Nitrogen-15 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of alumichrome

Apr 16, 1976 - angular deviation from planarity at the peptide bond. The l5N amide ... Recent direct detection of l5N nuclear magnetic reso- nance (NM...
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Nitrogen- 15 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of Alumichrome. Detection by a Double Resonance Fourier Transform Technique' Miguel Llinls,* William J. Horsley, and Melvin P. Klein Contributionfrom the Laboratory of Chemical Biodynamics, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Unicersity of California, Berkeley, California 94720. Rereiced April 16, I 976

Abstract: Alumichrome, the AI3+analogue of ferrichrome, a ferric cyclohexapeptide, was enriched in IiN by growing the fungus Ustilago sphaerogena in a medium containing 99.5% I5N-ammonium acetate as the sole nitrogen source. The magnitude of t h e amide proton-nitrogen scalar coupling constant, obtained directly from the ' H S M R spectrum is correlated with t h e angular deviation from planarity at the peptide bond. The I5N amide resonances were measured indirectly by heteronuclear double resonance methods. The amide ' H NMR spectrum was obtained by Fourier transform a t 220 MHz while t h e I5hresonances were irradiated selectively with low power near 22.3 MHz. The chemical shifts of the amide I5N resonances are sensitive to conformation and the responses to temperature and solvent changes provide excellent criteria for determining the spatial configuration of each -NH-CO- group within the peptide structure. An extension of the Fourier transform double resonance method, Fourier internuclear difference spectroscopy (FINDS), was tested successfully on the amide region of the unenriched peptide thus permitting detection of I5N resonances at natural abundance. The results suggest a large potential for t h e method.

Recent direct detection of I5N nuclear magnetic resonance ( N M R ) ' signals in peptides3 and proteins4 has shown the feasibility of the technique for the study of biopolymers. Indeed, it is to be expected that in conjunction with the well established IH and I3C N M R spectroscopies, ISN studies ought to help refine the analysis of plausible solution conformations. It would thus be desirable to reach a better understanding of the features that contribute to determine the I5N N M R spectrum so that the potential of the technique for the study of polypeptide structures can be more fully appreciated. For any such study, assignment of the resonances appears as a mandatory requirement so that, e.g., chemical shifts and coupling constants can be discussed in terms of known molecular geometries at particular sites. In this sense, the alumichromes (Figure 1 ) provide a most useful set of model compounds because their common c ~ n f o r m a t i o nwell , ~ characterized by x-ray crystallography,6 is rigidly maintained in ~ o l u t i o n . Alumichrome ~ is the AI3+ analogue of ferrichrome, a ferric cyclohexapeptide whose primary sequence is LGly3-Gly261~1~rn3-Orn"'--~

where Gly stands for glycyl and Orn for 6-N-acetylhydroxyornithyl residues. The amide ' H - I 5 N scalar couplings ( J ' ) areca. 90 H Z .It~ is thus possible to obtain a I5N N M R spectrum by observing those frequencies in the I5N domain which bring about a collapse of the "N splittings in the proton s p e c t r ~ mThis . ~ ~can ~~ be achieved most elegantly and conveniently by Fourier spectroscopy in the proton domain while simultaneously irradiating the I5N resonances under low level, selective conditions. This technique is related to recent FT-INDOR experiments designed to detect l H - ' H and IH-l3C indirectly coupled resonances. l o We present a study of polypeptide amide "N N M R spectroscopy of I 5N-alumichromeusing this Fourier double resonance technique. We also report an extension of the method devised to detect the 'N resonances at natural abundance by Fourier internuclear difference spectroscopy (FINDS). Materials and Methods ISN-Ferrichrome was obtained from the growth medium * Addresr correspondence to this a u t h o r at t h e Department or Chemistry. C a r . negie-,Mellon U n i v e n i t ) . Pittsburgh. Pa. I521 3.

