New Products - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28 (4), pp 64A–68A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50161a062. Publication Date: April 1956. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, th...
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Quantitative Gas-liquid Chromatography Unit Features Built-In Integrator Making an automatic process even more automatic, Fisher Scientific Co. introduces the new Fisher-Gulf Partitioner for gas-liquid partition chromatography. A built-in integrator supplies numerical representation of the components analyzed by mean? of a simultaneous computing and recordinq operation.

A continuous sensitivity control permits governing the built-in recorder which has chart speeds of 1/1 to '/n in./ min. The conductivity cell has a built-in a.c. power supply, and the flow rate of the preheated carrier gas is controlled by needle valve and calibrated flow meter. A selected operating temperature, over a range from 50" to 100" C., is maintained by a thermostatted air bath which encases the column, the conductivity cell, and the preheater coil. Diatomaceous earth packing is supplied, but other types are available in pre1 packed interchangeable columns.

New Diffraction Instrument Permits Single Crystal Analysis

Separation into pure components takes place in a 14-ft. thermostatted chromatographic column through ahich the injected mixture is blown by an inert gas (helium). The sample dissolves in the stationary phase liquid and components move down the column at a rate governed by their volatility from the immobile phase; thus they become separated. As the separated component emerges from the column, it is detected by a thermal conductivity cell which produces a peak on a recorder chart. The area under each peak is proportional to the mole fraction of that component in the sample. Peak areas are automatically integrated, computed, and recorded in a number proportional to the quantity by the built-in integrator; all operator calculations are eliminated in obtaining quantitative results. The uartitioner uses only 0.01 to 0.03 ml. liqiid or 0.3 to 0.6 mi. gas/sample, and is said to be capable of analyzing a multicomponent system in minutes. Its resolving power is claimed to he equivalent to that of a distillation column with more than 1000 theoretical plates. 64 A

One of the new research weapons which adds to the scientist's ability to study the behavior of matter, to develop better materials, and to analyze unknown substances, is available in General Electric's new device known a8 the XRD-5 x-ray diffraction instrument. According to the company, the XRD5 permits rapid analysis with high accuracy by incorporating a high-speed proportional counter and preamplifier, and eliminating the conventional Geiger counter. The result is more work in a shorter time without loss of accuracy. I n addition, the proportional counter is claimed to have a life span that is at least 1000 times longer than a Geiger counter. The new apparatus features a special orienting device which is said to permit the routine identification of a single crystal of matter mounted a t the center. By associated use with the counter, it permits the direct and complete analysis of minute single crystals that may weigh only a small fraction of a microgram. All portions of the crystal's x-ray diffraction data are accessible in a single mounting, and in use or operation the device is said to have no photographic counterpart. A helium tunnel assembly increases the sensitivity of the portion of the instrument used for x-ray emission spectrography. This feature permits the routine quantitative analysis of aluminum, silicon, sulfur, potassium, and calcium.

By virtue of a building block principle of design, the moderately priced minimum essentials for film procedures can be obtained as basic equipment. Components may then be added as need arises until full equipment for direct measurement techniques is assembled. 2

Portable Freeze-Dryer A new mobile freezedryer, desiccator, and tray dryer which requires only a small amount of dry ice and coolant medium for operation is announced by Palo Laboratory. The completely assembled unit measures 22 X 15 X 66 in. and consists of a borosilicate glass drying chamber, interchangeable traysupport, glass trap with a capacity of 1200 ml. effluent, secondary stainless steel trap with inner condenser, vacuum pump, McLeod gage, variable intensity infrared unit, guard for drying chamber, and cabinet in gray hammertone on casters.

With this unit 261 ten ml. serum bottles or any variations thereof can be dried. Beakers, Petri Dishes, centrifuge tubes, test tubes or any suitable container can be used, eliminating the need for transfers before or after freeze drying. Solutions containing acids, bases, or organic solvents can he desiccated or freeze-dried by the addition of an appropriate absorbent in the drying chamber and in a column before the pump. 3 For further information, see coupon on page 61 A


Neutron Absorption Analyzer

Reed-Curtis Nuclear Industries, Inc., announce the availability of their neutron absorption analyzer. The instrument employs the principle of neutron absorption selectively and rapidly to detect and measure an element having a high absorption cross section in a sample of mixture of elements. The company claims that the instrument will measure boron, cadmium, lithium, mercury, iridium, indium, gold, silver, and many rare earths which have a high absorption cross section. Per cent purity in the sample can be determined without need for chemical treatment; samples are simply weighed and inserted in the instrument. 4



hot.. hot.. hottest Oxy-Gas Hand Torch

The Bethlehem "POLYMIXrr For working Pyrex*, Vycor and Quartz. *tested f o r 100 mm. tubing.

