News and Announcements - ACS Publications

Feb 2, 2002 - Advanced Chemistry Collection (ACC) has been released by JCE Software and shipped to those who have placed ... Biennial Conference on Ch...
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Chemical Education Today

News & Announcements News from Journal House Recent Releases, JCE Software Advanced Chemistry Collection (ACC) has been released by JCE Software and shipped to those who have placed orders. See for more information about this as well as other new and upcoming issues from JCE Software. •

Advanced Chemistry Collection (ACC), 2nd edition, Special Issue 28, is a CD-ROM for Mac OS and Windows. ACC is for students and contains software that will enhance student learning in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry courses, biochemistry courses, and many others beyond the general or introductory level. The collection includes both previously published and new peer-reviewed software on a single CD-ROM for convenient access by students. This disk may be purchased in bulk (20 or more CDs) at greatly reduced prices. A fuller description appears in print in J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 1558 or on JCE Online at JCESoft/Programs/ACC/.

Screens from Spec UV-Vis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer, a new program for Windowscompatible computers. Single beam is shown above, double beam below.

Screen from the newly updated program, Dynam: Molecular Dynamics Simulator for Windows-compatible computers. Dynam now allows students to create a 3-dimensional VRML view of the motion of molecules.

Courses, Seminars, Meetings, Opportunities 17th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education The deadline for submission of abstracts for the 17th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE) is February 25, 2002. Persons who wish to present a paper or a poster should complete the application form that may be found on the BCCE Web site at index.html. Persons unable to submit an abstract electronically may use the paper form found in the Call for Papers brochure that has been mailed to every member of the ACS Division of Chemical Education. Copies of the form may also be obtained by contacting the BCCE General Chair at [email protected]. If you have ideas for a Birds-of-a-Feather session, please send them to Sara Selfe ([email protected]). The 17th BCCE will be held at Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington, from July 28 through August 1, 2002. To be sure that your name is on the mailing list or to ask questions about the conference—how to get there, where to stay, what to do, or how much it will cost— please contact the General Chair, George S. Kriz: [email protected], phone 360/650-3126. Visit the Web site for additional information about the conference, the campus, and the surrounding community ( bcce/index.html). Microscale Workshops in Mexico City The Mexican Microscale Chemistry Center in the Department of Sciences of the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City will offer several workshops in 2002: Instant Chemistry*: May 15–17 Green Chemistry: May 20–22 Environmental Chemistry: May 22–24 Biochemistry: May 29–31 Basic Organic Chemistry: June 5–7 Advanced Organic Chemistry: June 26–28 Physical Chemistry: July 10–12

JCE Buyers Guide

Introduction to General Chemistry: August 14–16

The February 2002 edition of the JCE Buyers Guide was shipped with this issue of JCE. Broader coverage characterizes this publication: it no longer includes just books—interfaced experiments, laboratory manuals, laboratory notebooks, models, reference books, and software are also listed. The print edition of the Buyers Guide appears twice each year—with the February and September issues of JCE—and is the most comprehensive listing of its kind. Access to the same information is always available on JCE Online. The online version has all the same information as in print, plus more—it is searchable, linked to textbook reviews and publisher’s sites, and is current. Go to http://

Electrochemistry: October 9–11 *Note: This workshop will be taught in English, with translation into Spanish when needed.

Workshops are 20 hours in length. The language is normally Spanish, although occasionally a guest instructor teaches in English. Advance registration (at least two weeks) is required. For further information, contact Arturo Fregoso or Jorge Ibañez, Universidad Iberoamericana, Centro Mexicano de Química en Microescala, Depto. de Ciencias, Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 880, 01210 México, D.F. México; email: [email protected] or [email protected]; phone: +52(55)5267 4168, 5267 4074; fax: +52(55)5267 4063, 5267 4279. • Vol. 79 No. 2 February 2002 • Journal of Chemical Education


Chemical Education Today

Proposal Deadlines National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) These NSF deadlines have been established or are anticipated*. • Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Preliminary April 24, 2002* Formal October 16, 2002* •

NSF Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarships Program (CSEMS) Feb. 15, 2002*

Course, Curriculum, and Lab. Improvement (CCLI) CCLI-EMD and CCLI-ND June 6, 2002* CCLI-A&I November 13, 2002*

National Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education Digital Library (NSDL) Proposals April 17, 2002*

* Official deadline dates for proposals will be specified in the new program solicitation for each program, to be published at least three months before the relevant deadline date. Program solicitations are available electronically through NSF’s Online Document System at and through the NSF DUE site; phone: 703/2928670; email: [email protected].

The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. • • • • • • • •

Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program: November 15, 2002 Faculty Start-Up Grants for Undergraduate Institutions: May 15, 2002 Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program: June 28, 2002 New Faculty Awards Program: May 15, 2002 Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry: March 1, 2002 Scholar/Fellow Program for Undergraduate Institutions: June 28, 2002 (note revised guidelines) Senior Scientist Mentor: August 31, 2002 Special Grant Program in the Chemical Sciences: Preliminary Proposals: June 14, 2002 Completed Proposals: August 31, 2002

Further information may be obtained from The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., 555 Madison Avenue, Suite 1305, New York, NY 10022; phone: 212/753-1760; email: [email protected]; WWW:

Research Corporation • • • •

Cottrell College Science Awards: May 15 and November 15 Cottrell Scholars: First regular business day in September Research Innovation Awards: May 1 Research Opportunity Awards: May 1 and October 1

Further information may be obtained from Research Corporation, 101 North Wilmot Road, Suite 250, Tucson, AZ 85711-3332; phone: 520/571-1111; fax: 520/571-1119; email: [email protected]; WWW:


News & Announcements 2002 Keys to Science Institute Applications are available for the 2002 Keys to Science Institute, scheduled for June 23–30, 2002 at the headquarters of the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) in Colorado Springs, CO. The institute will be an intensive, seven-day professional development program where high school science teachers (with three years of experience) have an opportunity to acquire current information in molecular biology and biotechnology. Interested teachers may send a letter of inquiry to BSCS, 5415 Mark Dabling Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO 80918; phone 719/531-5550; fax: 719/531-9104; email: [email protected] or visit the BSCE Web site at The deadline for submission of applications is April 15, 2002. IUPAC Congress and CSC Conference Chemistry at the Interfaces is the theme of the 39th IUPAC Congress and 86th Conference of The Canadian Society for Chemistry to be held August 10–15, 2003. The joint meeting will be held in the Ottawa Congress Centre and at the Westin Hotel, Ottawa, Canada. Further information may be found on the Congress Web site at AOCS Annual Meeting and Exposition The 93rd annual meeting and exposition of the American Oil Chemists’ Society will be held May 5–8, 2002, in Montréal, Québec, Canada. Visit am2002 for details.

People ACS Office of Community Activities The ACS Department of Local Section and Community Activities announces the appointment of David Harwell as Manager of the Office of Community Activities. Harwell will be responsible for designing and coordinating community programs that are implemented by ACS local sections. This includes managing all aspects of the Society’s National Chemistry Week program, Chemagination 2025, and the Salutes to Excellence program. Harwell was previously a faculty member at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, a Councilor for the Hawaii local section, and the university’s Student Affiliate Advisor. He has served on several ACS governance committees, including the Society Committee on Education and the Younger Chemists Committee. David Harwell replaces Kathleen Thompson, who has accepted a position as Manager of the ACS Office of Regional Meetings. He can be contacted at [email protected] or 1800/227-5558 ext. 6078.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 79 No. 2 February 2002 •