New York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc

type of V-Block mounting provides complete angularadjustability .... Flip-over clamping arm. (one side for small objects—the other side for large ob...
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Product Capsules Controllers, Temperature. Illustrated brochure provides various applications of "Therm-O-Watch" temperature con­ troller. Instruments for Research and Industry, Cheltenham, Pa. 76A Controllers, Temperature. Circle 83A-2 for literature on the complete line of modern "Ultratherm" tempera­ ture controlers. Range from —60° to 300° C. Accuracy: ±.01° C. Brinkmann Instruments Inc., 115 Cutter Mill Rd., Great Neck, Ν. Υ. 83Α-2 Controllers,


NEW Nylab's MECHANICAL HAND Apparatus Clamp


"Tempunit" is a self contained thermoregulator, heating unit, stirrer, circu­ lating pump in one unit. Arthur H. Thomas Co., Vine St. at 3rd, Phila. 5, Pa. 104A Cylinders. Light and easy to handle "Nalgene" graduated cylinders are formed from tough, unbreakable poly­ propylene. Circle 40A-2 for catalog. The Nalge Co., Inc., Rochester 2, Ν. Υ. 40A-2

Densitometers. Bulletin available on photoelectric instrument for the evalu­ ation of strips and sheets of filter paper in partition chromatography and paper electrophoresis. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., Ν. Υ. 16, Χ. Υ. 74Α-2 Distillation Apparatus. Circle 106A-1 for information on instrument that automatically distills any product in the 80° to 720° F. boiling range. Circle 106A-2 for data on colorimeter that meets new ASTM D1500 color specifications. New York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc., 76-78 Varick St., N. Y. 13, N. Y. 106A-1,2

An apparatus clamp that always provides convenience and positive grasping power. ONE STYLE and 2 SIZES meet every clamping requirement. The NYLAB Mechanical Hand can firmly grasp, with equal effi­ ciency, any object from a thin wire to a condenser or flask. Adapts to and holds all conventional shapes.

The most versatile laboratory clamp yet designed!

Drench Showers. Details and illus­ trated literature available on drench showers that rid the body of caustics and chemicals instantly and thoroughly. Haws Drinking Faucet Co., 1443 4th St., Berkeley 10, Calif. 99A Electrodes. Data file available on new pH electrodes. Several types pro­ vide a wide range of surface and solu­ tion measurements, titrations and redox determinations. Scientific and Process Instruments Div., Beckman Instru­ ments, Inc., 2500 Fullerton Rd., Fullerton, Calif. 92A Ellipsometers. Details available on combination visual and photoelectric ellipsometer for thin film measurements on horizontal samples and liquid sur­ faces. O. C. Rudolph & Sons, Box 446, Caldwell, N. J. 6A-1 Equipment. Circle 12A for copy of the complete Metalab catalog on lab{Conlinued on page 105 A)

Bird's-eye-view showing the exclusive swivel feature of Mechanical Hand . . . . A new type of V-Block mounting provides complete angular adjustability . . . . Flip-over clamping arm (one side for small objects—the other side for targe objects) adjusts for apparatus up to 3 % " maximum diameter. Constructed of a strong, corrosion resistant aluminum alloy with small parts of stainless steel. Small size Large size Range: 0 to 2 > / 4 " Range: 0 to 3 V 4 " Catalog No. 22990-6 Catalog No. 22990-10



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New York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc. 7 6 - 7 8 VARICK STREET

NEW YORK 13, Ν. Y.

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