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Chemical Education Today

News from Journal House

This issue benefits from our recent travels—many of the editorial staff attended the recent Spring ACS Meeting in Dallas and Emory Howell and Caren Daniel of the High School Office were also able to attend the NSTA Meeting in Las Vegas. For instance, Nancy Gettys attended the special Presidential Event, Challenges for Chemistry in the 21st Century, which began at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning. Six outstanding scientists presented their predictions for their chosen field. It was standing room only, but Nancy was in the first row. In her four-page report starting on page 665 she gives a synopsis of each talk, trying to convey the intensity and enthusiasm of these men and women as well. Some of the staff also presented papers. We were particularly well represented in the symposium on Methods of Using Technology in Teaching; see page 670 and JCE Online for fuller reports. Our large booth in the Exposition drew a larger-than-ever crowd, so many people that other exhibitors were envious. Many of you stopped by just to say hello and to give us feedback and suggestions. We had the opportunity of introducing the Journal to many others. We continuously demonstrated both our annual CD-ROM and our online index, showed much of our video footage on a VCR, gave away several hundred JCE pencils, and answered lots of questions. Suggestions, Suggestions

Another idea is that our annual CD-ROM and JCE Online+ would be great items to demonstrate at a workshop, short course, ACS Local Section meeting, or similar outreach activity. We can lend you an annual CD to demonstrate and give you (and the participants) a temporary password to JCE Online+ that will be good for a up to a month. If you would like to try these ideas, just let us know. Award Season

Journal of Chemical Education Print






Our 75 th

Gift Subscription Award The end of the academic year brings to mind awards and parting gifts. The Journal that you are reading makes a wonderful and lasting gift. We will be happy to help you introduce the Journal to someone else. We can send you a sample issue to hand out at a presentation, and we can provide copies of our new Gift Subscription Award Certificate, each signed by the editor. And you get all of this service at the special discount rate for new/gift subscriptions. Awarded to: In Honor of:

Presented by: Date:

This certificate entitles the recipient to a one-year subscription to the Journal of Chemical Education.

John W. Moore Editor

photo by Lin Morris

Benefits of Travel

Choosing a Textbook?

If you are choosing a textbook and need help, such as a list of current texts from which to choose or the price and ISBN number of your selection, the Journal has two aids. Our Book Buyers Guide in print (the most recent edition appeared with the February 1998 issue of the Journal) and the Chemical Education Resource Shelf (continuously updated because it is online at books/).

One suggestion was to make more teachers aware of the Open Review section of JCE Internet. As one visitor to our booth said, having students review articles in open review makes a great learning experience. We agree. Check out

Looking Ahead

Benjamin F. Gould, advertising manager of the Journal for 34 years, died recently at the age of 94. He joined the Journal staff in 1933, early in its lifetime. He changed and expanded his own role throughout his many years of service, doing the obvious things such as increasing the number of advertising pages and creating the Editor’s Basket. But he also arranged

for the publication of “Tested Demonstrations” and “Chemical Instrumentation” and started the annual book exhibit and the book list—which have become the Book Buyers Guide. A stellar tribute to Ben Gould upon his retirement in 1967 appears as Tom Lippincott’s editorial in December of that year (J. Chem. Educ. 1967, 44, 703); his photograph appears on the cover and is reproduced at the left. He was obviously a remarkable man—not to mention an important part of our growth and history.


Next month look for another in the series “Logic, History, and the Chemistry Textbook” by William Jensen, a special supplement on Summer Reading put together by book review editor Ed Walsh and his crew, and more detailed information about Journal celebrations this summer: at the 15th BCCE in Waterloo and at the Fall ACS Meeting in Boston.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 75 No. 6 June 1998 •