For silver soldering, brazing, metal working.

Ribbed Polyethylene Matting

Ribbed polyethylene matting is available in two sizes pre-cut mats, or in a utility roll from Palo Laboratory Supplies, Inc. When used as a desk top mat, the ribbing affords a cushioning and draining surface which is easily washed and rinsed. The matting is also recommended for use as a splash apron, or in the storage of glassware to prevent it from scratching. 5


Noiseless-surprisingly light weight Operates on low pressure gas Intense heating- cabacitv 1 d

Price $65.00

Mount on any Glass Lathe

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Other glassworking equipment described in Cat. C-54. Ask for it. For further information, circle number 65 A-1 on Readers' Servix Card, page 61 A

Dielectric Oven

A new dielectric oven designed for experimental laboratory use for instantaneous drying of solid and liquid samples with high frequency radio heat is being marketed by Erdco Engineering Corp. A radio frequency generator of 2-km. rated high frequency power output, the oven is fully automatic and has a patented electronic load matching system which automatically compensates for variations in the physical properties of the heated material during the heating cycle. Thus, it assures a constant power input into the sample. The power level can be adjusted from zero to full rated power, according to the need for individual tests. 6 Electronic Control of Solution Conductivity

Robertshaw-Fulton Controls Co., Fielden Instrument Division, announces the development of a new electronic device for controlling the conductivity of solutions. Designed to serve as a low cost instrument where recording is not required, it is expected to find wide application.

For further information, see coupon on page 61 A V O L U M E 28, N O . 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 6

Dept. A. Coleman Instruments, he., Meywood, 111. For further information, circle number 65 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 61 A

65 A

NEW PRODUCTS The controller is available in tiro standard ranges OS conductirity: 0 to 30 micromhos/c:., or 20 to 200 micromhos/cc., Ear use with conductivity cells having a ronstant of one. The scale calihration is nonlinear, and provides maximum reaclahility a t high specific conductivities. A single setpoint knob on the Eront provides control within the range of instrument cnlibration. Accuracy is 0.5 per rent of full scale sensitivity is 0.1 per cent of full scale, exclusive of the rell and temperature compensator. 7

Tritium Assay Apparatus

A new apparatus is announced by Advanced Instruments, Inc. for the assay of labeled water in body fluids or solutions, tracer il-ork in organic systems, totnl body water determinations, and water content measurement of organic chemicals, grains, animals, and irrebwlar rcssels. The apparatus consists of B preparation vaciium system, proportional counter, and scaler-amplifier. n'ater in the sample is reacted Iyith Grignnnl reagent

to produce labeled methane. This tritiated methane is collected in a proportional counter tube, and is counted at 2500 to 3000 8 Chemical Apparatus i n Kit Form

Bnnt,arn-ivare, a complete small organic chemistry lahorntory kit, has recently been introduced by the Kontes Glass Co. The kit is provided with aniple basic components to enable fractionation, steam. atmospheric, and vacuum distillation, chromatographic analysis, extraction, filtration, reflux, and separntion. Accessories for supporting, clamping, heating, agitating, and storing aye also supplicrl. Bdditional items of n more spe:(,i;dizedn;rture are nvnilnhle sepwat,ely.

