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Oct 1, 2004 - Petroleum. The Petrotest PM-4 deter- mines flashpoints for petroleum products, lubricating oils, and other homogeneous liquids. It also ...
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CCD camera. Pixis offers a full range of spectroscopy and imaging CCDs. Each camera operates at 100 kHz and 2 MHz, gives >16-bit true dynamic range, and can cool to –100 °C. These cameras are targeted to lowlight applications, such as Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy, and semiconductor research. The new cameras are backward-compatible with all the software and custom packages written for previous Princeton Instruments cameras. Princeton Instruments

INSTRUMENTATION Petroleum. The Petrotest PM-4 determines flashpoints for petroleum products, lubricating oils, and other homogeneous liquids. It also determines flashpoints for non-homogeneous materials such as mixtures of liquids and solids. The PM-4 includes a gas and electric igniter, gas regulating valve, built-in stirrer speeds, and quick-connection head for stirrer and igniter. Petrolab

Water purification. The Elix systems provide up to several thousand liters per day of Type II analytical-grade water, suitable for environmental laboratory applications such as bacteriological, soil, groundwater, and wastewater analysis. For sensitive applications that use HPLC or ICPMS instruments, water produced by the Elix system can be further purified by a Milli-Q ultrapure water system. Elix provides complete control over pure-water production, distribution loop components, water storage, and monitoring functions from a single unit. Built-in water quality monitoring ensures the product water is within specifications. The new Elix systems are available in product flow rates of 20, 35, 70, and 100 L/h. Millipore ICP. The Activa inductively coupled plasma system features simultaneous analysis of all elements and background within a “wavelength analytical view”, offering access to any analytical wavelength from 160 to 800 nm. Activa provides a unique quick-release torch design and spacious sample compartment. Accessories, spray chambers, nebulizers, and sample introduction cassettes are available. Jobin

Particle size. The SALD-3101 laser diffraction particle size analyzer is designed for measurement of coarse or dense particles and offers a variety of sampling options for both wet and dry samples. It’s ideal for use in a variety of applications, including pharmaceuticals, metals, minerals, civil engineering, and the environment. It covers a wide measuring range of 0.05–3000 µm using a single measurement principle, a single optical system, and a single light source. The sampler incorporates a powerful vertical radial pump with a flow rate of 5000 cm3/min to reliably circulate a range of particle sizes from micrometers to several millimeters. Shimadzu

NMR. The JEOL family of NMR spectrometers now supports the MRM/ Protasis CapNMR probe for microscale NMR. The CapNMR probe offers very

Eksigent Tech. JEOL USA Jobin Yvon Kernco Instruments KineticSystems Macherey-Nagel Midac Millipore O.I. Analytical Petrolab Princeton Instruments Rhodia Orelis Selerity Tech. Shimadzu Supercritical Fluid Tech. Ultrasonic Scientific Valco Viscotek Wilkens-Anderson

high mass sensitivity for analysis of masslimited samples. Simple to use and easily maintained, the probe can be quickly installed on all JEOL ECA or ECX NMR models. Available at 300–800 MHz as a 1.5-mL inverse 1H (13C) z-gradient highresolution NMR probe, it features a coil that is triple-tuned for 1H observe, 13C pulse or decouple, and 2H lock. The flow-cell volume is 5 mL with an NMR active volume of 1.5 mL. The CapNMR probe is compatible with automated flow injection and capillary LC techniques.

JEOL USA Refractometer. The AR200 digital automatic refractometer is a handheld unit with the capabilities and features of a benchtop instrument. The instrument uses high-resolution (3600 cells), linearscanned array imaging to achieve a range and accuracy comparable to most laboratory models. The portable refractometer can be used in all industries and applications because it is user programmable using “flash memory” operating software. Kernco Instruments

FTIR. The Illuminator is a compact FTIR module that integrates with numerous sample interfaces in any configuration. The instrument contains an IR source and an interferometer that provide a collimated output beam. The Illuminator can be

