Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. The in- strument, first of its kind to operate with two gratings, according to Bausch ... in petroleum stocks and other orga...
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NEW PRODUCTS FOR ANALYSTS Squipment, Apparatus, Instruments, Reagents, Materials Dual Grating Spectrograph

of 2000 A. (first order) a n d operates in a practical range of 1850 t o 24,000 A. T h e second grating with a range of 1000 A. (first order) operates in a range of 1850 t o 12,000 A. Spectra are re­ corded on a flat 4 X 1 0 inch p l a t e or on two 2 X 10 inch plates. T h e spectrograph's slit system pro­ vides a slit which can be opened quickly for t h o r o u g h cleaning, b u t which is re­ t u r n e d automatically t o a n y one of several precise widths with a n accuracy of half a micron. A n y one of t h e availa­ ble slit widths can be placed in operation b y means of a dial selection k n o b . 1

A spectrograph said to achieve a high degree of speed a n d versatility b y use of t w o gratings h a s been announced b y Bausch & L o m b Optical Co. T h e in­ strument, first of its kind t o operate with two gratings, according t o Bausch & Lomb, is designed with m a n y innova­ tions claimed t o give it g r e a t e r flexibility a n d ease of operation.

Recording Balance

Direct, continuous measuring a n d recording of force vs. t i m e is possible with a new balance developed b y Sharpies Corp. Research Laboratories. Essentially a research i n s t r u m e n t , . t h e balance is designed for t h e observation of small, rapidly changing forces applied to t h e moving system of a servo-con-

Use of t w o gratings provides t w o dif­ ferent spectral ranges in a single ex­ posure on a single plate or on t w o dif­ ferent plates. One grating has a range

It's ace for

POLYETHYLENE WARE 1 2 0 4 - 3 BOULE with Finger Ring

trolled torsion balance. I t has a re­ sponse time of less t h a n 10 milliseconds. B y use of t h e balance, rapid changes in weight, gas or liquid density, m a g ­ netic susceptibility, or other changes in force in t h e range of milligrams or micrograms can be recorded. T h e bal­ ance can be used for observation of t h e action of gases on metals a t high t e m ­ peratures, t h e heating to constant weight of chemicals, t h e evaporation of solvent mixtures, a n d m a n y other a p ­ plications, according t o Sharpies. T h e i n s t r u m e n t consists of t h e bal­ ance itself, a n electronic amplifier, a n d a recording milliammeter. Standard models are supplied with four ranges of full scale sensitivity: 25 mg., 50 rag., 100 mg., a n d 250 m g . Ranges as low a s 1 m g . or as high as 1 g r a m can be fur­ nished. 2 Rare Earth Oxides Research Chemicals, Inc., has added lutetium oxide a n d thulium oxide t o t h e series of p u r e y t t r i u m group rare e a r t h s it has available. B o t h compounds a r e of 9 9 % m i n i m u m p u r i t y , with t h e prin­ cipal impurities being fractional per­ centages of other rare e a r t h oxides. Y t t e r b i u m oxide is now available, also, in grades of 99 or 9 9 . 8 % mini­ m u m purity. 3 Titrator for Mercaptans

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1/2 2.75

1204-1 BOTTLES a n d CARBOYS 1 2 5 OVJ 13 3.85 7.45 10.85 15.00 23.50

A coulometric t i t r a t o r developed b y S t a n d a r d Oil C o . (Indiana) especially for t h e determination of m e r c a p t a n sul­ fur content in petroleum stocks a n d other organic liquids is being manufac­ t u r e d b y Central Scientific Co. T h e i n s t r u m e n t is said t o be capable of measuring unusually low concentrations of m e r c a p t a n .

