New Products Digest

oxygen, or gas into any liquid or con- taminated sludge ... the liquid is suitable for water purifica- tion or pollution control use. Sonic De- velopm...
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new moducts digest Pickle liquor recovery

A new hydrochloric acid regeneration process recovers HC1 and iron oxide from spent pickle liquor at low investment cost. Main advantages are that no dust collector is used and the iron oxide is produced as agglomerates. Systems are designed to handle 70050,000 tons HCl per year, and units up to 20,000 tons per year can be easily built next to the pickling line within the same building. Environmental Technology, Inc. 63 Oil separator

Dust filter

Quick-Change filters is a new line of process dust collectors for control and recovery of particulates from air and gas streams from fine grinders, pulverizers, classifiers, or mixers. They are compact, have long-life filter media, and are continuously self-cleaning with a rotating high velocity reverse flow shock nozzle. The units are available in either filter-receiver or bin-vent styles with flow capacities up to 1100 sizes up to 3000 c.f.m. are under development. Donaldson Co., Inc. 61


'4molded fiber glass. portable catamaran, Aqua-lab, provides a floating work station for pollution control studies, bottom sampling, and other water research tests. Foam-filled pontoons make the vessel unsinkable, and its shallow draft is suited for traversing streams and marshes. A rear mounted paddle wheel and air-cooled engine eliminate contamination of samples, and adequate space is provided for meters and related sampling equipment. Aqua-lab comes completely equipped with running lights, convei-tible top, automatic starter, and battery charger. Thermotron Corp. 62

Corrugated plate reinforced plastic interceptors are designed to separate heterogeneous mixtures such as oil and sludge from refinery waste streams and insoluble oil, chemicals, and sludge from chemical plant sewers. The unit consists of plastic housing containing a plate pack of 24 or 47 plastics blades and is mounted at a 45' angle. As the stream passes through, heavier materials accumulate and fall down the valleys of the corrugations into a gutter; lighter materials travel up the peaks and enter a gutter system at the top. Unit requires 20% of the space of a normal baffle separator, and multiple units can be stacked for increased capacity. It has no moving parts, is nonclogging, and self-cleaning. Heil Process Equipment Co. 64 Gas dispersions

Sonicore nozzles for aspirating ozone, oxygen, or gas into any liquid or contaminated sludge produce an extremely fine dispersion of bubbles under 5 p Absorption rate of the gas into the liquid is suitable for water purification or pollution control use. Sonic Development Corp. 65

Electron impact spectrometer

2.5 is the first commercial model of the electron impact spectrometer developed at the National Bureau of Standards and is designed for qualitative and quantitative studies of gases or vapors in simple or complex form. Of special attractiveness to pollution control workers is its high and nondiscriminating sensitivity to all gases, rapid spectral scanning, and ease of data interpretation. The instrument measures absolute energy loss by an electron beam impinging on the gas sample, with the resulting spectrum corresponding to valence electron transitions of the gas. Intensity of special peaks is a function of sample concentration. McPherson Instrument Corp. 66 ESCA

Pocket filters

A pocket-type filter for high efficiency operation can collect 99+% of submicron dusts. Multiple filter elements are enclosed in modules to facilitate replacement and inspection. Filter pockets are cleaned automatically. Peabody Engineering Corp. 67

Need more information about any items? If so, just circle the a.ppropriate numbers on one of the reader service cards bound into the back of this issue and mail in the card. N o sttinip is necessary. Volume 4, Number 7, July 1970 605