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Digital Multimeter. The IM-2202 portable digital mul- timeter provides up to8 hr of continu- ous operation (per charge) with four rechargeable nickel-...
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New Products Spectrodensitometer/Accessory The SDA 600 is an accessory spectral sensing unit which enables Schoeffel's SD 3000 spectrodensitometer to scan the spectra of fluorescing compounds sepa­ rated on TLC plates. Excellent results are obtained with quality mirror and quartz optics, an efficient monochromator, careful focusing, and use of blocking filters in the excitation and emission light path. Fluorescence spectra from short UV to near IR are recorded for sample quantities in the nanogram range. Priced under $2000. Schoeffel Instrument Corp. 405

Multipen Recorder

Digital Multimeter

Double-Grating Monochromator

The Multicorder provides multirange, multicolor, and multispeed operation with 3-6 pens simultaneously tracing across the 250-mm chart. Features and specifications include direct cou­ pled IC amplifiers, 0.3-sec full-scale response, and ±0.25% accuracy. Sixchannel instruments are priced at $4200. Datamart Ltd. 425

The IM-2202 portable digital mul­ timeter provides up to 8 hr of continu­ ous operation (per charge) with four rechargeable nickel-cadmium bat­ teries and a built-in charging circuit. Features include 26 full-scale ranges, 100% overrange capability, and large 3V2-digit display with automatic polar­ ity indication. DC accuracy is ±0.2%; AC accuracy is 0.5% to 10 kHz. Priced at $179.95. Heath Co. 413

Diano's DGM provides high disper­ sion in a short path length with stray light less than 0.01% at 254 nm. Fea­ tures include dual 1200 groves/mm plane reflection gratings, modified Czerny-Turner mount, and a choice of three fixed slit widths (0.2, 0.5, and 2.0 nm). Wavelength ranges are from 190 to 825 nm, optimized for the 200-nm region, with calibration displayed on a digital counter. Diano Corp. 428

V C M Monitor

Solution Calorimeter

Model 7070 continuous monitor for vinyl chloride monomer operates by the use of an impregnated paper tape which produces a color reaction when exposed to VCM. The vinyl chloride detector operates unattended up to 168 hr and can detect concentrations in air from 0 to 8 ppm. A strip chart recorder provides a time/concentra­ tion profile. MDA Scientific, Inc. 414

Heats of reaction, heats of solution, heats of mixing and wetting, and heats of dilution can be measured with the new Model 1451 bench-top calorime­ ter. The instrument measures energy changes of from 2 to 2000 calories with accuracy of 1% or better. Temperature changes can be plotted directly using an accessory strip chart recorder. Parr Instrument Co. 429

HPLC Pump Model 6000A solvent delivery system includes three selections for disposing eluents (waste, fraction collect, and recycle) and a choice of three solvent intakes. Features include constant volume delivery, 0.1-9.9 ml/min flow rates, and 0-6000 psig pressure capa­ bility. Waters Associates 426 Microwave Oven Model BPH2.5 provides power vari­ able up to 2500 watts at a frequency of 2450 MHz (optional power packs pro­ vide up to a total of 10 kW). Front door window and illumination permit user viewing of process. Instrumenta­ tion measures the relative efficiency of heating different types of materials and provides data on projected pro­ cessing rates. Cober Electronics, Inc. 427 Automatic Zero Instrument zero setting is faster and more accurate with Model 821 Auto Zero. The system operates on stan­ dard line voltage and enables user to bring all runs to true electrical zero. A separate data output allows computers and integrators to start precisely at zero. Spectrum Scientific Corp. 422

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Mass Spectrometer Model MS 5074 is an organic mass spectrometer with field desorption, chemical ionization, and electron impact ion sources. Features include highest guaranteed resolution (150,000) and accuracy of mass measurement (0.3 ppm). Also fea­ tured are solid-state electronics, matrix control of instrument parameters, and scintillator detector. ΑΕΙ Scientific Apparatus 402


QUANTITATIVE IR New Products MADE EASY Direct reading in concentration or absorbance Push button operation High precision Analog and BCD output

Nitrogen Analyzer Model NIA-1 nitrogen analyzer quan­ titatively determines the amount or ratio of the 15-isotope of nitrogen in a given sample. Naturally produced or tagged 15-isotope (as little as 1 μ% ni­ trogen) can be traced. Five samples can be handled simultaneously with results in 3-5 min. Jasco Inc. 409

Vacuum X-ray Spectrometer

A. Display reads linearly in ppm, %, or other concen­ tration units or in absorbance. B. Curve corrector eliminates errors due to non-linearity in working curves. C. Flow-through cell for ease of sampling and better re­ producibility. D. Auto zero for push-button setting of zero concentra­ tion. E. Variable-period time integrator for high precision. F. Continuous/Hold function allows following reading changes or holding average values for improved readability. The Wilks MIRAN I Digital Display makes semi-automation possible for many quantitative analyses with improved pre­ cision. The Digital Display can be used with instruments with an analog output of 10 mv, 100 mv, and 1 volt. The MIRAN I Single Beam Analyzer equipped with a flow-through sample cell and Wilks Scientific New Digital Display can be used for reliable quantitative data.





