 Volume 3, Number 1, January 1969 81

NOIIOUS atld lumes (NO2) l lrom a strluulng urocess 1 Contain 'em with a 1 TRI=MERFAN SEPARATOR!


Dust Collector

The Model DC-65 Dust Collector allows only clear air to recirculate through the collector fan and back into the atmosphere, eliminating more than 99% of dust particles as small as one micron in size, according to the manufacturer. The device uses tubular bags of cotton, eliminating the need for frames, screws, or wires, and is constructed of heavy gage steel. Empire Abrasive Equipment Corp. 65 Sulfur Dioxide Removal

A new process removes sulfur dioxide from the air, permitting its recovery as sulfuric acid. The company says that the catalytic, self-regenerative process is of particular interest to firms whose exhaust gases contain higher sulfur values because of the grades of fuel burned, is adaptable to smelters and other processors, and is useful for the treatment of sour gas streams. United International Research, Inc. 66 Ambient Air Level Measurement

Air polluting NO? fumes, emanating from a concentrated nitric stripping application for nickel plated racks, quickly made inoperative a succession of other ineffective scrubbing units. TRI-MER engineers assigned to the problem recommended installation of a 6,000 CFM rigid PVC TRI-MER FANSEPARATOR. A full 12 months of Universal Die Cast reports testify to the validity of the TRI-MER recommendation. Corrosive nitric acid mists and NO1 have been consistently held to completely acceptable levelsand there has been absolutely no equipment failure or resultant "downtime". Additional benefits include: water usage of only three gallons per minute (more spectacular results with less or no water when scrubbing H ~ O Ior other inorganic gases); no further replacement of nearby electrical equipment or mechanical equipment because of corrosion; an end to replacement of corroded metal roof panels; increased worker safety, health and mora le.



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82 Environmental Science & Technolo:y


A device for monitoring gaseous fluoride contaminants in air is available. The manufacturer claims that the Fluoride Analyzer can detect these pollutants-HF, H,SiF,, and SiF4-down to less than 1 p,p.b,, even in the presence of other contaminants such as sulfates. sulfur dioxide. and aluminum salts, at the sampling rate of 20 liters per minute. Leigh Instruments. Ltd. 67



I 1

O i l Barrier

A device for confining and preventing the spread of oil pollutants which accidentally enter waterways is available. The Inflatable Oil Barrier is a permanently-colored bright orange curtain consisting of stowage fin, with brass grommets on 2-foot centers: buoyancy pocket housing the inflatable hose; drop curtain 15 inches in depth: and chain pocket through which proper ballast is strung to permit the curtain to hang vertically in the water. The barrier is stored in a combination storage enclosure 'dispersal rack. and is available in lengths of 50 and 100 ft. Made of Pame resistant covered nylon, the curtain is said to remain flexible to -30" F. Marsan Corp. 68