News and Announcements - ACS Publications

If you are not a JCE reviewer but are interested in be- coming one, go to JCE ... traveling alone but would like to share a room to save single room s...
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Chemical Education Today

News & Announcements News from Journal House

Earth Day 2004

New Year, New URL for JCE

The February issue of the Journal will feature articles in honor of Chemists Celebrate Earth Day with a focus on water quality. The topics of the articles include: problem-based projects on drinking water; laboratory experiments investigating water and soil; laboratory exercises using green chemistry; and a discussion of arsenic in drinking water.

You will now find the Journal of Chemical Education at a new Web address indicating its parent organization, the ACS Division of Chemical Education. (If you don’t remember it, this Web address appears at the bottom of every JCE printed page.) The old address ( will continue to work. New Schedule for JCE Buyers Guide The print edition of the JCE Buyers Guide has a new schedule. It will appear once each year—in April—instead of twice a year (in February and September). This publication is the most comprehensive listing of its kind and includes, in addtion to books, interfaced experiments, laboratory manuals, laboratory notebooks, models, reference books, and software. Access to the same information is always available on JCE Online at BG.html. Here you will find the same information as in print, plus more—it is searchable, linked to textbook reviews and publisher’s sites, and it is current. Look for the next publication of the JCE Buyers Guide in the April 2004 issue.

JCE Author Workshop, June 2004 Do you have great ideas you’d like to submit to JCE? Have you always hoped to share your ideas with colleagues near and far? Need help getting those ideas into shape? The JCE Author Workshop is for you! Plans are for a week-long workshop June 14–18, 2004, for teachers interested in submitting manuscripts to JCE. Participants will visit Journal House on the UW–Madison campus. They will see how a manuscript progresses from submission to review to publication and will also develop their own ideas for submission and review with guidance from their peers and Journal staff. CEUs will be available. Participants will need to pay for travel, room, and board; no stipend will be available. Space is limited and preference will be given to high school teachers. For a workshop brochure and application, contact Erica Jacobsen at or 209 North Brooks Street, Madison, WI 53715.

Advanced Chemistry Collection, 4th Edition Advanced Chemistry Collection, 4th edition, (ACC) has been released by JCE Software and shipped to those who have placed orders. For more information about ACC, see The abstract as it appeared in the October 2003 issue of JCE may be found at 2003/Oct/abs1222_1.html. • Advanced Chemistry Collection contains 6 programs for both Mac OS and Windows, 14 programs for Mac OS, and 23 programs for Windows, all designed to enhance student learning in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry courses, biochemistry courses, and many others. Two new programs have been added to this edition of ACC: 3DNormalModes enables you or your students to choose one of 28 different molecules, orient it appropriately on the screen, choose any of its normal vibrational modes, and animate molecular vibrations in 3D. Organic Nomenclature is a drill-and-practice exercise in naming organic compounds (using both common and IUPAC names) and identifying structural formulas.

Advanced Chemistry Collection is a CD-ROM for both Mac OS and Windows. To purchase this CD-ROM or for information about its adoption for classroom use (adoption discounts are available for the purchase of 20 or more CDs) contact JCE Software at Thanks to All JCE Reviewers! And the Busiest Ones At the beginning of this new year and new volume, JCE happily acknowledges and celebrates the significant contributions of our reviewers. During the past year 1043 people,

Animate! Rotate! Translate! Zoom! Images taken from the animation of the CH2 scissoring normal mode of formaldehyde from 3DNormalModes, a new member of the Advanced Chemistry Collection, described above.


Journal of Chemical Education

Vol. 81 No. 1 January 2004

Chemical Education Today

in addition to feature editors and JCE staff, sent us reviews of at least one paper. The names of the most active among them appear below. All deserve the thanks of the JCE community. Kathryn R. Williams, James K. Hardy, Worth E. Vaughan, Nuria Rodriguez, Rubin Battino, Kenneth H. Brown, Lynn Carlson, Shallee T. Page, Robert D. Braun, David W. Brooks, Kelley J. Donaghy, Paul P. Blanchette, Thomas H. Eberlein, Rita K. Hessley, Ishenkumba Kahwa, Susan J. Klein, Baird W. Lloyd, Larry McGahey, Ronald A. Bailey, Isabel Ball, William B. Jensen, Joel M. Kauffman, Sarah F. McDuffie, Jonathan Mitschele, Keith F. Purcell, LeRoy G. Wade Jr., John Woolcock, Edward V. Blackburn, Joe L. March, Gholam A. Mirafzal, Patricia Redden, Michael J. Sanger, Jack K. Steehler, Darren G. Stoub, Louise Stracener

Become a JCE Reviewer If you are not a JCE reviewer but are interested in becoming one, go to JCE Online, get a Reviewer Questionnaire at index.html. Fill out both sides of the form and return it to JCE so that we can add you to the database of reviewers.

Award Deadlines SACP/Analytical Chemistry Starter Grants The Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh will award one grant of $20,000 to an assistant professor in the field of analytical chemistry. The purpose of this grant is to encourage high-quality, innovative research by a new analytical chemistry professor and to promote the training and development of graduate students in the field. Assistant professors who have accepted a U.S. college or university appointment since December 31, 2000 are eligible. To obtain application forms, contact James Manner, Chair, Starter Grant Committee, SACP, 300 Penn Center Boulevard, Suite 322, Pittsburgh, PA 15235-5503; phone: 800/825-3221, ext. 204; fax: 412/825-3224; The deadline for receipt of completed applications is February 28, 2004. The award winner will be announced by May 1, 2004.

