Nitrosyl transfer reactions - Journal of the American Chemical Society

Jun 1, 1976 - Factors That Control the Reactivity of Cobalt(III)–Nitrosyl Complexes in Nitric Oxide Transfer and Dioxygenation Reactions: A Combined...
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Nitrosyl Transfer Reactions C. B. Ungermann and K. G. Caulton* Contribution No. 2824from the Department of Chemistry, Indiana Uniuersity, Bloomington, Indiana 47401. Receiued October 14, 1975

Abstract: Intermolecular transfer of the nitrosyl ligand in CoNOD2 (D = monoanion of dimethylglyoxime) to FeC12L2, CoC12L2, CoNOCl2L2, NiC12L2, RuC12L4, RuHCIL3, RuHNOL3, RhHCOL3, RuNOCIL2, and RhCIL3 (L = PPh3) and to FeHCl(dpe)2, FeH(THF)(dpe)z+, and FeC12dpe (dpe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane) has been shown to occur. The reaction occurs more readily if the nitrosyl acceptor is coordinatively unsaturated. In some instances, chloride, hydride, or phosphine ligands migrate from the nitrosyl acceptor complex to cobalt. Halogenation of low-valent nitrosyl complexes by CoCIDz(PPh3) is also observed.

Intermolecular transfer of coordinated ligands is a reaction of some generality. Halide transfer is well known.’ In a preliminary communication of some of the present work, we cited examples of C O transfer.* Alkyl transfer occurs from cobaloximes to Co(I1) and Hg(II), in both instances with inversion a t ~ a r b o n Methyl .~ transfer also occurs to highly nucleophilic C P F ~ ( C O ) ~ -Redistribution .~ of coordinated phosphines has also been e f f e ~ t e d as , ~ has transfer of x-cyclopentadienyl,6 x - a l l ~ l dithiolene,* ,~ and P-diketonate9 ligands. Both carbene’O and carbyne” ligands can migrate. W e report here the results of a study of reactions involving intermolecular transfer of the nitrosyl group.

Experimental Section All operations were carried out under N2 using Schlenk techniques. Benzene and T H F were dried with NaK alloy and ethanol with .Mg(OEt)2. N O was used directly from a lecture bottle. Elemental analyses were determined by Schwarzkopf Microanalytical Laboratories. Proton NMR spectra were recorded on a Varian HR-220 spectrometer and )‘P NMR spectra on a Varian XL-100 instrument (Fourier transform) at 40.5 MHz. Positive ,‘P chemical shifts are downfield of the reference (85% H3P04), CoNOD2-MeOH(I). C O ( O ~ C C H ~ ) ~(2.5 .~H g) ~and O 2.3 g of dimethylglyoxime (HD)Iz were stirred under nitrogen in 50 ml of methanol, producing a red precipitate of C0D2.2H20.‘~Nitric oxide was bubbled through the vigorously stirred solution for 10-15 min. The red solid was replaced by a dark brown solid. After treatment with N O was terminated, the solution was cooled to -78O for 30 min. The product was rapidly filtered cold: yield. 2.88 g (82%); v ( N 0 ) 1645 and, sometimes, 1705 cm-I (Nujol) with varying relative intensities. Anal. Calcd for C ~ H ~ ~ N ~C, C 30.80: O O ~H,: 5.13; N , 19.94. Found: C, 30.58; H, 5.13; N, 20.59. The sample analyzed showed only the 1645 cm-’ frequency: proton NMR (in CDC13) 6 2.45 (CH3 ofdimethylglyoximate), 3.35 (CH3 of methanol), 11.7 (OH of dimethylglyoximate). The product should not be washed with water (compare ref 14) since it is appreciably soluble in that solvent. FeCIz(PPh3)2.Following the reported m e t h ~ d ,2.81 ’ ~ g (22 mmol) of FeCl2 and 17.25 g (66 mmol) of PPh3 were refluxed in 60 ml of benzene for 17 h. The solution was filtered hot. Upon cooling, the colorless product precipitated. The product did not melt under vacuum below 300’. FeCIzdpe. According to the method reported16 for “FeCl2(dpe)2”, anhydrous FeCl2 (0.19 g, 1.54 mmol) and dpeI2 ( l . l O g , 2.76 mmol) were refluxed in 25 ml of benzene for 26 h. The solution was filtered hot to remove 0.05 g of FeCl2. The solution was concentrated to 10 ml, I O ml of pentane was added slowly, and the solution was stirred for 3 h. The colorless solid which formed was filtered, washed with 5 ml of pentane, and dried, mp (under vacuum) 236-242’. Anal. Calcd for C26H24FeCIzP2:C. 59.45; H, 4.57; C1, 13.5;P, 11.81. Found: C, 59.65; H, 4.64; CI, 12.43: P, 11.54. NiC12(PPh3)2+ I. NiC12(PPh3)2 (0.654 g, 1.O mmol) and I(0.351 g, 1 .O mmol) were stirred at 25’ in 20 ml of THF. No PPh3 was added. After 2 h a new nitrosyl stretching frequency was present at 1722 cm-I (Ni2(N0)2C12(PPh3)2).” Eighteen hours later, the band due to I was very weak, but bands were present at 1722 and 1744 cm-l. the latter due to Ni(NO)CI(PPh3)2.l7The volume was reduced to 5 ml, and

