new products - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

verv wide or verv narrow deadband. Operating accuracy is. 50. 1. 0.2. p.s.i.a. increasing pressure and 1. p.s.i.a. max. deadband. Electri- cal rating ...
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iicctioiiq. FI'hc~scj o i n t s call 1)r rrpacked \\.ithuiit tlisturliiiiq t h c Iicariiiq\, *T-\r l f f q . C ' o . 304 ROTARY AIR COMPRESSORS

.\ ne\\. liiie of t a n k - m o u n t e d , electric iiiotoi.-clri\.cii rotar) air cornpressors is a\-ailal)le direct froin the factor\- and read!. for iiistallatioii. Thcsc iiiiits iiia!. lie air- or \\-atercoolctl a n d coiiir i t i 1 5 - t o SO-1i.p. Tizrs, 'They at^ i~itccl a t 1 O ~ ) - p . c . i . e o i i t i I I uoi1s 11 i x ~ q tI Ti . 1 ) u t e a i i o prra tr iiitCi.iiiittctitljt o 1 2 5 1l.s.i. Tlics laiycst uilit occripirs Ies\ t h a n 1' sq. ft. of floor space“. Da\T)- ( ' O n l p I ~ c S \01' c:o. 305 CRY STAL-GROW I N G SYSTEM

\Toilel 2 2 0 0 stal-qt.o\\-iiiq k! Stein u s e s the (:zochralski iiirthocl for 4 i w \ \ . i iiq 11 ish q u a 1it)- si nylc ci.!.s t als from the inelt. :\ 1200' (:. furnace aiicl instruiiietitatioii a r e contained i i i a siiigle console. C'rbstals u p t u 1 5 i n . lono, c a n be piilled. and pullinq spc-eci is coiitiiiuous1)- \.ai.ialilr froiii 1 in. t o 0 in. 1 x 1 . hi.. .\ccrssorics to cstcncl the raiiqe of the iiiiit a r c avai1al)lr. 1ntci.iiational \laterials C : O I . ~ . 306 PROCESS P U M P

T h e T!.pc P S O process p u m p has been clesiprci to h a n d l e slurries aiitl coi.rosi\.e liquids. It is a\.ailat)le in .isizes froin 4 X 3 X 11' ? i n . t o 1 0 X 8 X 1' i n . (:apacities go u p to 5000 and heads to 300 ft. Standard units caii p u m p liquids u p to 2.50' F. and caii accoiiimodate 37( Iionr clr!. consistence. .Uis-C:halti1ei.s. 307 AIR HEATER

.\ lo\v-cost h c a t c r for llse 011 compressed air lincs is claiiiictl 1)). the ilia tiufactur~er to p i m k l r quod liratinq efficiency Lvith little prmS I I I T drop. T h e flo\v-throuqIi h y a t r r is 11 in. lonq aiicl 1; iii. i n clia m e t e r . Poiver coiisniiiptioii is 1500 lvatts a t 2rl8 \-olts a.c. \-nlcan Elect ric.

308 VOL. 5 9

NO, 5

M A Y 1967



h l o d e l BTC-710-1 environmental c h a m b e r features a temperature range of - 100' t o 500' F. n i t h +1 F. controller accurac). a n d resettability of 2 1 ' F. T h e u n i t c a n be heated f r o m a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r c to .500" F. i n 10 min. a n d cooled from 170' to -6.5" I'. i i I 3 inin. The total wriqht is onlh- 4.5 lb. Ccioiiics C'orp. 309

Ortho esters give y o ~ iiitiusual p e rf o r m a t i c e a t i d r e a c t io t i p r o p e rt i es.


LIocirl 300 h a s 1, 4 - i i i . ASPT thr,racls I)otli encis a n d uscs the K-\\. \.ai.iatile piston clcsiqn, \vhich is self-rleaniiig. It is designed [or. snut>t>iiigpulsations i n h t h gas anti liquid lines. T h r snul>her is 1 .58 in. long a n d is ratrcl for 2.500 p.s.i. a n d 5000 p.s.i. i i i 316 staiiilesq sterl. saiiic' clesiKii is a\.ailal)le it1 I ?-iii. .ASPT for pressures u p to 10,000 p.s.i. in stainlrss steel. Kingnian-\\-hitr. Iiir. 310

H e r e are t w o of t h e basic e s t e r s we've developed

nucleation phenomena Brings together in book form eight articles published serially i n Industrial & Engineering Chemistry from September 1965 to April 1966. It i s the second i n a series of state-of-the-art books growing out of summer symposia sponsored jointly by I&EC and the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.

Methyl Orthoformate

The book offers much that is unusual and provoca!ive to the "pure" scientist and to the chemical engineer, as well as much that will surely be of use in areas of practical importance.

HC(OCH,), Kay-Fries has pioneered the research on ortho esters because of the interesting and potentially usef u l properties of these compounds. These esters form an ethoxyniethylene group in condensation reactions; they form ketals and acetals; they react by addition t o a double bond; and they ii,t,evel,sibly react with watei, under acid catalysis.

