New Products: New Products - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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MSD for LC The LC/MSD is a benchtop mass-selective detector designed for use with the HP Series 1100 liquid chromatograph. It offers a choice of API-electrospray and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization modes in addition to standard positive and negative ionization modes, and can detect analytes with weak chromophores. It uses an automated switching valve to reduce leakage and does not require mechanical adjustment of the spraying system for different flow rates or mobile phases. The MSD is designed to be sensitive and reproducible at flow rates of 1-1000 uL/min with various mobile phases and additives, and it has automatic

INSTRUMENTATION IR process analyzers On-line FT-IR FT-near-IR, and near-IR spectroscopic analyzer systems for multicomponent process analysis consist of the spectrometer, sample cells or fiber-optic probes, sample or fiber multiplexers for multiple streams, and sample subsystems for capture and cleaning. Specialized software performs data analysis and instrument operations, initiates maintenance activities, and transmits fault messages by e-mail or pager. Adaptive Analyzer Technologies • 406

Karl Fischer The DL36 is a single-method coulometric Karl Fischer titrator that features automatic drift compensation; a sealed titration cell; interface connections for a printer, balance, and PC or LIMS; and an optional plain-paper printer. The DO305 drying oven can be linked with the DL36 to evaporate moisture in solids or samples that cannot be tested directly. Mettler Toledo • 407

tuning and a hinged swing-out spray chamber that facilitates switching between API-ES and APCI modes. Specialized software allows peak-to-peak comparison of UV and MS data, and an optional software module simplifies acquisition of molecular and mass spectral information by less experienced users. Hewlett Packard • 408

Semiconductor wafer analysis The Map300 is an automated FT-IR accessory for analyzing 300 mm semiconductor wafers. Reflectance mode is used for measuring the pitaxial layer thickness, and transmission mode is used for measuring boron, phosphorus, silicon, germanium, carbon, and oxygen. The Map300 is mounted in the sample compartment of the spectrometer and can accommodate other wafer sizes using optional adapters. Pike Technologies • 409

to the spectrometer and an aluminum body for stability. The kit is available in three configurations (trough plate, flat plate, and combination) and can be used for solids, aqueous and nonaqueous liquids, films, and soft powders. The trough and flat plates are coated with Teflon for chemical resistance. A 45° zinc selenide crystal plate is standard, but other crystal materials and angles are available. Spectra-Tech • 411

LC pump The 515 HPLC pump features a newly designed front panel and user interface designed to make the pump easier to operate and program. Eight different functions, including flow-rate calibration and compressibility compensation, can be programmed. An optional accessory for semipreparative work allows it to pump at flow rates as high as 22 mL/min. Waters • 412

Natural gas analyzer The MBTU is a 12-lb, field-portable gas chromatograph for natural gas analysis. Options include an inlet system that can be heated to 110 °C and can extend the instrument's analytical capabilities to C13 compounds. An optional fixed-volume injector is designed to improve chromatographic reproducibility. MTI Analytical Instruments • 413

Scanning probe Spectrofluorometer The Aminco-Bowman Series 2 Complete spectrofluorometer system includes a 150-W xenon lamp, a thermostatted single cell holder, a 133-MHz Pentium computer with 8 MB RAM and an 850-MB hard drive, a color monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, GPIB interface and cable, and DOS and OS/2. Spectronic Instruments 1 4 1 0

ATR accessories Horizontal, attenuated total reflectance kit features integrated purge tubes that seal it

48 A Analytical Chemistry News & Features, January 1, 1997

The SVP100 scanning probe uses a noncontacting, vibrating platinum-sensing probe to map and quantify localized electrochemical and corrosion events generated just above the surface of an electro-

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chemically active sample while that sample is immersed in an electrolyte. The system's probe vibration is controlled by a piezo-ceramic displacement device, providing amplitudes of up to 60 um perpendicular to the surface. The system is designed to measure and map localized corrosion events of less than 5 uA/cm2; a fine-tipped platinum probe provides spatial resolution of a few tens of micrometers. The system is available with or without a potentiostat and is also available as an upgrade for the SP100. EG&G Instruments • 414

UV-vis spectrophotometer The Series 3000 UV-vis spectrophotometers feature a high-resolution backlit screen, an optical bandwidth of 1.8 nm, wavelength precision of 0.1 nm, scan speeds of 30-4000 nm/min, and baseline stability of ± 0.001 A/h. Stray light is reduced to 0.01%, and encoded software allows the user to add software modules instantly by obtaining the appropriate code number from the manufacturer. Cecil Instruments 1 4 1 5

Syringe pump The MicroPro series of syringe pumps provides pulseless flow for chromatography, FIA, and process control applications. Flow rates range from 0.01-10 mL/ min at pressures up to 10,000 psi. Gradient flow rates are as low as 1.0 uL/min,

Tunable diode laser

and negative flow rates can be programmed for segmented injection analysis. Operation modes include isocratic flow, binary to quaternary gradients, use of reciprocating syringes, and use of multiple independent syringes. Options include syringe temperature control, different types of valves, a dynamic micro-mixing chamber, automatic purging, and automatic prepressurization. Eldex Laboratories 1 4 1 7

Industrial FT-IR The I Series of industrial FT-IR spectrometers can be used asfixedsingle-point monitors or as mobile analyzers for online, at-line, near-line, and QC applications. Each system contains a hermetically sealed 0.5-cm""1 FT-IR spectrometer and sampling accessories that attach to the front of the instrument, rather than inside a sample compartment. Windowsbased software controls the instrument, data collection, and analysis. Midac • 418

LITERATURE AFM "Nanovations" newsletter describes the latest atomic force scanning probe microscopy applications for the semiconductor, data storage, and paints and coatings industries. A question-and-answer column is

also included. Digital Instruments • 419

FT-IR Application note describes using GPC/ FT-IR to map the compositional distribution across the molecular weight range of styrene/butadiene copolymers. Lab Connections • 420

Fluorescence Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Chemicals, Sixth Edition, is a reference book with information on ~ 3000 reagents used influorescenceapplications, including spectral information, structures, and literature citations. Molecular Probes • 421

Prep LC The LC-20 preparative liquid chromatograph features automated sample injection and collection capabilities, as well as mobile phase recycling. Automated sample recycling uses a valve system to send partially separated components back through the column as many times as necessary until adequate separation is achieved. The system features a ternary gradient pumping system and UV-vis and refractive index detectors. The column oven can hold eight 20-mm i.d. x 300-mm columns or two 40-mm i.d. x 300-mm columns. DyChrom • 422

External-cavity tunable diode laser at 633 nm offers narrow linewidth performance (more than 50 ms at 300 kHz), tunability of more than 10 nm, and modulation capability of more than 100 MHz. Primary applications include spectroscopy, frequency references, and interferometry. New Focus • 416

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, January 1, 1997 4 9 A