Journal of the American Chemical Society




filtration separated 0.44 g (75% yield) of CoCID2(PPh3) (11), identified by proton NMR and ir. Addition of benzene to the green T H F filtrate produced dark crystals which were shown by ir and elemental analysis to be a 2:l mixture of NiNOCI(PPh3)2 and [NiNOCI(PPh3)]2. This mixture was refluxed in benzene with 0.1 g of PPh3, to produce needle crystals of NiNOCI(PPh3)2 ( v ( N 0 ) = 1726 cm-I in KBr, mp 205-210’); no trace of the halide bridged dimer remains. CoCh(PPh3)2 + I. CoC12(PPh3)2 (1.5 g, 2.29 mmol), I (0.80 g, 2.28 mmol), and PPh3 (0.60 g, 2.29 mmol) were slurried together in 55 ml of ethanol at 25’. After 2 h, the solution was green-black and showed absorptions at 1834, 1785, and 1743 cm-’ characteristic’*of a mixture of Co(N0)2L2+ and Co(N0)2CIL. The solution was filtered and the separated solid washed with 4 ml of EtOH. The combined filtrate was evaporated to dryness for later workup (below). The solid separated in this initial filtration was washed repeatedly (15 X 4 ml) with benzene to remove red CoD2(PPh3). The last few washings came off pale yellow, and left behind a gold solid. This solid was recrystallized from CHCl3/benzene and characterized by ir, ‘ H NMR, and elemental analysis as CoC1D2(PPh3).C6H6. The green solid, produced upon vacuum drying the initial ethanol filtrate, showed only two nitrosyl stretches ( 1 851 and 1790 cm-’ in KBr) as a result of phosphine substitution on Co(N0)2CI(PPh3) as the solution was concentrated. The dinitrosyl cation was therefore precipitated by adding 0.41 g of NaBPh4 in 6 ml of EtOH to a homogeneous solution of the green solid in 5 ml of EtOH. [Co(N0)2(PPh3)2]BPh4 was identified by its ir and 31PNMR spectra. CoNOC12(PPh3)2 + I. CoNOC12(PPh3)2I9 (0.624 g, 0.913 mmol), I (0.32 g, 0.91 mmol), and PPh3 (0.24 g, 0.91 mmol) were stirred at 25’ in 20 ml of ethanol. After 14.5 h, the ir spectrum showed bands due to Co(N0)2L2+ and Co(N0)zCIL. The solution was concentrated to 10 ml and filtered, and the separated solid was washed with 3 X 2 ml of ethanol to leave a pale yellow solid (0.5 1 g, 95% yield). This solid was recrystallized from CHCl3/benzene to yield C O C I D ~ P P ~ ~ . C ~ H ~ . Anal. Calcd for C ~ ~ H ~ ~ C I C OC,N 57.74; ~ O ~ H, P : 5.26; CI, 5.34. Found: C, 57.03; H, 4.99; CI, 5.26. To the green filtrate from the initial filtration of the reaction solution was added 0.35 g of NaBPh4 in 5 ml of ethanol. The resulting brown solid (0.75 g, 86%) was filtered, washed with 3 X 3 ml of ethanol, and vacuum dried. Recrystallization of this solid from CHCI3/MeOH/Et20 produced 0.67 g of dark crystals of [Co(N0)2(PPh3)2]BPh4: v(N0) 1861 and 1796 cm-I. Anal. Calcd for C ~ ~ H ~ O B C O NC, Z O74.84: ~ P ~ H, : 5.24; N, 2.91. Found: C, 74.63; H, 5.43; N, 3.33. RuC12(PPh& I. R ~ C 1 2 ( P P h 3 ) (0.043 4 ~ ~ g, 0.035 mmol) and I (0.025 g, 0.07 mmol) were degassed and stirred in 3 ml of EtOH for 3.5 h at 25’. The solution was filtered and the resultant solid was washed with three I-ml portions of Et2O. Their spectrum showed this to be approximately equimolar R U N O C I ~ ( P P ~and ~ ) RuNO~~’ CI(02)(PPh3)2.22The latter could be extracted from the former with benzene and crystallized with methanol. Anal. Calcd for C ~ ~ H ~ O N C I N C, O ~59.75; R U :H, 4.1 5; N , 1.94. Found: C, 59.75; H, 4.40; N, 2.10. RhCI(PPh3)s I. RhCI(PPh3)323 (0.1 g, 0.108 mmol) and I (0.038 g, 0.108 mmol) were stirred in 2.5 ml of benzene at 25’. The solution color changes from an initial red-brown to deep red and after 1.5 h, a new nitrosyl stretch due to RhNO(PPh3)3 is evident at I625 cm-I. Simultaneously,pale yellow solid forms. After a total reaction time of 5 h, the solution was filtered. The solid separated here was washed

