NewProducts File First

Check Hitachi's. NewProducts File First. 150-20 UV-VIS. Double. Beam Spectrophotometer. » Wavelength: 1 90—900 nm. • Can store 20 analytical cond...
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Check Hitachi's

New Products File First 150-20 UV-ViS Double Beam Spectrophotometer


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U-1070/U-1080 Auto Sipper Photometers Built-in, computer-rnntr^iiksdldfklsfkld ~, Built-in, computer-rnntr^iiksdldfklsfkld ~,


ent of up to ion ^, meas^e-d;fld;fd;fd m ent of up to ion ^, meas^e-d;fld;fd;fd m ent of up to ion ^, meas^e-d;fld;fd;fd

fnt^Ze2320 C 0 m m ^ a t i O n s d f l d s f ; d f Built-in, computer-rnntr^iiksdldfklsfkld lsdf;dfds Built-in, computer-rnntr^iiksdldfklsfkld lsdf;dfds Built-in, computer-rnntr^iiksdldfklsfkld lsdf;dfds CIRCLE 182

270-30/50 Infrared Spectrophotometers . Computing ratio system allows magnification of weak signals . • Functional group analysis of IR via Hitachi applications software . Reduced measuring time for quantitative/ qualitative analysis • For new materials development, quality control and lab CIRCLE work 183


Aeration Spectrophotometers Polarized Zeeman Atomic Absorpfon sp . True double-beam P j * ^ system with P ° l a n z ^ e ™ s e with . High accuracy and o w n o , s wide-range backO.rounu ~ » ~ . T h r e e different versions, flame, nranhite and tandem types .For quantitativeCIRCLE analysis 184 of heavy metal and other Inorganic traces

263 Series Gas Chromatographs • 263-30: Exclusively designed, best suited for routine analysis • 263-50/70: For wide-ranging applications, capable of independent temperature setting on sample injection port and detector • 263-80: Capable of computer control, plus built-in data processing CIRCLE 185

F-1000 Fluorescence Detector for Liquid Chromatoaranh* %^ηη 5 '°?κ Ρ Ρ ί ' , Θ ν θ ' hl'9h-sensitivity detec­ tion with small samples thanks to h ghlv lfkdlf;slfdlkfldfdlflfdlffldlfkdlkfdlflfdfkldfdlkf dflskflldskfkdsfkl;dkfldlfdfkdlfldfdlfkdfllfdffd • Unique ratio photometric system Ppro­ vides high stability • For quality control of pharmaceuticals food products and general lab work CIRCLE 186

HITACHI Hitachi, Ltd., Instrument Division, 5 - 1 , Marunouchi 1 -chôme, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Tel: (03) 212-1111 Nissei Sangyo Co., Ltd., 26-5, Toranomon 1-chôme, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Tel: (03) 504-7111 Nissei Sangyo America, Ltd., 460 E. Middlefield Road, Mountain View, California 9 4 0 4 3 , U.S.A. Tel: (415) 969-1100