News and Announcements - Langmuir (ACS Publications)

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Langmuir 1993,9, 2481-2482


News and Announcements Meetings in 1994 February 21-23,1994. The 17th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Societywill be held at the Clarion Plaza Hotel in Orlando, FL. Papers on all aspectaof adhesion science are invited for presentation. Topics to be emphasized in the technical sessions include, but are not limited to, the following: Fiber/Matrix Adhesion and Composite Properties. Spectroscopic and mechanical characterization of fiber/matrix interfaces, fibedmatrix debonding,relation to overall composite behavior, novel chemistry, processing and characterization techniques. Fundamentals of Particle Adhesion. Fundamental aspects, surface morphologies, charging effects, electrostatic and aerosol deposition, humidity effects, mechanical considerations. Mechanics of Interfacial Fracture. Synthesis of atomistic and continuum descriptions of interfaces, interfacial fracture mechanisms and associated modeling, new test methods. Nondestructive Evaluation of Adhesively Bonded Joints. Advances in ultrasonic, optical, infrared, NMR techniques. Applications to structuraljoints, coatings, multilayered components, etc. General Topics. All aspects of adhesion science and technology including experiments, analysis, modeling, thin films, pressure sensitive adhesives, and sealants. For further information contact Professor Ken Liechti, University of Texas at Austin, ASE/EM WRW 17, Austin, TX 78712. The adhesion Society Award for Excellence in Adhesion Sciencefor 1994, sponsored by the 3M Company, will be presented to Professor Lawrence T. Drzal at the annual meeting of the society at Orlando, FL, February 21-23,1994. Professor Drzal is Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Mechanics and the Director of the CompositeMaterials and Structures Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. May 22-27, 1994. Sixth Symposium on Fullerenes: Chemistry, Physics and New Directions, Hilton Square Hotel, San Francisco, CA. The Fullerene Symposium is organized with the intention of providing a forum for the presentation of the latest developments on these fascinating new allotropes of carbon, including nanotubes and nanopolyhedra. Papers are invited on the following topics: (1) Fundamental Understanding of the Physical Properties and Structures; (2) Synthesis and Separation; (3) Chemical Reactions and New Derivatives; (4) Charge Transfer Reactions and Electrochemistry; (5)Conductivity and Superconductivity; (6)Possible Applications;(7) New Directions. To ensure the timely nature of the Fullerene Symposium, special deadlines have been set. Authors are therefore reminded that the 200-word abstract is due January 15, 1994. There will not be an extended abstract or proceedings published. Due to the large number of papers expected at this meeting, some submitted papers may be selected for a poster session. Abstracts, suggestions, and inquiries should be sent to both of the Symposium Organizers (this helps us with our internal bookkeeping!) Karl M. Kadish, Department of Chemistry, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-5641, Tel (713) 743-2740, FAX (713) 743-2745, and Rodney S. Ruoff, Molecular Physics Laboratory, SRI Interna-

tional, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025, Tel (415) 859-2667, FAX (415) 859-6196, e-mail ruoff @ June 13-15,1994. Fourth International Symposium on Field-FlowFractionation, Sweden. The symposiumwill provide a forum for exchange of information on the most recent developmentsin theory and practiceof fieldflow fractionation (FFF). FFF is a separation methodology applicable to macromolecules, polymers, colloids, and micrometer-sized particulates of synthetic, biological, or natural origin. In addition to performing highly size selective separations, the FFF techniques provide the means for characterizing samples with respect to molecular or particle size and size distributions, density, surface, chemical composition, and other properties. Applicationsaddress solutions,suspensions, and emulsionsin many areas of scientificand industrial importance, including polymer chemistry, colloid chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceutics and environmental studies. The program will contain invited and contributed papers, oral as well as poster presentations, and discussion sessions. Maximum 100 participants. Location: In the most southern part of Sweden nearby the university town of Lund, easily accessible from the international airport at Copenhagen or by train from northern Europe. Organizers: Dr. Agneta Sjiigren,The Swedish Chemical Society, Wallingatan 24,3 tr, S-111 24 Stockholm,Sweden,FAX 46-8106678, and Professor K.-G. Wahlund, Department of Technical Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Center, Lund University, PO Box 124, 5-221 00 Lund, Sweden, FAX 46-46104525. June 20-23,1994. The Fifth International Conference on Composite Interfaces ICCI-V, Chalmers University of Technology, Giiteborg, Sweden. The purpose of this conference is to encourage active participation and exchange of information pertaining to the fundamental issues of interfaces and interphases in composite materials. Active participation from both academicand industrial researchers is encouraged. The scientific program will include oral sessions and poster sessions. The oral sessions will be reserved for invited papers, complemented by selected contributed papers. Following the tradition of previous conferences, the poster sessions play an important role in the conference, making possible exchanges between scientists in ceramics, metallurgy, and polymer fields. Topics include (1) molecular interactions at interfaces-chemistry, physical interactions, molecular mobility, (2) structural characterization, (3) theories of the interface/interphases-thermodynamical, micromechanical, (4) properties-interfacial influence on processability,mechanicalproperties,thermal and chemical stability, and fracture mechanics, adhesion at the reinforcement/matrixinterface,interfacialrheology and mechanics,and (5) areas of special interests-conducting composites, cellulose-filled composites, new surface, characterizationtechniques,stress transfer at interfaces, plasma treatment of surfaces. Abstracts of contributed papers should be received no later than January 31, 1994. Submission details will be given in the second circular. Invited presentations will be published in a special volume of the journal Composite Interfaces.

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Deadlines: preregistration, September 1, 1993; abstracts, January 31, 1994. For further information contact the Conference Secretaries: Margareta Hulden or Christina Meyer, Department of Polymer Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, S-412 96 Gtiteborg, Sweden, Tel (46) 31-7723408131-7723420, FAX (46) 31-7723418. Nominations are called for the second Plueddemann Award to be presented during ICCI-V. Candidatesmay be nominated by a letter in which the sponsor outlines the candidate’s qualifications. A letter of reference to support his nomination is mandatory. To qualify, nominations must be received by the chairman of the Award Committee before January 31, 1994. Address correspondence, or FAX, to Professor H. P. Schreiber, Department of Chemical Engineering, Box 6079, Stn A, Montreal H3C 3A7, Quebec, Canada.

July 4-8, 1994, International Conference on Carbon, Granada, Spain. All aspects of the science and utilization of carbon will be included in the program and grouped into the following topical areas: (1) Raw Materials and Thermal Processes: Pitch, Coke, Coal, Carbon Black; (2) Structural and Physical Properties; (3) Adsorption and Surfaces; (4) Chemical Reactivity and Gasification; (5) Deposition and Special forma of Carbon; (6) Intercalation; (7) Fibers and Composites; (8) Industrial Products: Manufacture, Testing, Characterization, Application. Deadlines: short abstracts, October 15,1993; extended abstracts, March 31,1994. For further information contact the Conference Technical Secretariat: S.A. Eurocongres,Avda Constitucih, 18-Blq. 4 bajo, Granada 18012, Spain, Tel 34-58-2086-50 or 58-20-93-61, FAX 34-58-20-94-00.