Model PW 1410/80 semiautomatic vacuum X-ray spectrometer is com­ puter compatible, accepts liquid, pow­ der, or solid samples, and can be used in the determination of elements from atomic number 9 (fluorine) upward. Concentration for most elements may range from a few ppm up to 100%. Features include a four-position sam­ ple changer, airlock system, flow and scintillation detectors, and a sine theta potentiometer. A gas density compensator, vacuum measuring sys­ tem, and a full range of accessories are also featured. Philips Electronic In­ struments 410

Carrier Gas Control Module A new dual-carrier gas control module for single- or dual-column GC instru­ ments provides inlet pressure regula­ tion and two digital flow controllers that display flow rate in cc/min. Con­ stant mass flow rates are also provid­ ed. The digital flow controllers are cal­ ibrated directly in cc/min helium (50 psig regulated pressure) and feature an operating range from 10 to 100 cc/ min. The module operates at 70-250 psig inlet pressure. Porter instruments Co. 433 Weight Count Converter The GC 11 is a piece/parts counter and a weight converter accessory for electronic balances. By use of this module, it is possible to convert the metric weight of a batch of small parts to the actual number of parts. Capaci­ ty is 999,999 units. Results are avail­ able in BCD code for transfer to a printer or other data processing equipment. Mettler Instrument Corp. 435 Water Purification System Bion Exchanger systems consist of two or more resin cartridges in series and provide 7.2 gal/hr of deionized water. The four-cartridge system (for very high-purity water) removes all ionized minerals including silica and free CO2. The resins change color when a car­ tridge change is due, and replacement cartridges are readily available. Pierce Chemical Co. 436

Detector for Liquid Chromatography Model LC-55 variable wavelength spectrophotometric detector is unaffected by flow rate or refractive index changes of the mobile phase. An operating wave­ length range from 190 to 800 nm is featured, with detector response linear to three absorbance units. The detector's high-pressure flow cell can withstand pressures up to 2500 psig, enabling routine analysis of organic compounds in the spectral range between 190 and 230 nm. Perkin-Elmer 408

Oxygen Monitor

Environmental Test Chambers

Model OM-12 hand-held, batterypowered oxygen monitor comes in two models (0-100% oxygen range and 0-25% range) featuring ±2% accuracy and ±1.5% linearity. The replaceable oxygen sensor has an operating life which exceeds one year when used continuously 8 hr/day. Priced at $290. Beckman Instruments 424

Series 412400 test chambers feature solid-state electronics, a temperature range of - 1 0 ° to +99°C, and a humid­ ity range of 20-98% RH. The units in­ clude proportional refrigeration sys­ tems, a vapor generator for humidity control, and digital display readout of parameters. Automatic programming is available. Hotpack Corp. 423


A POWERFUL GENIE IN A TINY BOTTLE ! At the snap of your finger Pierce A M P U L E D Fluoroacylating Reagents for GLC-Electron Capture Determinations

Gas Chromatograph Model 6700 process GC for vinyl chlo­ ride detection separates the com­ pound from all other contaminants in ambient air and detects 0.02 ppm con­ centrations of the compound. Ambient air measurements may be made as often as 30 times/hr with the 6700. Price range for the instrument is $8500 to $10,000. Beckman Instru­ ments 434 Oil Content Analyzer Model OCMA-200 measures oil-inwater contamination to within 1 ppm. Designed as a monitoring device, the unit features a readout meter range of 0-20 ppm (50 and 200 ppm full-scale ranges are available). Reproducibility is ±2%. The method of analysis is by solvent extraction and nondispersive infrared detection of hydrocarbons. Horiba Instruments 417

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Piercefluorinated anhydrides and imidazoles are especially prepared derivatizing reagents. Packaging under nitrogen in sealed glass ampules is our way of assuring you that these highly reactive reagents remain fresh and uncontaminated. When you reach for an ampule, you're opening it for the first time.