The storage cabinet has an aluminum supporting frameaork securely bolted to its chemically resistant top. The glass apparatus features special ground joints rT-ith standardized hose connections. Standard taper joints have cylinrlricnl outer nalls to ensure firm clamping; ball and socket joints are used for connections niounted at the c!istillat,ion angle. The apparatus is intended for volumes of less than 5 ml. to 50 ml. 9 Low Temperature Cabinets X e w horizontal and vertical models of utility and ntorage cabinets designed for temperatures to - 120' F. have been announced by Labline, Inc. Available in 3-, 6,and 9-cubic-foot capacities, the horizontal cabinets have two stages of refrigeration and utilize Freon refrigerant; pressure relief devices and safety controls are built in. For hll(hcr infomation, circle nmLer 66 A

66 A


Readers' S e n l ~ icard, )age 81 A

For further information, see coupon on page 61 A


LITIIIUM in the ATOPIC PU’rURE Only in recent years has mention of Lithium in nuclear energy been made. For the past 12 years, however, the technical staff of Lithium Corporation has been accumulating know-how on lithium. The contributions made to the comparatively small store of knowledge on this interesting element are material. Now, with our country on the threshold of peacetime nuclear power, Lithium Corporation stands ready to assist the creators of tomorrow’s power. Lithium metal, two metal derivatives, and 15 salts are available for study. You are invited to share the benefits of our useresearch into lithium. Write for technical data sheets on this miracle element. It could mean a great deal to you. M o d e l AMF Atomics inc. Resecxrch Reactor


MINES: Keystone, Custer. Hill City, South Dakota Bessemer City, North Carolina Cat lake, Manitoba Amos Area, Quebec BRANCH SALES OFFICES: New York Pittsburgh Chicago CHEMICAL PLANTS: St. Louis Park, Minnesota Bessemer City, North Carolina RESEARCH LABlJRATORY: St. Louis Park, Minnesota For further information, circle number 61 A on Readers’ Service Card, page 61 A

V O L U M E 28, N O . 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 6

61 A


The instrument panel includes adjustable thermostat, suction and pressure gages, pilot lights, and control switches. The vertical model features additional interior vestihnle doors for reduction of heat gains when outer doors are opened, and is available in 22- and 24-cubic-foot capacities. Compressors utilize Freon refrigerant. 10 Magnetic Separators




T h e three-purpose Fisher NefluoroPhotometer combines in one e a s v - t - w instrument B colorimeter, nephdlometer and fluorometer for rapid and precise determination of B wide variety of organic, inorganic, synthetic and biological mate. rials. It is designed for simplicity and flexibility to fill present needs and to grow with your laboratory!

AS A FLUOROMETER LiEht of one wavelength causes some substances to Muorei~e. The fluorescent light is measured and re-

lated to the concentration.

AS A NEPHELOMETER Dispersed pilticlcs reantr incident light, which is measured a1 right angler and relaled Io particle con. Centmlio".

#,rdhbla on request I l l u s t r a t e d h o w - t o booklet s h o w i n g t h e versa. tility Of t h e F i s h e r N e f l u o r o . P h o t o r n e t e r .





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68 A


Two laboratory-model high-intensity magnetic separators, especially designed for separating dry, granular, weakly magnetic materials or those materials usually considered nonmagnetic, have been announced by the Exolon Co. Material in a grain stream flows onto the highly magnetized revolving rotor, which attracts those particles which are influenced by magnetism. Knife-edge dividers are so placed as to make the desired separations of the head feed. The magnetic circuit is produced by a d.e. electromagnetic coil with rheostat control for adjusting magnetic flux. The separators are claimed to give results directly comparable with commercial sized models. 11 Molecular Still

A laboratory-type centrifugal molecular still is now available from Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp. for separating heat-sensitive materials of high molecular weights up to 1200. Any material that is noncorrosive, that can be liquefied without molecular change, and possesses a molecular weight from 250 to 1200 is easily separated. Utilizing centrifugal action under high-vacuum conditions the still is capable of processing samples of 0.1 to 1.5 liters at a rate of 0.03 to 10 grams of distillate per minute. Significant features include a choice of four feed rates, a maximum film thickness of 0.1 mm. on the evaporating surface, continuous temperature measurement of evaporation area, and contact of the distilland with the heated 12 rotor from 0.05 to 0.2 second. Titrimeter Attachment

Fisher'snew coulomatic Titrimeter not only aids the analyst by eliminating the rvorries of standard solutions, but also speeds and expedites his analyses. Because ions of titrant are generated electrically, right in the sample, the often time consuming standardization and restandardization processes are avoided. The instrument features a wide variety of interchangeable unitized electrodes in Teflon holders, and is easily equipped to perform with ver