News Briefs: US air quality was the "best on record ... - ACS Publications

SRS-19), call (919) 856-1288. Asthma, endocrine ... D.C. The conference report out- lines a research ... 50-State Program. Roundup can be obtained by ...
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NEWS BRIEFS Decreases in nutrient loading of watersheds will lower the risk of toxic outbreaks of Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellates, concludes a report from the Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina. The Raleigh Report 1998: Pfiesteria Research Needs and Management Actions assesses the state of the science and establishes research priorities on the toxic alga, Pfiesteria, which has caused fish kills in North Carolina and Maryland. Written by a panel of 14 scientists, the report recommends developing reliable techniques for rapid identification of toxic algal species and characterization of their toxins. For a copy of the report (No. SRS-19), call (919) 856-1288. Asthma, endocrine disruption, childhood cancers, and nervous system and developmental effects are priority research areas for children's health, concluded the 1997 National Research Conference on Children's Environmental Health in Washington, D.C. The conference report outlines a research strategy that emphasizes the study of developmental processes and the relationship between early environmental exposure to risk of adult disease and transgenerational effects. Published by the Children's Environmental Health Network, the report calls for a substantial increase in research, pollution reduction, and maximization of community right-toknow policies. For a copy of the report and a Resource Guide on Children's Environmental Health, call (510) 450-3818. States took the lead in 1997 in reclaiming blighted industrial areas and established more than 100 legislative proposals to redevelop brownfields in all 50 states, according to a report from the Northeast-Midwest Institute, a public policy research group. As action on Capitol Hill lags, states are developing financing for the voluntary cleanup programs, setting generic cleanup standards,

and providing assurances of "no further action" and "covenants not to sue" once a project is finished. Brownfields State of the State Report: 50-State Program Roundup can be obtained by calling (202) 544-5200. U.S. air quality was the "best on record" in 1996, according to EPA's 24th annual National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report. The report does not reflect the more protective standards for ozone and PM 2.5 implemented in 1997. Despite the consistent progress realized over the past decade, the nation still has 158 nonattainment areas inhabited by 46 million people, according to the report. The report is available on the World Wide Web (http:/ / oar/ aqtrnd96).

Kingdom, reports that 12,500 premature deaths per year are attributable to ozone, 8000 to particulates, and 3500 to sulfur dioxide. The Quantification of the Effects of Air Pollution on Health in the United Kingdom is available on the World Wide Web (http: / / airpol7.htm). The U.S. chemical industry's Responsible Care program "has not encouraged pollution prevention or greater public access to information about toxic threats," concludes a study by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund, an environmental advocacy group. Launched in 1988, Responsible Care committed corporate members of the Chemical Manufacturers Association to respond to community concerns and promote environmental as well as occupational health and safety. But more than 75% of the 187 member companies surveyed were unable or unwilling to provide answers to seven questions about toxic chemical releases, accidents, and storage and transportation safety. Trust Us. Don't Track Us: An Investigation of the Chemical Industry's Responsible Care Program may be obtained by calling (202) 546-9707.

A new private, nonprofit "National Spatial Data Council" is needed to guide the development and maintenance of geographic information, according to a report by the National Academy of Public Administration. Geographic Information for the 21st Century: Building a Strategy for the Nation recommends that Congress form the council to create a National Spatial Data Infrastructure to link and share geographic information from government, academia, and the private sector. For a copy, call (301) 617-7801.

A database of soil cleanup technologies and soil remediation companies in North America and Europe is available from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. The "Compendium of Soil Cleanup Technologies and Soil Remediation Companies" describes and rates 19 soil cleanup technologies for cost, effectiveness, and public acceptance. The report also describes the technologies used by each listed company. For a copy, call (800) 253-9646.

As many as 24,000 people die prematurely in the United Kingdom each year following shortterm air pollution episodes, concluded a study by the Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants. The British government study, which is the first quantitative estimate of the health effects of air pollution in the United

The American Water Works Association Research Foundation is funding 35 research projects in 1998 totaling more than $10 million. Requests for proposals are available on the foundation's Web site ( The first due date for proposals is May 4, 1998. For more information, call (303) 347-6117.