They m a y be used f o r shipping a n d storage of c o r r o ­ sive chemicals a n d s t a n d a r d s . Also useful f o r distilled w a t e r s t o r a g e since they w i l l n o t c h a n g e t h e p H o f t h e w a t e r , a n d a r e easily a n d safely transported to point o f use. For P o l y e t h y l e n e F o l d e r s W r i t e D e o ' t P W - F



φ N E W JERSEY Industry




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54 A

Operation is r e p o r t e d t o be simple. A 1-ml. sample is placed in a beaker containing t w o sets of electrodes: one coulometric for generating silver ions For further information, see coupon on page 51A ANALYTICAL


and the other amperometric for detecting the end point. When the unit is started, silver ions begin reacting with mercaptans in the sample. At the end point, excess silver ions cause an increase in current flow between the amperometric electrodes, stopping the titration. The time of titration, which is read on a dial, gives a measure of mercaptan content. On samples containing over 100 micrograms of mercaptan sulfur, this instrument is capable of obtaining better than 2% agreement with potentiometer results, according to the manufacturer. No standard solutions are required, and titrations are claimed to be very rapid.

N•M•R Gas Analyzer

The Norelco x-ray absorption gas analyzer now available from North American Philips Co., Inc., is designed for rapid quantitative analysis of elements of high atomic weight in gas mixtures. The apparatus consists of two cabinets housing an analysis assembly and a circuit panel. The analyzer's monochromatic x-ray beam is said to permit well defined absorption measurements.

penetrates barriers . . . The inability of the human eye to see into the world of the atom is a major barrier to research . . . a barrier that is rapidly being breached by the penetrating "eye" of Varian's V-4300B High Resolution n-m-r (nuclear magnetic resonance) Spectrometer. Here is an instrument of notable importance in advancing the study of molecular systems . . . permitting rapid, nondestructive analyses of multi-component mixtures, providing accurate identification of functional groups with a minimum of effort. NEW SAMPLE SPINNER— Brought to commercial reality in the Varian r.f. Spectroscopy Laboratory, an ingenious sample spinner provides even higher resolving power, separates closely-spaced resonances by averaging out the effects of magnetic field gradients . . . another milestone in the exciting story of Varian-developed n-m-r spectroscopy.

The analysis assembly includes the x-ray generator with its current stabilizer and copper target, self-quenching Geiger tube, polystyrene absorption standard, servo motor, nickel gas cell with beryllium windows, and gas system with pressure regulators and pumps. In the circuit panel cabinet are an a.c. line voltage regulator, counting rate meter, power supply for the rate meter, power supply for the Geiger tube, voltage reference, servo amplifier, and strip chart recorder. Mole per cent of the primary gas in the diluent is recorded continuously on the chart. 5 FOR

Detergent for G l a s s w a r e Washers

A detergent has been developed by Alconox, Inc., specifically for use in laboratory washing machines. The material, Alcowet, is claimed to remove For further information, see coupon on page Si A V O L U M E 2 7, NO. 5, MAY 1 9 5 S



. . .

B u l l s t i n s t h e V a r i a n V-4300B H i g h R e s o l u t i o n n - m - r S p e c t r o m e t e r a n d ' T°chniî?1 , ,, _ , · Dafa Sheets a s s o c i a t e d M a g n e t S y s t e m , w r i t e t h e S p e c i a l P r o d u c t s D i v i s i o n f o r : . n.m.r Tab/e







associates C A L I F O R N I A



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55 A

NEW PRODUCTS perature b a t h s or as a lubricant with a low vapor pressure a n d high flash point. T h e oil consists of purified diethyl hexylphthalate. I t has a boiling point of 126° C. a t 0.01 m m . of mercury. Flash point is 380° F . I t can be used to produce a n ultimate v a c u u m of 2 X 10" 7 m m . of m e r c u r y a t 25° C. in a threestage fractionating p u m p , according t o t h e manufacturer. 7

difficult stains a n d t o prevent t h e spotting of glassware caused b y quick machine drying operations. 6

Vacuum Pump Oil An oil for diffusion p u m p s t h a t permits high v a c u u m t o b e a t t a i n e d without the use of t r a p s involving liquid air or charcoal is being m a r k e t e d b y A. Daigger & Co. T h e oil can b e used in high vacuum diffusion p u m p s a n d differential manometers, or employed as a heat transfer medium in constant tem-

