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throughput It has an effective pathlength of. ~ 0.5 m, a cell ... RS-232 PC interface and software. The camera can ... The TG-800KA portable ozone gas...
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Mercury The AMA 254 automated mercury analysis system enables analysts to determine mercury in solid and liquid samples without wet chemistry pretreatment. Prior to combustion, the sample is dried in an oxygen stream that passes through a quartz tube inside a resistance furnace. The combustion gases are further decomposed on a catalytic

INSTRUMENTATION FT-IR The Macro Lightpipe gas cell for FT-IR spectrometers uses multiple internal reflection to achieve a high pathlength-to-volume ratio while maintaining a high energy throughput It has an effective pathlength of ~ 0.5 m, a cell volume of 135 mL, an inner diameter of 46 mm, and a length of 75 mm. The cell body consists of precision bore glass with gold plating on the internal cell wall. The transfer optics make use of aspheric front surface mirrors to provide high energy throughput for increased sensitivity in low-concentration measurements.



pH e l e c t r o d e The Micro pH electrode, a solid-state electrode with a 1-mm element, can take measurements in samples as small as 10 uL. The pH sensor is unbreakable and offers high stability, rapid response time, and extended shelf life. Theflatsensor tip is useful for surface measurements on filter 498 A

column. Mercury vapor is collected on a gold amalgam trap, desorbed, and measured by AAS at 254 nm; the results appear on a PC screen. The combustion and analysis process takes 5 min per sample and can be used for coal, oil, biomedical, and industrial matrices. The dual working ranges (0.05-50 ng and 50-600 ng) and automatic switchover capability help reduce errors caused by samples with unknown or variable mercury content. Liquid samples up to 500 uL and solid samples up to 300 mg can be loaded into the sample boat. For low-level determinations, as many as 10 consecutive samples can be preconcentrated onto the trap before desorption. Milestone 4 1 1

paper and electrophoretic agar surface gels. Lazar 4 1 2 SFE/SFC i n t e r f a c e f o r FT-IR Interface system for SFE/SFC includes a sample collection module that gathers SFC eluants or SFE extracts and deposits them on a disk where they can be analyzed by FT-IR spectroscopy. The optical interface is compatible with any commercial SFC or SFE instrument, and it can be easily inserted or removed from the FT-IR without realignment. Lab Connections • 413 MS/MS Q-TOF, a hybrid MS/MS system that combines a quadrupole with an orthogonal TOF mass analyzer, features APCI, megaflow electrospray, and nanoflow electrospray ionization. When used in the RF-only mode, mass spectra can be directly acquired using the TOF analyzer. The quadrupole can then be set at the required precursor mass, and the changeover to MS/MS accomplished

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, August 1, 1996

even while continuing to acquire the spectra using the TOF. Micromass 4 1 4 CCD The CCD-70, a 1024 x 1024 CCD camera for high-resolution imaging applications, has a 40-MHz pixel clock and provides 30 frames per second of information. All camera functions, including gain, black level, electronic shutter control, mirror image, on-chip multiframe integration, and image capture, can be manually controlled or remotely managed through an RS-232 PC interface and software. The camera can be interfaced with imageprocessing systems through an analog composite signal or through an optional 8-bit output at 40 MB per second. The CCD-70 provides electronic shuttering for exposure times of 800 ns-800 ms and also features real-time analog contrast enhancement. Xybion 4 1 5 UV UV light source features an integrated system with a 30-W deuterium lamp that provides UV light in the range 185-400 nm; a compact lighthouse; a small, lightweight regulated power supply; remote control; and monitoring capability. The system can also use 6- or 12-V tungsten lamps for vis-IR capability. Optional accessories include a fiber-optic adapter, monochromator, sample chamber, filter holder, and detectors. Spectral Energy 4 1 6 Ozone m o n i t o r The TG-800KA portable ozone gas monitor uses a patented gas membrane galvanic cell sensor that never needs to be replaced and can detect as M e as 0.01 ppm of ozone.

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Adjustable audio and visual alarms can be set to sound at 0.1 ppm. It has a 30-h internal rechargeable battery, an ac power supply, and recorder output CEA Instruments • 417 Fluorescence detector Model 9075 fluorescence detector is designed for applications that use excitation wavelengths in the high UV range. The pulsed xenon lamp eliminates long warm-up times, and the automatic shutoff feature extends lamp life. Because the flow cell, photomultiplier tube, and xenon lamp are located on the side of the unit under a removable cover, servicing and maintaining the detector are simplified. Varian 4 1 8

GC The Quad 400 refinery gas analyzer can determine hydrogen, saturated and ole-

UV-vis Series 2000 spectrophotometers are available in a UV-vis version witfi a wavelength range of 190-1000 nm and a visible-only version with a range of 325-1000 nm. Wavelength scanning at speeds up to 4000 mm/min is possible. Scans include full peak-and-valley annotation and can be reprocessed on screen or plotted to an integral or external dot matrix printer. Curves can be displayed or plotted and stored with security protection to prevent tampering or accidental deletion. Kinetics measurements can be made using Peltier or water temperature control, with the plot of the reaction displayed on screen and available for reprocessing. All instruments have a 5-nm bandwidth with stray light of < 0.01%. Stored methods can have protected passwords, and all reports are annotated with the date, time, and, if requested, batch num-

finic hydrocarbons, 0 2 , N2, CO, C02, H2S, S02, and COS in < 3 min and is ready to run the next sample in 3 min. Refinery gas is sampled automatically by an internal pump and analyzed simultaneously on four independently controlled GC modules. The micro TCD is designed to detect gases down to the 0.5- to 1-ppm level. MTI Analytical • 419

LITERATURE Spectrophotometer Brochure describes the models 340,390, and 690 spectrophotometers, which feature an 8-nm spectral bandwidth. Accessories include a far-UV attachment that gives the instrument a wavelength range of 200-1000 nm on all models. Barnstead/ Thermolyne • 420

ber or temperature-control parameters. Features include a 1500-h lamp, lamp save, auto lamp and filter selection, backlit screen, curve and line fit, display scrolling, and multiwavelength assays. Cecil • 421

Environment Application notes ENVA-300 "EPA Method 200.8 for the Analysis of Drinking Water" and ENVA-301 "RCRA SW846 Method 6020 for the IPC-MS Analysis of Soils and Sediments" highlight applications of ICPMS that use EPA methodology. ENVA-300 includes elemental equations, quality control checks, rinse times, detection limits, linear ranges, and stability data. ENVA-301 specifies the regulatory aspects, instrumental parameters, and quality control requirements for the application. Perkin-Elmer • 422 LC of nucleic acids The booklet "Purification of Nucleic Acids" covers LC methods used to separate, analyze, and purify oligonucleotides, DNA and RNA restriction fragments, polymerase chain reaction-generated fragments, and plasmids. TosoHaas • 423 LC columns Application note discusses how 1-mm i.d. reversed-phase HPLC columns can be used to separate mixtures of peptides and summarizes the theory of chromatographic resolution as it applies to peptides. Hewlett Packard • 424 Fixing LC Guidebook provides advice on troubleshooting column and system components. Possible problems are organized by symptom and include recommended solutions. Phenomenex • 425 Chiral separations "Chirobiotic Handbook" includes sections on separation mechanism, mobilephase design, optimization, operating parameters, analytical and preparative separations, care and use of columns, and applications. A bibliography is also provided. Advanced Separation Technologies • 426

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