New Products - Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications - American

Chem. , 2006, 78 (7), pp 2112–2112. DOI: 10.1021/ac0693868. Publication Date (Web): April 1, 2006. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 78, 7, 2112-2112. Note: In ...
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new products INSTRUMENTATION AFM. The BioScope II is a high-performance atomic force microscope (AFM) that delivers >15-µm z range for imaging large structures (e.g., cells) as well as >150-µm x–y range for matching cell or sample size to scan area and correlating AFM data with optical/fluorescence images. True top-down optical access permits the use of phase contrast, differential interference contrast, and bright-field optical microscopy. Setup is fast and easy, even for complex perfusion experiments. A soft-sealed environmental perfusion chamber and sample heater allows sensitive biological samples to be maintained and imaged under physiological conditions by controlling the chemistry of the fluid and gaseous environment. Veeco NIR spectrometers. The Spectrum 100 FT-IR and 100N FT-NIR are part of the Spectrum 100 Series, which encompasses a broad array of features and advantages, including a universal attenuated total reflectance (UATR) accessory, a new fiber-optic NIR probe, and an enhanced version of the Spectrum and AssureID software packages. Built-in intelligence controls monitor measurements and alert users to potential errors to ensure consistent results. Accessories, such as the UATR, increase efficiency by allowing a wide range of samples to be analyzed. State-of-the-art digital electronics and optical design maximize source output to increase S/N without sacrificing source lifetime. PerkinElmer

Electroporators. The Cellaxess CX1 is a micromanipulator-based system for precise targeting of distinct areas directly in cell culture dishes. It installs on inverted microscopes and enables instant readout after electroporation. The Cellaxess CX3 is a parallel 3-channel system designed for electroporation in 96-well plates, 35-mm cell culture dishes, or larger containers. Both systems are specifically designed for direct transfection of adherent cell cultures and are suitable for both hardto-transfect cells such as primary and stem cells, and traditional immortalized 2112

cell lines. Experimental operations are kept to a minimum—suspension steps, transfer to special electroporation cuvettes, or re-culturing after electroporation are not required. The Cellaxess systems are easy to implement and provide a high degree of experimental control.

Cellectricon HPLC detector. Charged Aerosol Detection (CAD) is a significant new universal detection option for HPLC. With CAD, the HPLC column eluent is first nebulized with nitrogen and the droplets are dried to remove mobile phase, thereby producing analyte particles. A secondary stream of nitrogen becomes positively charged as it passes a high-voltage, platinum corona wire. This charge transfers to the opposing stream of analyte particles. The charge is transferred to a collector, where it is measured by a highly sensitive electrometer. This generates a signal in direct proportion to the quantity of analyte present. CAD is applicable for virtually any nonvolatile or semivolatile compound. ESA Biosciences Microanalyzer. The JXA-8500F is a high-performance thermal field emission electron probe microanalyzer that combines high scanning electron microscopy resolution with high-quality X-ray analysis of submicrometer areas. The JXA8500F uses a patented “in-lens” Schottky-type field emission electron gun, which enables a high probe current for a probe with a small diameter. The JXA8500F instrument is capable of extreme elemental analysis of submicrometer areas. JEOL

Arrays. Four new gene signature panels are introduced as part of the Taq-

A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y / A P R I L 1 , 2 0 0 6

Man Low Density Array (TLDA) product line for real-time PCR applications. The TLDA products are 384-well microfluidic cards designed for analyzing gene expression patterns in many samples across a defined set of gene targets. The new arrays include the human Gprotein-coupled receptors panel, human protein kinase panel, mouse immune panel, and human endogenous controls panel. The human G-protein-coupled receptors and human protein kinase panels are important tools for drug target screening and pharmacogenomics research studies. The mouse immune panel contains genes known for their involvement in inflammation, cancer, and cell proliferation conditions, making it a significant tool for disease association studies. The human endogenous controls panel allows researchers an easy way to select the most appropriate controls for analytical experiments.

Applied Biosystems

LITERATURE Perchlorate. Applications note PN720000941EN describes an LC/ MS/MS solution to confirm perchlorate in drinking and irrigation water at levels below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s official reference dose of 0.0007 mg/kg/d. This method combines a simple chromatographic separation technique by using an anion exchange column, ammonium bicarbonate/acetonitrile mobile phase, and MS/MS detection without sample prep. The anion exchange column separates all the compounds in a water sample. From injection to injection, the entire process takes 15 min to confirm perchlorate at parts-per-trillion levels. Waters

Applied Biosystems




ESA Biosciences