Alan S. Michaels, President of Amicoti Corp. and symposium chairman, contributed the introductory "Chemical Engineer's Assessment". Chapter titles and the roster of authorsappear below,


Nucleation in the Atmosphere, , , .Horace R. Eyers, Texas A & M

ethyl orthoformates a r e detailed in 312 Inc. Vibratory Hoppers. .\ 1 2 - p a g ~holi' let discusses the principles eint.'loyed in the de\ign .. - of tu'o vibrator!, hopprrs. 'l'he u w of thew hoppers 10 dischargr dificcilt granlilar materials irom storazr ijins and hilo.; i i covered in case hiutorirs. Carrier hIaniil'. C:o.

a product bulletin just published by Kay-Fries. Also i n c l u d e d in thiy new publication a r e references fol

both i,eactions and product applications. Send for your copy of this bulletin. Samples of methyl orthoforinate o r ethyl oi,thoformate are also available t o qualified laboratories. W r i t e us, o n company letterhead please :



Kay-Fries Chemicals, Inc. A , FRIES

nirrization. heating. and cooling can also be carried 0111 ivirhin the p r o c e u i o r . Read Gorp. 311 _





Nucleation in Glasses.. ~

1 1



.John D. Hoffman, N.B.S. Fred Gornick, U. of Va.

. . . . ....John F. MacDowell,

Corning Glass Works

Nucleation with Crystalline Phases.. .John E. Hilliard Northwestern

8 chapters 89 pages (9 x 12) Cloth bound $5.75



M o r e information is as near as your mailbox. Just circle the number of the item i n which you are interested on the Readers' Information Card. Circle No. 30

Nucleation in Polymers.




Nucleation from the Melt ......Kenneth A. Jackson, Bell Telephone Labs. Nucleation from Boiling Heat Transfer.. ,,,.,,,..Warren M. Rohsenow, M.I.T.


.\ brochure dehcribes c q u i P l n e l l ~for continuous mixi n n of high viscosity materialr. Perrool-nlarlce Fatrs for tvpical operations are included. Contincio;ir rra.ction. pol\ -

360 L e x i n g t o n A v e , N e w Y 0 . k . N Y . 10017


R. Uhlmann, M.I.T. 8. Chalmers, Harvard

Homogeneous Nucleation from the Vapor Phase.. , , , R. P. Andres, Princeton

T h e properties, reactions, and pevera1 applications o f methyl and



Energetics of Nucleation.,

on Readers' Service Card



SPECIAL ISSUES SALES American Chemical Society 1155 16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

to cut in materia1 sizing processes

Large A.C. Motors. 711rcc tcchnical bulletins are available \chich describe large (150 to 5000 lip.) a.c. motors. No. 566 dcscrihrs squirrel cage uutorh from 1 5 0 to 17.50 hp.; No. 866 givcs details of siiriilar-r).pc niotors in the 2000- to .5OOO-hp. range. \.ertical solid shaft motors are described in Bulletin No. 1 166. General Dynamics. 315 Fluid Filters. Cbmplete specifications and descriptions of a line of liquid and air filtcrs are qiveii in a ne\r brochure. 1 his contain\ niimerous photographs. cuts\\ ay vie\\..;. and performance curves. I hc line includes filters rated for '2- to 40-p removal for operation a t tempera t l i r e from -400' to 1200' F. Flo\c ranges are similarly \\-ide. 316




Dust Collectors. Bulletin S o . 1247-28 drscribcg a line of Series 348 dust collccrors. '1lic1c are designed for applicatioiis \ \ here the du\t c o n c e n t r a h n is high and \\here the du,ts arc highly abrabi\-c. .l'>pica1 installations are outlined. .\metican Standard. 317

Nickel-Cadmium Batteries. An illustrated booklet drscribes the characteri,tic.; of the x c h a r ~ e a b l ecells. including their durabilit!.. flesibilit! . and lo^^ tempcratiire pcrforniance. There are also sections on nickel-cadmium battery principles and aspects of their performance and {ise. Guides to the selection of thebe barterics are included. International Nickcl Co. 318 Heat Transfer System. Bulletin 200.1 is available to assist in the selection of the proper pre-engineered high temperature liquid heating and cooling b y s t e m offered b>. the company. Debign criteria and recommended heat transfer media are discussed. .4mcrican I3 yd ro therm C:orp. 319 Tray Dryers. D i y r s of' 20 and 10 tra!-s are described in Bulletins $498 and f499. 'I hc smaller dryer has an area of 83 s q . It. and the larger. 166 sq. It. 'l'he bullrtins provide complete construction features, sizes. and weights. Optional equipment is listed. Proctor 320 and Sch\vartz. Inc. Alumina Crucibles. Product Bulletin 112 describes a line of 99,S% purity alumina crucibles for ilse in high t a n perature crystal growing. T h e line can be used for high m.p. metals such as Fe, Ni, a n d Co u p to 1900" C. hremco Products, Inc. 321

looks like a vibrating screen. It utilizes 5 "screen" decks, to form a probability "maze," and vibration to "fluidize" the material, but its principle of operation is not that of a vibrating screen. It may be used for particle size separations from 2" t o 150 mesh; making single or multiple separations; with capacity up t o 450 tons per hour; requiring only 10 sq. ft. of floor space; weighitig less than 1000 Ibs.; operating on less than 1 h.p.

Other exclusive features: no blinding, low wear, low maintenance, no operator required, low noise level.

Compare this

new concept in sizing w i t h your present screening costs Your Vibrating Screen

Hi-Prob Sizer



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1 H.P. $50.00

* 121year (Max.) $480.00 5 minutes 1hour x costihr. $.

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In Canada: MINE & SMELTER SUPPLY CO. OF CANADA, LTD. P.O. Box 276 -Toronto 18 Telephone 416/233-6819

Variable-Speed Drives. Bulletin PFYSD provides basic information on vari-

Circle NO. 5 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 5 9

NO. 5

MAY 1967