9, (1) p. 23'/, cm. Abstract of thesis (Px.D.)-University of Illinois, 1928.
Minn., 1928. 7 pp. 25'/r cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)-Columbia University, 1928.
Sherwood, George Ray, Observations on the rare earths: studies in basicity. Urhana, Ill., 1929. 6 pp. 23'/* cm. Abstract of thesis (Pa.D.)-University of Illinois, 1929.
Zimmennann, Alhrecht, Die hotankche mikrotechnik. Ein handbuch der mikroskopischeu priparations-, reaktions- und tinktionsmethoden. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1892. a, 278 pp., illus. 23 cm.
Skidmore, William Ralph, Some reactions of sulfur and its oxides. Iowa City, 1928. 18 pp., 1 illus. 23L/8cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)-TJuiversity of Iowa, 1925.
American Chemical Society. Northeastern Section, Seventy-sixth meeting of the American Chemical Society. .. under the auspices of the Northeastern ,Section. Swampscott, Massachusetts. September 1~15,-1928. Boston, 1928. 77 pp, incl. illns., ports., fold. map. 23'/a cm.
Strouse, George Clifford, The mechanism of carbohydrate oxidation; the oxidation of glucose by copper acetate. Columhus, 1928. 24 PP., diagrs. 24'/2 cm. Thesis (Pa.D.)--Ohio State UniM T S ~ ~ Y1927. , Tomend, Robert Vose, A new method for measuring osmotic pressure. Easton, Pa., Mack Printing Company, 1928. 11pp., lillus. 24 cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)Johns Hopkins University, 1927. White, Charles Edward and Neil E. Gordon, The r6le of phosphates on the taking up of dyes by mordants. Ithaca, N. Y., 1928. 20 pp., diagrs. 26l/%cm. Thesis (Pn.D.)-University of Maryland, 1926. Wang, Shou Chin, The problem of the normal hydrogen molecule in the new quantum mechanics. Minneapolis,
Breslau. Schlesisches kohlenforsehungsinstitut, hlittvilungcn aus dcm Schlr