New York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc

Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 9:50 Application of Cationic Radiotracers for Determination of Anionsby Liquid-Liquid Extraction Fluoride with. Hafnium...
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ACS MEETING PROGRAM Thursday Afternoon Symposium on Radiochemical Analysis Thomas Sugihara, Presiding 2:00 2:05

2:35 3:00 3:25 3:45 4:10

Introductory Remarks. Thomas Sugihara, Clark Uni­ versity. Sequential Analysis of Ten Nuclides Occurring in LongRange Fallout Debris. G. A. Welford, W. R. Collins, Jr., D. C. Sutton, and R. S. Morse, Atomic Energy Com­ mission. Assay of Radioiodine, -Strontium, and -Cesium in Soil. G. S. Golden and J. H . Mitchell, Combustion Engineer­ ing, Inc. Quantitative Radiochemical Analysis by Ion Exchange, Uranium, and Tellurium. Leon Wish, U. S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory. Determination of Fission Product Radioiodine. Cation Exchange Purification, Heterogeneous Isotopic Exchange. W. J. Maeck and J. E . Rein, Phillips Petroleum Co. Solvent Extraction Scheme for Radiochemical Separation of Multielement Mixtures. G. H . Morrison and J. F . Cosgrove, Sylvania Research Laboratories. Radiochemical Methods for Determination of Rhenium, Osmium, Iridium, and Ruthenium in Geo- and Cosmological Materials. Wilfred Herr, Max Planck-Otto Hahn Institute, Germany.

NYLAB presents. . .

Friday Morning, September 18 Symposium on Radiochemical Analysis George Morrison, Presiding 9:00 9:05 9:25


10:10 10:30 10:55 11:30

Introductory Remarks. George Morrison, Sylvania Electric Co. Summary of 2-Thenoyltrifluoroacetone Extraction Coeffi­ cients. A. M. Poskanzer and B. M. Foreman, Jr., Brookhaven National Laboratory. Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Uranium and Plutonium from Acetate Solution with Tri(iso-octyl)amine. Sepa­ ration from Thorium and Fission Products. F . L. Moore, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Application of Cationic Radiotracers for Determination of Anions by Liquid-Liquid Extraction Fluoride with Hafnium-181. W. J. Maeck, M. C. Elliott, G. L. Booman, and J . E . Rein, Phillips Petroleum Co. Intermission. Rapid Method for Detection of Strontium-90 Contamina­ tion in Yttrium-90. R. F . Doering, W. D . Tucker, and L. G. Stang, Jr., Brookhaven National Laboratory. Radiochemical Determination of Radium in Uranium Milling Process Samples. H . C. Petrow, O. A. Nietzel, and M. A. D e Sesa, National Lead Co., Inc. Application of Vacuum Distillation of Metals to Radio­ chemical Separations. J. R. DeVoe and W. W. Meinke, University of Michigan. Friday Afternoon Symposium on Radiochemical Analysis

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Leon Wish, Presiding 2:00 2:05

2:25 2:50 3:20 3:45 4:05

Introductory Remarks. Leon Wish, U. S. Naval Radio­ logical Defense Laboratory. Experimental Evaluation of Radiochemical Procedures for Radioactivation Analyses. George Leddicotte, W T Mullins, and J. E . Strain, Oak Ridge National Labora­ tory. Geometric Errors in Neutron Activation Analysis. R. A. Johnson and G. W. Bond, Shell Development Laboratory. Neutron Radioactivation Methods for Particle Size Analysis of Subsieve Particulates. L. C. Bate and G. W. Leddicotte, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Use of Neutron Activation Analysis for Determining Effectiveness of Zone-Refining Techniques. W D Mackintosh, Atomic Energy of Canada L t d . Determination of Lithium Isotopic Ratios by Neutron Radioactivation Analysis. G. W. Leddicotte, J . E. Strain, and L. C. Bate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Automatic Analyzing Monitor. H . G. Rieck, C. A. R a t cliff, and L. C. Schwendiman, General Electric Co., Rich­ land, Wash.

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