Bell Jars. For laboratory filtration work, New. York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc., has equipped its Filter Bell with a rede- signed slide valve in whic...
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NEW PRODUCTS FOR ANALYSTS Equipment, Apparatus, Instruments, Reagents, Materials Electric H e a t Source

An electrically operated heater capable of achieving t e m p e r a t u r e s of 850° C. at continuous operation is being distributed by Modern Laboratory Equipment Co. E v e n heating is accomplished by a stream of hot air. T h e Horo Elect ro-BunsenBurner, according to the company, eliminates fire lui zards, soot deposits, and local overheating or chemical reduction due to cont a c t with flame. T h e heating element of the device is housed within a porcelain chimney which is m o u n t e d on a metal base. T h e spiral interior of t h e chimney acts as a radiator; a stream of hot air flows from it during operation.

Six knobs along the t o p rim of t h e chimney can support a flask or dish without obstruction of t h e hot air flow. Crucibles m a y be placed on t h e knobs, on a m e t a l stand, or in a special holder m a d e of wire. T h e heater measures 7 inches high and 6 inches in diameter a t the base. I t requires a b o u t 500 w a t t s power and is available for 110- or 220-volt a.c. operation. 1 Combustion Unit for Hydrocarbons

R a p i d analysis of sulfur in hydrocarbons is possible with the LI-500P high-frequency combustion unit available from Lindberg Engineering Co. T h e induction furnace of t h e assembly is a modification of t h a t used extensively for sulfur and carbon determinations in t h e ferrous industry. T h e titration a p p a r a t u s consists primarily of an absorption cell such as used in the A S T M lamp sulfur method. All samples covered b y A S T M bomb



ALL Heads Interchangeable with ALL Bottoms

or lamp methods can be completely combusted, according to Lindberg. Fifteen to 20 minutes are required for one complete analysis, from initial weighing to final computation. T h e weighed sample is placed in t h e induction field, a n d t h e combusted gases are titrated by an iodometric method. T h e gases are passed through an acid solution of starch, potassium iodide, and potassium, iodate. At t h e end of the burning period, the intensity of blue color is adjusted to t h a t a t the s t a r t of the analysis. T h e a m o u n t of s t a n d a r d iodate solution added is a measure of the sulfur content of the sample. 2

Shaker A multipurpose shaker designed t o carry a variety of laboratory glassware, including Erlenmeyer flasks, boiling flasks, and test tubes, is available from Palo L a b o r a t o r y Supplies, Inc. Mechanical action of the a p p a r a t u s is said to duplicate hand motion almost exactly. Speed of agitation is controlled b y a rheostat, and a timer aids in reproducing shaking periods. C l a m p s are adjustable in two ways. 3

Large Necks for ease of cleaning. Heads available with joints.

M or spherical

One Clamp fits all capacities. Capacities and Types to meet every need. Wide Range of Glas-Col Heaters and Powerstats available from Ace. The Original Ace TRUBORE STIRRERS and Stirring Motors in stock for immediate shipment. FOR REACTION FLASK EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY YOU CAN RELY O N ACE Write Dept. RF-F for Brochure





For further information, circle number 44 A on Readers' Service Card, page 41 A

44 A

Particle S i z e A p p a r a t u s

An instrument designed t o determine particle size within t h e range from 75 t o 5 microns is being distributed b y Art h u r S. L a P i n e & Co. I t s range can be extended to a b o u t 2 microns if t h e top size is not greater t h a n approximately 20 microns. The self-contained a p p a r a t u s consists of a sedim e n t a t i o n system, a receiving t a n k , a n d a direct-reading torsion balance, all m o u n t e d on a leveling stand. Powder being measured is uniformly dispersed in a suitable liquid, a n d t h e particles are allowed t o settle on t h e p a n of t h e balance. T h e pan is suspended in clear liquid. Weight indicated b y t h e For further information, see coupon on page 41 A ANALYTICAL


balance is n o t affected b y changes in density of t h e suspension. Weightsize distribution is calculated from t h e k n o w n specific g r a v i t y of t h e powder a n d t h e specific g r a v i t y a n d viscosity of t h e dispersing liquid. Because i t is n o t necessary t o extract, dr3', a n d weigh t h e settled powder. blanks a r e n o t required a n d higher con­ centrations of dispersing agents can be used w i t h o u t applying correction fac­ tors. T h e balance is said t o b e suffi­ ciently sensitive t o p e r m i t use of a v e r y low concentration of solids, a n d sedi­ m e n t a t i o n c a n t a k e place u n d e r p r a c ­ tically free-falling conditions. I n t e r ­ ference with t h e settling particles is claimed t o b e negligible. 4 Eye Washing Bottle Industrial Products Co. is marketing an emergency eye washing bottle as a convenient means of providing a sup­ ply of water within reach of individual workers or small groups for immedi­ ate use in washing the eyes in the event of accidental exposure to corro„, sive materials. The bottle is made of polyethylene. One squeeze of the inverted bottle starts a continuous flow of water of seven to eight minutes duration. Capacity is one quart. Directions for use are printed in permanent letters on each bottle. 5




S PECTRACORD ultraviolet

· visible ·




Practical automatic spectrophotometer recorder . . . geared to meet the faster, more competitive tempo of today's costs-and-results conscious management.


T o combine speed with precision and accuracy . . . a new revolutionary concept of spectroscopy in a com­ pact, convenient instrument.

r i t S t

Recording spectrophotometer based on daily experi­ ence with the needs of a major industrial laboratory . . . where savings of time and equipment were needed to extend professional skills and expand the research program.


Fully field tested spectrophotometer . . . with speed and sensitivity to increase today's production . . . with flexibility to expand tomorrow's research horizons.

Bottle Rests Agilene polyethylene bottle rests of molded construction a r e being produced b y American Agile C o r p . for holding reagent bottles. T h e y a r e resilient, lightweight, a n d resistant t o chemicals. T h e rests a r e available in sizes of 4 a n d 6 inches diameter, a n d will handle small l a b o r a t o r y reagent bottles as well as s t a n d a r d 5-pint shipping con­ tainers. 6


Oven An e i g h t - c o m p a r t m e n t unit, Model P L 2A, h a s been a d d e d t o t h e line of portable electric ovens supplied b y Grieve-Hendry Co., I n c . T h e com­ p a r t m e n t s p e r m i t separation of different sizes or t y p e s of materials while drying, baking, or preheating. T e m p e r a t u r e s c a n b e adjusted t o 325° F . Air is circulated b y m e a n s of a

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