Nov 6, 2010 - Geoscience Instruments Corp., Mount Vernon, N.Y. Ε 31. Gravity blender . Device for process industries rapidly mixes dry, free-flowing ...
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Phosphorus compounds. Trimethylphosphine, ethyldichlorophosphine, 1,1,1-tris (diphenylphosphinomethyl) ethane, diphenylphosphine, and diphenylphosphine oxide are available in research quantities. Orgmet, Inc., Hampstead, N.H. C 61

Electrodialysis cell. Laboratory model allows practical purifi­ cation of protein solutions, tissue extracts, urine, and other bio­ logical liquids; greatly reduces time for desalinization of proteinaceous solution; acrylic plastic; 15-ml. sample compartment; platinum electrodes. Gelman Instrument Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. Ε 30

Low-melting rosin acid (Resin 9 0 ) . Colorless, stabilized rosin is viscous liquid at ambient temperatures; derived from tall oil rosin; used for adhesive formulation and synthetic rubber pro­ duction. West Virginia Pulp and Paper, New York, N.Y. C 62

Micromortar and pestle. Sapphire apparatus is for grinding small samples for trace analysis, x-ray and spectrum analysis; eliminates sample contamination during grinding; resistant to abrasion and chemical reagents. Geoscience Instruments Corp., Mount Vernon, N.Y. Ε 31

Ion exchange additive (SP-804). Liquid substance increases capacity and prolongs life of ion exchange resins; prevents iron fouling when used with sodium chloride; kills bacteria that ac­ cumulate on resins and cause bad taste and odors. Calgon Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa. C 63

Gravity blender. Device for process industries rapidly mixes dry, free-flowing solids; eliminates product variations and pro­ vides uniform distribution of different materials; produces mix­ ture of uniform pellets within 5 % statistically of a theoretically perfect blend in one cycle, nonuniform pellets within three cycles. Fuller Co., Catasauqua, Pa. Ε 32

Literature Dyeing aid brochure. Describes application of Hydritex-D in vat and sulfur dyeing; includes product's properties and theory behind its use; details mill experience for continuous and batch dyeing processes; 15 pages. Ventron Corp., Beverly, Mass. L1

Fume chamber. Device allows exposure of chemical coatings to hydrogen sulfide or other highly reactive gases in a closed chamber utilizing a gas-reservoir, liquid-sealed system; hard borosilicate glass construction with Teflon plugs. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N.J. Ε 33

Silicate alkalies handbook ( No. 41-24 ). Contains chemical and physical properties of company's silicate alkalies; discusses gen­ eral detergent characteristics and how these crystalline silicates fulfill essential steps in soil removal. Philadelphia Quartz Co., Philadelphia, Pa. L2

Self-contained light sources ( Betalights ). Devices consist of phosphor-lined glass tubes containing radioactive tritium gas; glow without external power; 20-year lifetime; no harmful radi­ ation; ideal where batteries and electricity are impractical; vari­ ous phosphors create different colors. Canrad Precision Industries, Inc., New York, N.Y. Ε 34

Separators booklet. Includes company's line of separators for gas, steam, and air purification; contains typical applications, information for calculating element size, and diagrammatic ex­ planation of flow conditions. Winston Manufacturing Corp., Bellaire, Tex. L3

Milliohmmeter (Model 5 0 3 C C ) . Instrument features acceptreject indicator for production testing; 10-microohm sensitivity; 13 ranges from 1 milliohm to 10 kilohms; accuracy of 1% of full scale; 0.25% repeatability. Keithley Instruments, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio Ε 35


Pressure reactors (Catalog No. 67-2). Describes company's full line of bench-scale pressure reactors, hydrogénation apparatus, general-purpose bombs and pressure vessels; includes replacement parts; 24 pages. Parr Instrument Co., Inc., Moline, 111. L4

Dye leveling agent (Tanapal C D ) . Product can be used with cationic dyes and in applications in which a balance of retardation and migration is required. Tanatex Chemical Corp., Lyndhurst, N.J. C 60

X-ray booklet. Describes x-ray instrument (Faxitron 804) which provides instant x-ray inspection with the simplicity and ease of operation of an office copier. Field Emission Corp., McMinnville, Ore. L5

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July 3, 1967

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