New Product Literature - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS

New Product Literature. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1969, 3 (5), pp 488–491. DOI: 10.1021/es60028a605. Publication Date: May 1969. ACS Legacy Archive. ...
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Aqueducf Purifies

down-to-earth answers to industry's problems with

AIR POLLUTION CONTROL OXYCAT is a straightforward newsletter for a select group of leaders. People who m u s t be right about

Rubbish disposal

A machine is in production which can reduce large volumes of garbage into small hard blocks, on a continuous basis. The Refuse Compactor produces blocks which are rat resistant, and suitable for landfill, the company says. The self-contained, fully automatic unit consists of a screw feed, shredder

with rotary hammers, and a two-stage hydraulic compactor. Since no special plumbing or waste facilities are required, the unit can be installed in basement o r any refuse removal point. The company claims that all types of general refuse can be processed at the rate of 400-600 pounds an hour. Electronic Assistance Corp. 61

t h e present state of control technology for gaseous air pollutants. And people who cannot afford t o

Clean air

be wrong about predicting its

Incorporating several approaches to the problem of air pollution, the Hydro-Clean System uses water to remove pollutants by means of bubbling gas through the liquid. Solids which are forced through the system are precipitated for eventual removal o r storage, the company says, Adaptable to existing dust collection or venting systems, Hydro-Clean is easy to install, has no moving parts, and is capable of recovery of acids or other byproducts. Hawryluk Research Corp. 62

future. I f you have read this far, chances are OXYCAT is for you. Send for it. Write to us today.

OXY- CATAL YS T , I N C . Dept. EST691

West Chester, Pa. 19380 Phone: (215)692-3500 Circle No. 17 on

Readers' Service Card

488 Environmental Science & Technology

Jet fuel conditioner

When jet aircraft fuel is treated with a new supplement, AnPol-J, exhaust smoke, odor, and other air pollutants

are reduced drastically, according to the manufacturer. The completely organic additive burns ash-free, and tests indicate it may provide a substantial decrease in turbine wheel and burner can deposits. as well as more efficient starting and running operations. AnPol Chemical Corp. 63 Gas sampler

A device for the determination of ambient air concentrations of fluoride gas is available. The battery operated, nonaqueous system draws in air (at a rate of ?hc.f.m.) through a particle collecting labyrinth which removes fluoride dust, then passes it through a small chamber packed with paper saddles to absorb the fluoride gas. Hemeon Assoc. 64

new woducts diaest

Marine fence

Floating debris and oil spills can be contained within an encircled area o r kept out of a protected area by means of the Spillgard, according to the company. The unit-consisting of 10 ten foot lengths of compressed asbestos rubber sheet, with foamed flotation material cemented along both sides so that the sheet rides upright-is available in 15” or 36” depth. The company says that the flame resistant device also has resistance to petroleum, oil solvent, and both salt and fresh water, is strong. flexible. easy to store, and can remain upright under a variety of sea and weather conditions. Bulkhead connectors. to provide a sea! between end of the Spillgard boom and any vertical structure. are available. Johns-Manville 65

We rewote the book-

Corroded fans?

Microbiological Analysis of Water


, 1 ,al”

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Describes improved procedures for the detection of fecal coliform, a new rapid screening method for algae, more complete data o n total coliform analysis and a new section on pathogens, in addition to a detailed description of the Millipore method (an APHA standard) for the analysis of water and waste water. Millipore Corporation, Bedford, Mass. 01730.

mILLIPORE systems lor analyzing andprocessing fluids Circle No. 35 on Readers’ Service Card

Replace them with corrosion resistant Plastic Blower fans Specify these solid reinforced plastic axial f a n s f o r long trouble-free service, minimum m a i n t e n a n c e . These f a n s resist a t t a c k by corrosive fumes, gases, mists. Critical drive components sealed off from corrosive fumes a n d dust. D i a m e t e r s from 18”t o 54”,volumes to 50,000 cfm, static pressures t o 21,/r” WG t 4: I W r i t e t o d a y f o r Bulletin 11-3.


THE CEILCOTE COMPANY 140 SHELOON K O , BEKEA. OHIO 44017 Circle No. 42 cn Readers’ Service Card

Volume 3, Number 5, May 1969 489

DIRECTOR OF LABORA TORY WATER POLLUTION CONTROL This is an unusual opportunity t o play an important role in the expansion and advancement of Philadelphia's Water Pollution Control facilities. It will be the responsibility of the Director t o work closely with laboratory and engineering personnel in the development of refined treatment processes. Position requires a person who is capable of supervising the activities of laboratory personnel and is at home with treatment plant processes as well.