Journal of the American Chemical Society



of the smut fungus Ustilago sphaerogena as described by Garibaldi and Neilands' except that I5N-ammonium acetate (99.2% enrichment, Analytical Supplies Development Corp., Little Falls, N.J.) was used as the sole nitrogen source. Isotopically enriched inocula (20 ml) were used to start growth of each of two 3-1. Fernbach flasks containing a total of 1.28 1. of medium. After processing the. supernatant as described by Neilands,' the crude extract was fractionated in a short silica gel column.I3 In this method the peptide mixture is eluted with water-saturated organic solvents of increasing polarity (starts with 100% chloroform followed by increasing concentration steps (5% v/v) of ethanol). In our case the organic phase was equilibrated with an equal volume of water. Ferrichrome elutes in the range 80-65% ch1oroform:ethanol while the analogue ferrichrome A elutes in the range 60-50% of the solvent mixture. The method yields a most satisfactory resolution of the two ferric peptides as well as excellent purification. The two colored bands were identified by paper electrophoresis at pH 6.9, based on the fact that the net charge of ferrichrome is zero while ferrichrome A is, a t neutrality, a 3- anion. The paramagnetic Fe3+ ion was substituted by diamagnetic AI3+ as already d e ~ c r i b e d , 'and ~ the aluminum peptide ( I5N-alumichrome) was further purified by gel filtration with distilled water through a 2.5 X 100 cm column packed with a mixture of 75% Bio-Gel P2 with 25% Sephadex G10; we have observed that adding some Sephadex to the Bio-Gel stabilizes the packing properties of the latter. A final yield of I00 mg of 15N-alumichromeper liter of culture medium was obtained. The final product was reextracted twice with 40 fold excess of &hydroxyquinoline to eliminate any residual trace of Fe'+; in the process some of the A13+ was lost, which gave a weak background in the ' H N M R spectrum due to the demetallopeptide. The N M R data confirmed the identity and purity of the peptide. Commercial, spectroscopic grade solvents were used. The experiments reported here were performed on a Varian HR-220 spectrometer extensively modified in this laboratory for Fourier and double resonance operation. Both the ' H and I 5N frequencies were derived from frequency synthesizers. The 22.3 MHz power was supplied to the doubly tuned probe by a commercial amplifier. The decoupling frequency was switched from far off-resonance to on-resonance in comparing undecoupled with decoupled spectra to minimize effects due to radiofrequency heating of the system.

/ November 24, I976





Figure 1. Conformational model of ferrichrome as determined by x-ray crystallographyhand solution studies by NMR.:,' The peptide backbone is denoted by heavier lines. Intramolecular H bonds of significance are depicted by dotted lines. The metal atom, M , coordinated by the three ornithyl side chains, is represented by a larger sphere. Glycyl and ornithyl residues are numbered according to previous c ~ n v e n t i o n . ~ ~ '




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, 6

Figure 2. Fourier transform ' H N M R spectra of the alumichrome amide region a t 220 M H z . The peptides were dissolved in DMSO-dh and the spectra, recorded at -70 OC, are referred to internal TMS. ( A ) Tiaturn1 abundance ''N-alumichrome, ( B ) 99.5% I5N-enriched alumichrome, ( C ) same .is (B) except that simultaneous continuous wave irradiation was m) applied a; 22 294 938 Hz; the latter frequency C f L U ~ ~ f s = corresponds to the Orn3 I5N resonance in a static magnetic field where the TMS IH N M R occurs a t exactly 220 M H z (see text).

Results and Discussion Figure 2 shows the ' H spectrum of the amide region of (A) natural abundance I4N-alumichrome and (B) of the 99.5% i SN-enriched peptide dissolved in DMSO-d6. The aliphatic region of the spectrum (not shown) is little affected by the isotopic substitution, suggesting that the geminal and vicinal 'H-ISN scalar couplings are small, in agreement with observations reported by other autors.I5 The J ' N H couplings in '5N-alumichrome are between 90 and 95 Hz. By reference to a previous identification of the amide proton r e s o n a n c e ~ , ' ~ . l ~ the large doublets exhibited by the I5N peptide are easily assignable to the corresponding residues (Figure 1) as indicated at the bottom of Figure 2. Low power decoupling is manifest by a gradual convergence of the pair of resonances within each doublet to the central (Le., the I4N-'H) position as the lSN frequency approaches the proper resonance value, aside from any isotope shift. This allows a determination of the decoupling conditionsi6which were 0,r' 0,"' 3,"' h l i ' ilY' (50371 149451 14882: 148291 4686 satisfied with 7 H 2 / 2 ~= 0.1263 H z and was kept constant ' 1 throughout the experiment. The 'jN resonance frequency was w 5000 4905 ( - 22,290,000 I identified according to a best symmetry and collapse of the two double components as judged by maximal signal amplitude and Figure 3. The I5N N M R spectrum of alumichrome at 22.3 M H z . The "U optimal resolution of the J3H,H,