Nicolas Lemery, 1645-1715. Pharmacist, chemist, physician - Journal

Pharmacist, chemist, physician. J. Chem. Educ. , 1934, 11 (8), p 435. DOI: 10.1021/ed011p435. Publication Date: August 1934. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. ...
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Pharmacist, Chemist, Physician Lkmery's experience ns a manufacturer of pharmaceutical preparations gave him an excellent trainmg i n chemistr.q. This is shown i n his "Cours de Chymien (I675), which went through many editions and enriched the author from its royalties. As Holmyardsays, "The 'Coursde Chymie,' a book of some YOU closely printed pages, describes i n completely unequivocal language the practical chemical knowledge of the time, including much that is due to Lkmery himself. The descriptions are accompanied by shrewd observations, and the general impression left on the mind of a modern reader is that Lkmery must have been one of the most acute and skilful experimenters France has ever produced." Besides the chemistry textbook, Lkmery published a pharmaropeia, a dictionary of drugs, and a treatise on antimony. Due to his clearness of statement and experimental attitude, Ldmery had a great influence on the chemistry and pharmacy of his time. Contributed by

F. B. Dains