Automatic flow control

An automatic flow control device keeps water pressures constant in high-rise buildings and widely separated building complexes, despite changes in incoming water pressure or demand, according to the manufacturer. The Pacomonitor has a visual flow indicator, and reacts instantly to any change in system demand by monitoring flow being used, and starting o r stopping pumps accordingly. Pacific Pumping Co. 66

REQUIREMENTS: (1) Completion of a master's degree program a t an accredited college or university with major course work in sanitary engineering, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, bacteriology, or in a related field. (2) Three years' laboratory experience in the chemical and bacteriological analysis, treatment and control of waste water, 2 years' of which has included, as a significant aspect, devising and recommending new or improved treatment procedures. Equivalent combination of training and experience may be considered. SALARY: $15,600 with increases t o $16,800. Liberal fringe benefits include 13 paid holidays, 2 weeks vacation plus 3 personal business days, excellent sick leave, hospitalization, and pension program. Please Send Resume To: Mr. Stanley J. Pacana Room 580 Municipal Services BIdg. Philadelphia, Pa. 19107

DIRECT READING COLORIMETER Calibrated for 52 Different Water & Pollution Tests


Fluid analyzer

HACH "DIRECT READING" COLORIMETERS-A.C. Op. erated, model 1104 (Battery model 585 also available)

It's A.C. operated and three times more accurate than visual color comparators. Readings are given directly on interchangeable meter scales in parts per million or pH. Only one adjustment to make and no experience is necessary to operate. Each instrument is shimed comolete with nine color filters. two samde bottles. full set of meter scales, molded plastic carrying case and detailed instructions. WRITE FOR CATALOG




/ Colorimeters

Products for Water Analysis and Pollution Control


Automatic Analyzers


/ Portable Test Kits / Reagents :


Box 907, Amer, Iowa 50010

............................................................................ Phone 2 3 2 - 2 5 3 3 Area 5 1 5

Circle No. 25 on Readers' Service Card

490 Environmental Science & Technology

: : : : :

The Model 150 fluid analyzer, utilizing the back scatter principle-a prefocused beam enters the process stream and bounces back to a readout chamber-is designed to measure heavy concentrations of suspended solids in industrial and processing applications. The company says the device is capable of mcasuring fluids and slurries up to 15% solids, and incorporates a system for continuously monitoring, measuring, and controlling suspended solids in the process stream. The Model 150 features solid-state electronics, no moving parts, easy installation, and requires no trained personnel. Available in two standard ranges-10-5000 p.p.m. and 5000-100,000 p.p.m.-the unit has application in mining, food processing, and paper industries, as well as in waste treatment. Gem Rad, Inc. 67



On-site incineration

A line of pre-sized Tumble-Burners for on-site incineration of solid industrial wastes is designed for smokeless, pollution-free operation. The company says this is accomplished by tumbling action combined with high temperature. oxygen rich atmosphere to guarantee complete combustion of all burnables. The units can be batch o r continuously fed, and can handle from 95-2 tons per hour of waste. Featuring a refactory-lined cylindx which rotates at 1 r.p.m., wet scrubber. exhaust fan. and prewired automatic contro!s, the pre-packaged units are easy to install and maintain. BartlettSnow. 65 Left: General Refractories Co., Curtis Bay plant, Baltimore. Right: Multi.Seal automatic b a g cleaning mechanism in Dynaclone Filter’s clean air chamber.


Waste disposal system

The Loewy-Kompex compactor for waste disposal in large dwellings is installed at a New York City housing project. The unit is a carousel of treated paper bags that turns automatically (by air compression) to the next empty bag as each bag is filled to preset capacity. The company says the bags are odor-proof, vermin-proof. and wet-proof, and can be sealed for carting away. Scientific Pollution Control Corp. 69

Chrome ore is an important ingredient in high quality refractory fircbrick. Converting the raw product into usable form involves grinding/ crushing/screening operations calling for efficient, trouble-free dust control. That’s why General Refractories Company vents their process with a 12,000 C F M Multi-Seal Dynaclone. It operates with low presw r e drop, delivers dependable high volume collection. After better than 1 ?hyears of service, the Multi-Seal automatic bag cleaning device shows little wear. “We like the trouble-free simplicity of Dynaclone’s new bag cleaner. We particularly like the longer bag life we’re getting and the absence of bothersome maintenance problems,” says the plant’s maintenance superintendent. For trouble-free dust collection in your process, look into Multi-Seal Dynaclone. Multi-Seal is a simplified automatic bag cleaning device that makes self-cleaning Dynaclone more dependable than ever. It operates better, seals better, cleans better. Details arc in our Catalog 204. Send for your free copy today.




Manufacturers of Dust Filters and ImpinjeP Gas Scrubbers

4813 Train Ave.

Cleveland, Ohio 44102 631-1100


M i d e c o Pty. Limited, N u n a w a d i n g . A u s t r a l i a Overseas Licensees Powell D u f f r y n E n g i n e e r i n g Ltd., L o n d o n , E n g l a n d

Circle No. 20 on Readers’ Service Card

Volume 3, Number 5, Ma? 1969 491