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coupled with any sampling accessory with its own IR detector to create a compact, dedicated analyzer. Also, the instrument’s internal IR source can be replaced with a detector for emissions work, or it can be used with an external IR source. It can run on a 12-V battery instead of standard ac power, so it can be used for remote or field applications. Midac

GC. The S-PRO 3200 series for analysis of sulfur compounds in gaseous and liquefied petroleum gases is a pulsed-flame photometric detector-based system that can generate its own S-standards using an integrated permeation tube oven. The oven system provides NIST traceable, multiple low-level standards for calibration or QC check samples. O.I. Analytical

Spectrometer. The Titration Kinetic Analyzer is a high-resolution spectrometer for titration measurements and analysis of chemical reaction kinetics in small (~40 µL) volumes. Drug screening can be performed and microstructural and molecular processes can be measured when concentrations of selected compounds are changed. Related software features task-oriented steps and extended data analysis capabilities. Ultrasonic Scientific Pulsed discharge. The helium ionization detector is a nonradioactive, nondestructive device that extends the detector capabilities of GC by simply replacing existing manufacturer-installed detectors. With no hydrogen or open flame and close-to-true-mass response, the pulseddischarge detector is suitable for use in petrochemical environments. Valco

Camera. The Lovibond CAM-System 500 quantifies surface color and visual appearance. Its digital image processing techniques provide relative, quantitative measurement data, which allows the user to quickly decide whether a product meets acceptable color and appearance criteria. It is particularly well suited to measuring natural products with non-uniform color. Measurements are not affected by surface texture. Wilkens-Anderson Reaction processing. The SFT250 system runs reactions in supercritical fluid media and can be used for small-scale pilot processing. The instrument’s high-pressure stainless steel vessel can contain fluids at pressures up to 10,000 psi and accommodates vessel sizes up to 4 L. The reaction vessel has several ports for introducing reagents, reactive intermediates, or solvents. A magnetically controlled impeller carries out the mixing. Supercritical Fluid

Technologies Frequency counter. The first of the modules for the PXI platform, P635, is a single-width 3U module with eight frequency measurement channels. This unit can be used to monitor a variety of pulse sources in the frequency range 0.06 Hz to 100 kHz. A wide range of frequencies can be monitored without a change in the settings. The instrument also has filtering and hysteresis features to eliminate noise. KineticSystems Temperature programmer. The Polaratherm Total Temperature Controller can replace solvent gradients with isocratic runs, increase efficiency of chro-

Detector array. The Triple Detector Array is used to characterize natural and synthetic polymers and proteins. A concentration detector, viscometer, and light-scattering detector act in concert. Applications include measurements of absolute molecular weight, molecular size, structure, and intrinsic viscosity. Viscotek

matographic peaks, and reduce run time by a factor of five. Dynamic mobile phase preheating permits HPLC at 0 –200 °C with existing HPLC systems. Selerity

Technologies Membranes. Kerasep Diamond membranes, with various multichannel geometries (7, 19, or 27 channels), are highly compact and resistant to chemical constraints and aging. The membranes are manufactured with FDA-approved materials, and are available in a broad range of cutoff sizes between nanofiltration and microfiltration, as well as for the separation of chemicals, effluents, and active substances. They can be used in a wide range of applications, including bio-industries, pharmaceutical, automotive and metalworking industries, surface treatment, and the filtration of sweet beverages. Rhodia Orelis

HPLC. The Express HPLC is a fully integrated system that combines the latest technology in gradient delivery, mixing, sample injection, and optical detection. The system can increase throughput sixfold compared with conventional HPLC, making it ideal for high-throughput applications in drug development and discovery. The system also needs 99% less solvent and sample than conventional HPLC systems. Both single- and eight-channel Express systems are available. Eksigent Technologies

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COLUMNS Columns. The Nucleodur C18 Pyramid is a hydrophilic (polar) end-capped phase for use in mobile-phase systems of up to 100% water. Retention times are nearly unchanged between initial injection and restart, even after the flow has been stopped for 12 h. The phase is LC/ MS-compatible. Macherey-Nagel