News NEW! 'Baker Instra-Analyzed'' Acids for ... - ACS Publications

ny Faculty Development Award, and was voted Outstanding Teacher in the. School of Science for 1979. ... technology and consists of a certificate and a...
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News absorption, fluorescence, and phos­ phorescence spectrometry; time-re­ solved fluorescence and Raman spec­ trometry; UV resonance Raman spec­ trometry; and two-photon spectrome­ try. During his tenure at Purdue he has been awarded the Merck Compa­ ny Faculty Development Award, and was voted Outstanding Teacher in the School of Science for 1979. He is cur­ rently an executive committeeman for a local ACS section, an associate edi­ tor of Applied Spectroscopy, and a

also a member of SAS, the Electro­ chemical Society, the ASTM D-19 Committee on Water, the AAAS, and Sigma Xi. Fred E. Lytle received his BS de­ gree in chemistry from Juniata College in 1964 and earned his PhD in analyti­ cal chemistry at MIT in 1968. He joined the faculty at Purdue Universi­ ty that same year, and was promoted to associate professor in 1974 and pro­ fessor in 1979. His research interests include the theory and application of


'Baker Instra-Analyzed'' Acids for Trace Metal Analysis

Produced by J. T. Baker, these reagents are quality controlled to provide low analytical blank values for more than 25 trace elements... low enough to make them suitable for most multi-element trace metals analysis via emis­ sion spectroscopy, atomic absorption and ICP. Examine the label.

7 lb(3.2 kg)


Nitric Acid 'Baker Instra-Analyzed' Trace M a l a l Analysis ..NO,


ACTUAL ANALYSIS LOT 923038 atui l*ai 11 uMtoai 0< lawn

C"**aaiOi "wtMnaj.i S*aa>iS0.i aiaa>


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00· OWi < D« ΟβΟΟ] OOK» < 0»i 003 O0OO· 01 < 0 097

D Low blank values for over 25 key trace elements D Actual lot analysis on the l a b e l . . . proof of purity G Convenient pack­ aging . . . In 1 pint and 5 pint flint glass bottles

member of the editorial board of Analytica Chimica Acta.

Lyon Wins Award for Radioanalytical Chemistry William S. Lyon, Jr., section head in the Analytical Chemistry Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has received the 1980 Radiation Industry Award presented by the American Nuclear Society. The award, present­ ed to Lyon in Washington, D.C., at the International Conference of the Amer­ ican and European Nuclear Societies, recognizes outstanding contributions in industrial applications of radiation technology and consists of a certificate and a $1000 honorarium. Lyon was cited for "pioneering re­ search in developing methods for assay and identification of radionu­ clides for industrial applications, the extension of nuclear analytical meth­ ods to studies of fossil energy produc­ tion, and for his leadership in devel­ oping and publicizing industrial use of such methods." Lyon is a prominent researcher in the development and ap­ plications of neutron activation anal­ ysis. Lyon is currently responsible for a wide-ranging research and develop­ ment program in analytical instru­ mentation and surface analysis tech­ niques. He earned his BS in chemistry from the University of Virginia, and an MS in management from the Uni­ versity of Tennessee. Lyon first joined the staff at Oak Ridge in 1946. He has edited a number of books and pub­ lished more than 150 technical papers on nuclear chemistry and radioanaly-


J.T~Bakei"chemical Co., Pti'iiîipiburo,. N.J. 0 8 8 6 5

P m r i i i r t s Auallahlf· Baker Instra-Analyzed Acids Acetic Acid Hydrochloric Acid Nitric Acid Sulfuric Acid Also—Ammonium Hydroxide If your work requires even lower impurity levels, we recommend our ULTREX* acids . . . the standard for reagent purity throughout the world.

Product No. 9524 9530 9598 9673 9733

Case Size 12x1 pt. 12x1 pt. 12x1 pt. 12x1 pt. 12x1 pt.

Price/ Bottle $ 7.50 8.00 10.00 8.14 6.00

Case Size 4x5 lb. 6x6 lb. 6x7 lb. 6x9 lb. 4x8 pt.

J.T. Baker Chemical Co. Laboratory Products Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 (201) 859-2151



Price/ Bottle $17.75 15.00 17.50 18.00 39.20


William Lyon