Bottle Pump A p u m p for use in removing distilled water and other liquids from carboys,

tanks, and other containers is being offered by Barnstead Still & Sterilizer Co. I t is designed for protecting the contents from contaminating matter— such as air-borne bacteria, dust, mist, vapors, and alkali or acid gases—which may enter during time of storage or when liquids are being removed. Outside air is cleaned by passing through a filter which removes or absorbs impurities before the air can enter the container to replace liquid being pumped out. 8 Filtration Unit



A borosilicate glass unit which can serve for both ultrafiltration and bacteriological filtration is being distributed by E. Machlett & Son. Since the VirTis UltraBac filter is of all-glass construction, no rubber or metal contacts solutions to contaminate the filtrate. A vacuum port is provided in the collection flask and a pressure port, as well as a port for filling, is provided in the upper reservoir, so that the unit can be operated with either pressure or vacuum. Machlett points out that the filter can be autoclaved as a unit. I t is available in two sizes: one equipped with a Vs X 8 inch glass candle and a 125ml. reservoir and a larger unit with a 1 X 8 inch candle and a 700-ml. reser-



• • • • •

it is glass clear it is non-toxic it is sterilizable it is chemically-resistant it is available in 58 sizes

Fat Stability Apparatus

TYGON TUBING a product of THE

U. S. S T O N E W A R E C O . Akron 9 , Ohio

Plastics and Synthetics Division 16-E

For further information, circle number 56 A on Readers' Service Card, page 51 A

56 A

An a p p a r a t u s for determining t h e keeping time of fats a n d oils b y t h e activ a t e d oxygen m e t h o d is available from A r t h u r S. L a P i n e & Co. I n addition t o its use for animal fats, i t can be used t o determine t h e stability of vegetable a n d cooking oils, shortening, and animal feeds t h a t contain fats. I n t h e test operation, clean a i r is bubbled through t h e sample a t a cons t a n t rate u n t i l rancidity develops. A b a t h maintains t h e sample a t a cons t a n t t e m p e r a t u r e of 208° F . , and t i m e of aeration u n t i l inception of rancidity is recorded. Peroxide values are then determined b y chemical tests a n d plotted against aeration time t o show keeping t i m e . T h e constant t e m p e r a t u r e b a t h portion of t h e a p p a r a t u s includes a circulating p u m p , thermoregulator, t w o For further information, s e e coupon on page51A ANALYTICAL


NEW PRODUCTS heaters, and a relay. I n the air dis­ tribution system are a stainless steel manifold, air pressure regulator, needle valve, pressure regulating columns, and calibrated capillary tubes. 10 Pipet Washer National Appliance Co. has intro­ duced an improved washer t h a t operates in one-minute flushing cycles for clean­ ing pipets and sampling tubes. T h e a p p a r a t u s will accommodate 200 pipets in lengths u p t o 375 m m . I t is fabri­ cated from stainless steel and brass, with a protective Tygon coating on t h e washer cylinder a n d base for stain re­ sistance. T h e cylinder is 6 inches in diameter and 23 inches high. A removable pipot rack will fit stand­ a r d 6 X 18 inch glass jars. T h e rack has a solid side wall with a height of 9 inches which prevents short pipets from failing out when the rack is removed from the washer. 11 Temperature Probes Yellow Springs I n s t r u m e n t Co., Inc., has developed a n u m b e r of new probes for use with its thermistor thermometer. T h e probes feature fast response and


small size. T h e y can be used to meas­ ure air and liquid t e m p e r a t u r e s . Six types of probes are now available : a tubular stainless steel probe, a n air t e m p e r a t u r e probe, a flat surface probe, a flexible immersion probe, an oral probe, a n d a hypodermic probe. T y p i ­ cal response times for the probes, deter­ mined b y transferring a probe from a water b a t h a t 68° F . to a b a t h a t 108 ° F . a n d noting the time required to indicate within 1 % of the final reading, are 4 seconds for the tubular stainless steel probe, 35 seconds for t h e flexible im­ mersion probe, and 3 seconds for the hypodermic probe. 12

base of t h e a p p a r a t u s permits t h e quality of t h e effluent t o be accurately checked on a direct-reading meter. 13 Heater A laboratory heater has been de­ veloped by E . H . Sargent & Co. for general use in distillations, evapora­ tions, digestions, or extractions. I t is

