New Products: New Products - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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Process spectrometer. The InSpectrum spectrometer accepts up to 12 discrete optical fiber input channels simultaneously and efficiently processes each channel through one common set of optics and electronics, allowing the spectrometer to monitor multiple sites. It communicates through a convenient USB interface. The design allows accurate real-time spectroscopy of multiple points in a process. Acton Research

panded to provide high-performance liquid, multiple-channel protein, solid-state, and imaging spectroscopy in a single-instrument platform. The system is available from 300 to 920 MHz and is engineered to operate up to a 1-GHz proton frequency in anticipation of the future availability of 1-GHz magnets. Jeol USA

Genetic analyzer. The Prism 3100Avant genetic analyzer is a capillary-based system for researchers who require a low or medium throughput for DNA analysis. It is a four-capillary electrophoresis system that can be upgraded to the 16-capillary Prism 3100. Applications include de novo and comparative sequencing and mapping in fields from therapeutics to food safety. Applied Biosystems


INSTRUMENTATION Fraction collector. The BioFrac fraction collector is intended for microliter to liter fraction collection in preparative chromatography applications. The collector offers a wide variety of collection rack options, flexible hardware features, and sophisticated controls. It is well suited for basic and complex collection schemes at flow rates up to 100 mL/min and can work as a stand-alone fraction collector. It integrates with many chromatography systems. Bio-Rad

LC/MS. The 1200L LC/MS instrument can be custom-configured to meet specific analytical requirements. The system is available as a triple quadrupole instrument or as a single quadrupole instrument that can later be upgraded. Both configurations allow the user to switch from LC/MS to GC/MS with a simple interface change. Varian

NMR. The ECA nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer system can be ex-

Reversed-phase LC. The Nucleodur C18 Gravity is a reversed-phase column based on ultrapure Nucleodur synthetic silica, which suppresses undesirable reactions between the silica surface and sample molecules. Another feature is enhanced pH stability, allowing a working range of pH 1–11. The column is available in 3- and 5-µm particle sizes, various inner diameters, and customary column lengths. Macherey-Nagel

LITERATURE Maintenance guide. Publication number 5988-4269EN explains how to maintain the Agilent 1100 series HPLC system. The guide discusses the latest developments in LC injection valve technology and valve maintenance and ex-

Acton Research Agilent Agilent Europe Applied Biosystems Bio-Rad Brookfield Engineering CHEMetrics Dionex Jeol USA Macherey-Nagel Varian

plains how to maintain the autosampler.

Agilent Europe 21 CFR Part 11 compliance. The 16-page technical note explains how Chromeleon chromatography management software can be used to ensure compliance with 21 CFR Part 11, the Electronic Signature and Records Act. The document cites each relevant section of the law and explains how the software facilitates compliance. Dionex

Method translation software for GC. This free method translation software can shorten GC analysis time by up to 73%. For instance, when reactive sugars, amino acids, or proteins are dried, the Maillard reaction produces many products that can take more than 90 min to analyze. The software suggests cutting this time by using a smaller column. Agilent

Pesticides and phenols. Application note P/N 5988-3774EN reviews the analysis of organophosphorus pesticides. Application note P/N 5988-3934EN discusses retention time-locked GC/MS analysis of phenols. Agilent

CATALOGS Water analysis. The Product Catalog 2002: Perfecting Simplicity in Water Analysis features reagents, field test kits, photometers, and replacement components and refills. CHEMetrics

Rheometers. Viscometers/Rheometers Catalog 2002 offers a large line of ISO 9001-certified viscometers and rheometers. Brookfield Engineering

978-263-3584 800-227-9770 41-22-780-6111 650-638-6708 510-741-1000 800-628-8139 800-356-3072 408-481-4274 978-535-5900 610-559-9848 650-213-8000

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