Courses, Seminars, Meetings, Opportunities Biological Engineering Society Launched The Society for Biological Engineering (SBE), a new society designed specifically for engineers and scientists work-

ing in biological engineering, was launched in November 2003 in San Francisco during the annual meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). SBE will serve as the industry’s central point for information, education, and research in response to the ever-growing convergence of biological sciences and chemical engineering. For more information contact SBE manager Cathy Hood at Schedule of Future Meetings

ACS Meetings Upcoming national and regional meetings of the American Chemical Society appear below. For programming information, visit the Web sites for each meeting, available at • March 28–April 1, 2004: 227th ACS National Meeting: Anaheim, CA • June 2–5, 2004: 36th Central Regional Meeting: Indianapolis, IN • June 6–9, 2004: 59th Northwest Regional Meeting: Logan, UT • August 21–26, 2004: 228th ACS National Meeting: Philadelphia, PA

CHED Meetings The Division of Chemical Education’s biennial meeting will take place in summer 2004. More information may be found at • July 18–22, 2004: 18th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE): Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Science History Tour 2004 Our tour will be of Germany in the summer of 2004. This is a friendly group of science educators and others. Single travelers are welcome. The trip will last for 15 days, starting in Münich on Wednesday June 23, and ending in Berlin on Wednesday July 7. The plans are to include visits to Giessen, Göttingen, Heidelberg, Potsdam, and many places in between. The tour will end with a few days in Berlin, rich in science history and, since the reunification of Germany, also rich in new architecture. Also, the tour will take a short Rhine cruise (just through some of the pretty bits!) to see the castles for which the area is famous. Travel from Münich to Berlin in easy stages on a luxury coach that will stay with us for entire tour. Accommodation will be in comfortable, welcoming hotels where all rooms have private bathrooms. Room-sharing arrangements can be coordinated for those persons who are traveling alone but would like to share a room to save single room supplements. During the trip all land transportation, hotels and breakfasts, at least (on average) one additional meal per day (often with a glass of wine, or, since this is Ger-

Vol. 81 No. 1 January 2004

Journal of Chemical Education


Chemical Education Today

News & Announcements many, beer), all admissions to museums, lecture fees, and taxes are included. Additional expenditure will be for meals when the group does not eat together, incidentals, and personal expenditures. The cost of the 2004 tour will be $2850 per person double occupancy, that may be paid in three installments. Transatlantic airfare is not included. Three hours of graduate credit is available. CPDUs are also available for teachers. Inexperienced international travelers will be given as much help as they need. Those traveling alone will find this

to be a friendly and interesting group where it is easy to make friends. This will be our seventh tour since 1997. Numbers are limited; early inquiry is advised. For further information or to be put on the mailing list for the 2004 tour, contact Yvonne Twomey, 841 Kinston Court, Naperville, IL 60540; phone: 630/961-9811; email: Or contact Lee Marek, phone: 630/420-7516; email: A presentation on past trips may be found at trips/history_trip.htm (accessed Nov 2003).

Proposal Deadlines National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) These NSF deadlines have been established or are anticipated. •

National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Digital Library (NSDL) Formal Proposals April 2004*

NSF Director’s Award for Distinguished Teaching Scholars (DTS) Formal Proposals February 25, 2004

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP) Formal Proposals March 2004*

Robert Noyce Scholarship Program Formal Proposals


April 2004*

These are anticipated deadlines; consult http:// for current proposal information.

Official deadline dates for proposals will be specified in the new program solicitation for each program, to be published at least three months before the relevant deadline date. Other Funding Opportunities for STEM Education can be found at this Web site: links/other_programs.asp. Program solicitations are available electronically through NSF’s Online Document System at and through the NSF DUE site at DUE; phone: 703/292-8670; email:


Journal of Chemical Education

The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. •

Camille Dreyfus Teacher–Scholar Awards Program: November 11, 2004 • Faculty Start-Up Grants for Undergraduate Institutions: May 13, 2004 • Henry Dreyfus Teacher–Scholar Awards Program: June 24, 2004 • New Faculty Awards Program: May 13, 2004 • Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry: February 26, 2004 • Scholar/Fellow Program for Undergraduate Institutions: June 24, 2004 (Note the revised guidelines.) • Senior Scientist Mentor: August 26, 2004 • Special Grant Program in the Chemical Sciences: Preliminary Proposals: June 17, 2004 Completed Proposals: August 26, 2004 Further information and confirmation of the above deadlines may be obtained from The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., 555 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022-3301; phone: 212/753-1760; email:; WWW: http://

Research Corporation •

Cottrell College Science Awards: May 15 and November 15 • Cottrell Scholars: September 1, 2004 • Research Innovation Awards: Suspended 2004–2005 • Research Opportunity Awards: May 1 and October 1 Further information may be obtained from Research Corporation, 101 North Wilmot Road, Suite 250, Tucson, AZ 85711; phone: 520/571-1111; fax: 520/571-1119; email:; WWW:

Vol. 81 No. 1 January 2004