Water Demineralizer T h e Dceminizer demineralizer, availa­ ble from Crystal Research Laboratories, Inc., is a compact, portable u n i t for re­ moving ionized materials and dissolved solids from t a p water. R a w water placed in t h e upper reser­ voir of t h e u n i t ' s inert plastic tower flows b y gravity t h r o u g h mixed ion exchange resins a n d filters into t h e lower reservoir for immediate use. U p to 5 gallons of water per hour can be pro­ duced continuously. An electric conductivity circuit in t h e


equipped with three Chromel-A heating elements which provide seven operating ranges from 150 to 750 w a t t s . Control is b y means of three toggle switches. T h e u n i t ' s reversible upper refractory will accommodate 500- or 800-ml. Kjeldahl flasks, large round b o t t o m flasks, For further information, see coupon on page SI A





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ONLY $ 5 4 5 ° °


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CONTROLS HUMIDITY 20% to 99% within dz 2% (Depends on Dry Bulb Temperature)


DRY BULB: I Ambient to 156° F. within ±

I " F. MODEL 2500


Compact, Complete, fully auto­ matic Controlled R.H. offered at low cost. Inverted Pyrex Jar ( 1 6 " D x l 2 " H used as work chamber) placed on Stainless Steel Cabinet housing Controls, Motor and Blower. Guaranteed accurate and stable controlled humidity. MIL. JAN.



BLUE M ELECTRIC CO. 1 3 8 t h Α Ν D C Η Α Τ Η Α Μ S T R E E T BLUE ISLAND, I L L I N O I S Circle No. 58 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 51 A

58 A

One of a wide line of highly-depend­ able hot plates, this N E W T E M C O Model 2500 is the finest money can buy in its comparable size range. Top ELEMENT CIRCLES TOP PLATE 4 TIMES—HEATS quality throughout, it combines the FAST AND EVENLY best in performance plus excellent ap­ pearance. Extra sensitive thermostat provides stepless control with less than 3 ° variation at any point from room temperature to 370° C. (700° F.). Machined smooth cast aluminum surface plate reaches top temperature in 25 minutes, has negligible temperature gradient. Interior of case and your table top protected from heat by scien­ tifically designed ventilating channels. Long, spiraled heating ele­ ment embedded in refractory plate, replaceable without new surface plate. Dovetail sockets at rear for holding apparatus. $27.50. Write for data and name of nearest dealer.

THERMO ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. 478 H U F F S T R E E T , D U B U Q U E , Circle No. 58 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 51 A




200 years ' of Manufacturing Experience


NEW PRODUCTS a n d concentric metal rings. I t s stain­ less steel case is fitted with dovetail clamp sockets and a clamp for support­ ing t h e h e a t e r or for a t t a c h m e n t to a vertical rod. 14 Intensity Integrator for Spectrophotometers

to your problems of SPECIFIC GRAVITY


The Westphal-type . . . simple . easy to use . . . for liquids only. $39.50 and up-f.o.b. New York


The ideal basic lab answer to accu­ racy and reproducibility ten steel pegs on beam for easy application of weights . . . for liquids only . . . $101.00 and up-f.o.b. New York

Perkin-Elmer Corp. has developed an a t t a c h m e n t for its Model 21 spectrophotometers which will inte­ grate absorbance values continuously while a spectrum is being recorded. T h e values are measured over a given wave-length or frequency range and recorded on a counter. Since recent papers suggest the possibility t h a t func­ tional groups of chemical compounds m a y be characterized not only b y their wave-length absorption value b u t b y their absolute intensity as well, PerkinElmer believes t h e a t t a c h m e n t m a y enhance t h e use of infrared spectrometry for molecular structure determinations. T h e accessory m o u n t s on t h e side of a Model 21 instrument. I t consists of a logarithmic barrel cam which is actuated b y the optical wedge whose rotation determines t h e transmittance position of t h e recording pen. A second recording pen indicates unit integrated values b y dashes on t h e abscissa border of t h e spectrum, so t h a t absolute in­ tensity values can be read directly off t h e spectrum. M o r e accurate readings are possible b y calculation. 15 Kjeldahl Digester