always fresh ! PIERCE EUROCHEMIE B.V. P.O.Box 1161,Rotterdam,Holland

New in the series are pentafluoropropionic anhydride and imidazole. The pentafluoropropionyl derivatives are receiving much attention as their retention times are shorter and they resolve more components in complicated mixtures; for example, extracts of biological specimens. The anhydrides are used for many conventional acylation procedures. The imidazoles are used similarly but, since they generate no acids within the system, are especially recommended for delicate samples or in cases where hydrolysis or other undesirable side reactions might occur. Stock up on ampule packs today! When you need them they are there and you know they're always fresh and never contaminated. 63164

Heptafluorobutyric Anhydride (HFBA)


N-Heptafluorobutyryl Imidazole (HFBI)

$16* $36t


Pentafluoropropionic Anhydride (PFPA)



N-Pentafluoropropionyl Imidazole !PFPI) $36T


Trifluoroacetic Anhydride (TFAA)



N-Trifluoroacetyl Imidazole (TFAI)


* Per package of W χ 1 ml ampules. 1 Per package of TO χ 7 gram ampules.

PIERCE&WARRINER(UK)LTD. Chester, Cheshire CHI 4EF England


I B o x 117 R o c k f o r d , I l l i n o i s 6 1 1 0 Ξ


ECONOCOLUMNS™ are bargains! One way you can hold the line against rising lab costs is to use Bio-Rad's new low-cost chromatographic columns. These quality columns sell for as little as 98 cents in quantities of 200. Yet their performance characteristics equal or exceed those of competing columns costing more than twice as much.

New Products Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer SIMS measures positive and negative ions in both the counting and current modes and is designed especially for investigating the concentration pro­ files of impurities in solids. The quadrupole mass spectrometer features %-in. rod diameters and a mass range to 350 amu. A telefocus primary ion gun (Wittmach, Maul, Schulz) pro­ duces 5-20-keV ion beams with con­ stant current densities of up to 400 μΑ/cm2. Measurements of impurities as low as 1 ppb are obtainable. Extranuclear Laboratories, Inc. 431


Liquid Argon High-purity liquid argon has been added to the available products of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. The high-purity product is extremely low in contaminants such as oxygen, nitro­ gen, hydrocarbons, and moisture and will be used in key applications such as crystal growing and welding appli­ cations. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 440 Labeled Antigens RIA radioactively labeled (125I) anti­ gens for radioimmunoassay are avail­ able packaged at 2.0 and 2.5 microCuries per vial. Antigens and their repre­ sentative ranges of specific activities are: digoxin (tyrosine analog), 40-60 μΟ/μξ; angiotensin 1,100-500 μϋ/μ^; TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormonehuman), 50-150 MCAig; insulin, 100200 μϋ/μξ; Τ 3 and T 4 > 500 μΟ/μ%. Priced at $65 per four-vial unit. Cor­ ning 439

Activated CH-Sepharose 4B

E C O N O - C O L U M N S come in 4 diameters (0.5, 0.7, 1.0 and 1.5 cm ID) and in lengths up to 50 cm. They are constructed of borosilicate glass with polypropylene end pieces. A complete line of jacketed ECONO-COLUMNS is also available at competitive prices. Accessories such as 3-way nylon stop-cocks and flangeless fittings are economy-priced too. ECONO-COLUMNS will satisfy a wide range of separation techniques including ion exchange, gel filtration, adsorption and affinity chromatogra­ phy. Bulletin 1029 gives full details. Contact:

High-Purity Organic Chemicals

Activated CH-Sepharose 4B is a preactivated derivative supplied as a freeze-dried powder in packs of 15 grams equivalent to about 45 ml of swollen gel. The new product provides a six-carbon spacer group and an ac­ tive ester for spontaneous covalent coupling of proteins and ligands con­ taining primary amino groups. Phar­ macia Fine Chemicals, Inc. 438

Ultrahigh purity compounds, includ­ ing short- to long-chain fatty acids and their derivatives, are available in small quantities for laboratory synthe­ sis work and for calibrating analytical instruments. The series of about 250 chemicals includes odd number car­ bon chains and the rare quaternary salts. Lachat Chemicals, Inc. 437

Electrophoresis Reagent Set

Chromatography Supports

Eastman 13202 starter set enables user to perform a variety of applica­ tions of acrylamide gel electrophoresis and includes acrylamide, bis, ammo­ nium, persulfate, riboflavin, TEMED, DATDA, periodic acid, SDS, mercaptoethanol, and tracker dye and stain in one convenient package. The set contains all the chemicals necessary for performing standard electrophore­ sis, SDS molecular-weight determina­ tions and subunit fractionation, and DATDA solubilizable gels. Detailed instruction manual and bibliography are included. Eastman Organic Chem­ icals, Eastman Kodak Co., Dept. 412L, Rochester, N.Y. 14650

