Newport Research Award Applicants - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 30, 2012 - Newport Research Award Applicants. Anal. Chem. , 1988, 60 (3), pp 245A–245A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00154a810. Publication Date: February 198...
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P&G Sponsors Sommer Research Program The Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G) will sponsor a summer analytical research program for graduating college seniors majoring in chemistry. Students entering the program will spend 10-12 weeks during the summer working full time at one of P&G's four Cincinnati corporate technical centers. Applications will be accepted only from those students currently in their senior year of undergraduate study who intend to enter graduate school and work toward a Ph.D. degree in analytical chemistry. All applicants must be U.S. citizens or hold permanent resident visas. For applications or further information, contact the Summer Analytical Research Program, Procter & Gamble, Miami Valley Laboratories, Room 1D42, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247. Completed applications must be received by March 1,1988.

Newport Research Award Applicants Applications are currently being accepted for the 1988 Newport Research Awards sponsored by the Newport Corp. (Fountain Valley, Calif.), a manufacturer serving the laser and electrooptics industry. The one-year research grants are available for doctoral candidates who are pursuing thesis projects in lasers and electrooptics or who are making technological advancements in other fields through the application of lasers and electrooptics. Each award will consist of a $12,000 stipend. In addition, a $4000 contribution will be made to the department that directly supports the student's research. Initially the grants are awarded for one year, provided that the student's thesis project has been approved and accepted by an advisor. The grants may be renewed for a second year if the students are making satisfactory progress. The research awards program, initiated five years ago, is administered by the Optical Society of America, which also selects the awards committee. Applications and additional information are available from the Optical Society of America, 1816 Jefferson Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (202-223-8130). Applications must be submitted by Feb. 25. Winners will be announced in June.

Lake City, Utah 84112 (801-581-3585). Previous award recipients include Stephen Leone (1984), Graham Fleming and John Rabolt (1985), Joel Harris (1986), Alan Campion (1987), and Keith Nelson (1988). The Williams-Wright Award is presented annually at the Pittsburgh Conference to an industrial spectroscopist who has made significant contributions to the field of vibrational spectroscopy, including instrument development, theory, or applications of IR or Raman spectroscopy. The award consists of $1000 and a travel allowance to the Pittsburgh Conference. The nominating documents should state the significance of the candidate's contributions and should include a curriculum vitae with a list of published works. All nominations should be sent by July 1,1988, to Victor Kalasinsky, Department of Chemistry, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Miss. 39762 (601-325-3856). Previous award recipients include Robert Jakobsen (1984), Clara Craver and Richard Nyquist (1985), Joseph Barrett and Abraham Savitzky (1986), A. Lee Smith (1987), and Darwin Wood (1988).

EAS Invites Applications for Awards Nominations are being solicited for the 1989 Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS) Awards for Outstanding Achievements in Analytical Chemistry and in Chromatography. Each award will be presented at a special symposium at the EAS meeting in New York, Sept. 25-29,1989. The Award for Outstanding Achievements in Analytical Chemistry consists of a plaque and $1000; the Award for Outstanding Achievements in Chromatography consists of a plaque. Both awards were established in 1986 to recognize individuals who have helped to shape the fields of analytical chemistry and chromatography. For each award, a letter describing the specific accomplishments of the nominee and a biographical sketch must be submitted by July 1, 1988, to Alvin Bober, Chairman, EAS Awards Committee, State of Maryland, DHMH, Environmental Chemistry Division, 201 W. Preston St., P.O. Box 2355, Baltimore, Md. 21203.

Applicants Sought for Dal Nogare Award

Coblentz Society Seeks 1989 Award Nominations The Coblentz Society is soliciting nominations for the 1989 Coblentz Award and the 1989 Williams-Wright Award. The Coblentz Award, presented annually to an outstanding spectroscopist under age 36, consists of a $1000 honorarium and a travel allowance. The award will be presented at the Ohio State Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy in June 1989. Nominations, including a detailed description of the candidate's accomplishments, a curriculum vitae, and supporting letters, should be submitted by July 1, 1988, to Joel Harris, Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt

Nominations are being solicited for the 1989 Stephen Dal Nogare Award for excellence and significant contributions to the field of chromatography. The award is sponsored by the Chromatography Forum of the Delaware Valley. Nominations should include one or more letters of recommendation and information about the candidate's experience and significant contributions made to the advancement of the field of chromatography. In addition, nominations from previous years can be renewed or appended with an updated letter of recommendation. Nominations should be submitted by March 31, 1988, to Mary Ellen McNally, Bldg. 402, Room 3328B, Experimental Station, Agricultural Products Department, Du Pont, Wilmington, Del. 19898.