A double-duty answer to the analyst's dream for determination of density of solids and liquids . . . $ 1 1 0 . 5 0 and u p - f . o . b . New York

Each model is accurate to fourth deci­ mal and available in various ranges of density from 0 up to maximum of 5. Prices include all accessories, which are packed in respective partitioned instrument cases. AH models may be adjusted for 15 or 20° Celsius. Plummets, Thermometers, glass cyl­ inders, rider weights, counter-weights, and all accessories are available im­ mediately from stock.




230 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK 17, Ν, Υ. Ask your laboratory supply dealer or w r i t e direct for bulletin B - 2 0 5 5 - S .

A micro Kjeldahl digestion unit available from L a b o r a t o r y Construction Co. consists of a b a n k of six individual electric heaters having individual rheo­ s t a t controls. T h e equipment is de­ signed for digestions in either 30- or 100-ml. flasks. I t can be furnished with a glass m a n i ­ fold for water ejection of fumes or with a simple flask support for operation in a hood. Single heat, 150-watt units are also available. 16 Recording Spectrophotometer A new infrared recording spectro­ photometer, model 4-55, has been de­ signed b y Baird Associates, I n c . T h e double-beam i n s t r u m e n t ' s recording sys­ t e m can be readily converted for either q u a n t i t a t i v e or qualitative analysis with scanning speed, slit width, and amplifier gain easily varied by individual controls. Large size optical components are said t o m a k e possible high resolution and precision a t fast scanning speeds. T h e unit is designed for one-minute interchange of prisms. Use of four prisms—sodium chloride, calcium fluo­ ride, lithium fluoride, and potassium

bromide—provides a spectral range of 1.5 to 26 microns. T h e manufacturer states t h a t t h e instrument can be operated continuously and will produce up to 100 complete spectra in a 24-hour period. 17

MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Digital Computer. Brochure of 12 pages describes and illustrates features of low-cost, automatic electronic digital computer for engineering and scientific computation. Burroughs Corp. (EI01). 18 Eye Protection Equipment. Twelvepage catalog covers safety glasses and goggles with methyl methacrylate plas­ tic lenses. Watchemoket Optical Co. (Bull. WORK). 19 Constant Temperature Rooms. Rooms in sizes from 4 t o 8 feet deep with t e m p e r a t u r e range from 40° to 140° F . described in bulletin. Labline, Inc. (Bull 70/+A). 20 Columbium and Tantalum Analysis. R e p r i n t of 5 pages discusses x-ray spec­ troscopic determination of columbium a n d t a n t a l u m in rare earth ores. N o r t h American Philips Co., Inc. 21 Chloromethanes Analysis. Booklet on the analysis of chloromethanes covers methods common to methylene chloride, chloroform, and carbon tetra­ chloride and separate analytical pro­ cedures for each product. Solvay Process Div., Allied Chemical & D y e Corp. (Tech. Service Report 2.5b). 11 S o d i u m D i s p e r s i o n s . Booklet of 28 pages discusses the uses of reactive sodium dispersions in chemical opera­ tions and describes techniques for their preparation and handling. E t h v l Corp. 23 M o l y b d e n u m C h e m i c a l s . Three-page bulletin lists over 50 molybdenum com­ pounds available in commercial or experimental quantities and their m a n u ­ facturers. Climax Molybdenum Co. (Bull.Ch-6). ' 24 Filter M e m b r a n e . Booklet of 36 pages covers the properties of Millipore m o ­ lecular filters and discusses their uses in microbiological and microchemical a p ­ plications. Bibliography. Millipore Filter Corp. " 25 Flame Analysis in' Pulp Production. Data sheet describes use of D U spectro­ photometer with flame a t t a c h m e n t for analysis and control of sewer waste losses and sodium retention in pulp a t a Canadian paper plant. Beckman I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc. (Data Sheet 23). 26 For further information, see coupon on page 51 A

Circle No. 60 A on Readers' Service Card, page 51 A

60 A