Size separation chromatography is made easier with Glycophase-G sup­ port, a "glycerol" coating which caps the active sites on the glass and pro­ vides a hydrophilic environment for the materials being separated. The chemically bonded phase at the sur­ face of the porous glass support is: OH OH G Si— CH2CH2CH2OCH2CH—CH2 Pore sizes available are 100, 200, 550, and 1500 Â, each in 120/200 and 200/ 400 mesh particles. Pierce Chemical Co. 441 Solvent Standards



32nd and Griffin Avenue Richmond, CA 94804 Phone (415) 234-4130 Also in: Rockville Centre, N.Y.; Mississauga. Ontario; London; Munich; Milan; Sao Paulo CIRCLE 30 ON READER SERVICE CARD 722 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 47, NO. 7, JUNE 1975

Twenty-nine high-purity distilled-inglass solvents are now available with guaranteed purity of less than the equivalent of 10 ng of chlorinated hydrocarbons/liter. Applications include pesticide studies, food/flavor analysis, and drug, steroid, or lipid determinations. One-gallon units are available from stock and range in price from $12 for hexane to $30 for dimethyl formamide. Chem Service, Inc. 442

Test Instruments for the Paper Industry A single-page publication from Gardner Laboratory, Inc., illustrates and describes test instruments applicable to paper and related industries. Gardner Laboratory, Inc. 448 pH Instrumentation Catalog Bulletin 4111-C, 36 p, covers Beckman's new on-line pH analyzer, monitor, and recorder systems. Oxidationreduction potential instruments, systems hardware, and accessories are included. Beckman Instruments 449

Hydrogénation Measurements A 4-p brochure on hydrogénation measurements describes infrared systems developed for assaying and monitoring the hydrogénation process for converting edible oils to margarine and other food products. Wilks Scientific Corp. 455

Manufacturers' Literature Filter Papers

Pesticide Analysis A 4-p technical note details the analysis of carbaryl formulations by liquid chromatography and compares LC with other analytical techniques. Waters Associates, Inc. 456

"Reeve Angel Glass-Fiber Filter Papers," 8 p, details properties, applications, and performance of glass-fiber filter papers for improved separations. Whatman, Inc. 452

Temperature Measurements

pH Electrodes, Buffers, and Supplies

A new 20-p product note discusses the selection of temperature transducers and the optimization of temperature measurements with Keithley digital multimeters and analog microvoltmeters. Keithley Instruments 457

Bulletin 7686-A, 28 p, simplifies ordering pH electrodes and supplies by cross-referencing combination, glass, and reference electrodes according to the pH meters in which they are to be replaced. Beckman Instruments 453

Materials Catalog

Laboratory Instruments

The 1975 edition of Advanced Materials Catalog, 128 p, describes over 1000 materials for research and development and thin-film production. Applications, conversion charts, and methods of deposition are included. Materials Research Corp. 458

"What's New for the Laboratory," No. 93, 16 p, contains descriptions and specifications for electrobalances, membrane and prefilters, laboratory blenders, electrophoresis apparatus, and various other laboratory aids. SGA Scientific, Inc. 459

GC-MS Systems Series 5980A gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer systems with EI source and dual chemical ionization/electron ionization source are described in this colorfully illustrated 12-p brochure. Hewlett-Packard Co. 450 Laboratory Periodical Instruments, accessories, and reference books for the laboratory are included in Ace Pulse, Vol. 15, No. 2, 20 p. A digital readout balance with automatic averaging is featured. Ace Scientific Supply Co., Inc. 451

CARBON CONTENT DETERMINATION, .001% to 5% IN 4 0 SECONDS. The dual-range capability of L E C O ' s IR-12 carbon determinator makes it ideal for analytical applications f r o m high-carbon iron to low-carbon alloys. The low range, 0.001 to 0 . 1 5 0 0 % carbon, is of special interest to producers of silicon steel, high-temperature alloys, stainless steels, low-carbon ferro-alloys, and nonferrous metals. Analytical results are read directly as percentage of carbon f r o m an electronic digital display. Accuracy is ± 1 % carbon content. Add the EB-25 Electronic Balance for fully automatic weight compensation. BCD output is also available for computer compatibility. For analytical instruments you know you can depend on, contact LECO* today. YOUR SINGLE SOURCE FOR ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTATION, METALLOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT A N D HIGH-TEMPERATURE CERAMICS

LECO Corporation · 3000 Lakeview Avenue · St. Joseph, Michigan 49085 U.S.A. CABLE: LECO· PHONE: (616) 983-5531 · TELEX: 72-9411 · LECO Instrumente G m b H , Dusseldorf, G e r m a n y LECO Instruments Limited, Toronto, Canada *LECO Corporation registered trademark.