groupings. Or, create your own library for searching. With the diskette stor- age module, you can build your own custom library' consisting of those c...
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How to extend your infrared capabilities... Begin with the beginning. If you want to truly advance your laboratory's infrared analysis capability, first consider the primary spectral data itself. The fundamental superiority of spectral quality is the overwhelming advantage of Nicolet's MX-1

when compared to a dispersive instrument or to any competitive Fourier transform IR system. This basic superiority arises from the MX-l's uncompromising design and its use of the Fourier transform technique, which provides the intrinsic advantages of speed, sensitivity, resolution, optical throughput, wavelength accuracy, and

negligible stray light. In your laboratory, these advantages help you solve problems by saving time, increasing analytical productivity, assuring accurate quantitation, and allowing you to measure samples that you previously found extremely difficult or impossible, such as microsamples, highly absorbing or scattering materials, and dynamically changing samples. These advantages cannot be gained by adding a data station to a dispersive spectrometer, as this will not improve the quality of the primary data.

Compare data handling capabilities and ease o f operation. The MX-1 is based around the large-scale MX-80 processor, giving computational power that is conveniently implemented through

the simple touch-control panel. You can store sample, background, and reference spectra, subtract spectra manually or automatically to remove solvent or interfering bands, smooth spectra, perform accurate quantitative analyses automatically, select a large variety of plot formats, and much more. This intrinsic computational power, coupled with the highspeed plotter, gives you a real cost saving while achieving performance superior to that of any dispersive spectrometer with added data station.

Search t h e c o m p l e t e Sadtler library o f 9 0 , 0 0 0 compounds. The standard MX-1 generates a Sadtler SpecFinder® code so you can look up the compound in reference books available from Sadtler Research Laboratories. When supplied with the optional disk accessory, the MX-1 performs the search automatically, listing as many as 99 closest compounds and a metric number indicating the closeness of the match. If your compound isn't in the library, the routine still gives you lots of information regarding the class of comp o u n d and functional groupings.

Or, create y o u r o w n library f o r searching. With the diskette storage module, you can build your own custom library consisting of those compounds important to your work.

Each diskette holds up to 500 compressed library spectra.

Add the colorful 1200S Data System, upgrade y o u r MX-1 t o a truly universal r o u t i n e / research system. This new interactive color-graphics data station facilitates spectral

Peak picking routine automatically identifies the most intense bands in the displayed spectrum, and lists ordinate and abscissa values.

comparison and data manipulation. All MX-1 functions are controllable from the 1200S keyboard, and results appear instantly on the crisp color display. You can roll and expand the spectra, read coordinates at any point in a spectrum, display an unlimited number

of background spectra in seven colors. Using simple commands, you can perform a full set of mathematical operations on spectra, integrate spectral peaks, and perform quantitative calculations. MACRO programming capabilities allow you to preprogram and store programs for sample measurement experiments a n d / o r data processing, and then perform these experiments later by simply pushing one of the eight experiment control buttons. NICFORTH language programming capabilities give you added computational power. Further, you can use the 1200S to remotely control the MX-1, or control as many as eight MX-l's!

New 1 2 0 0 S interactive color-graphics data terminal. The results of a multiple subtraction are displayed h e r e .

With Nicolef s MX-1, t h e modestly-funded laboratory d o e s n o t have t o compromise on performance, versatility, o r e a s e of operation. Please phone or write for complete literature. Nicolet Analvtical Instru-

Integration of a doublet peak.

ments, 5225-1 Verona Road, Madison, Wisconsin, 53711, telephone 608/271-3333. Or, call the Nicolet regional office nearest you: East 301/459-2940, Midwest 312/843-2905, South Central 214/422-4014, West 408/946 3310, Canada 416/625-8302. | Nicolet provides worldI wide sales and service.


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