June 23, 1976



3863 65.39; H, 5.23; P, 9.81; N, 4.66. u(N0) 1720, 1675 cm-' (THF). The with two 2-ml portions of CHCI3 and shown to be RhNOC12(PPh3)2 filtrate from this second filtration exhibited an ir spectrum characby comparison to an authentic sample,2' yield (based on CI) 0.035 g teristic of a 2: 1 mixture of Co(N0)2CI(PPh3) (u(N0) 18IO, 1760, (90%). The initial benzene filtrate was concentrated to -I ml and 1730 cm-I, Nujol) and Fe(NO)z(PPh&, along with a trace of I . methanol was slowly added. Careful recrystallization from benAttempts to isolate the cobalt dinitrosyl produced an oil. It was zene/methanol produced 0.045 g of RhNO(PPh3)3as dark red prisms, therefore derivatized to [Co(N0)2(PPh3)2]BPh4 by refluxing with yield (based on residual NO) 92%. 0.19 g of PPh3 in ethanol in the presence of NaBPh4. Anal. Calcd for RhNO(PPh3)3 11. RhNO(PPh3)321(0.05 g, 0.054 mmol) and I1 C ~ O H ~ O N ~ B CP, O 6.45. O ~ PFound: ~ : P, 6.12. u(N0) 1855, 1795 cm-l (0.063 g, 0.108 mmol) were stirred in 4 ml of benzene at 25'. After (Nujol). After removal of the cobalt dinitrosyl, the filtrate gave a 3 h, the solution was filtered. The separated solid was washed with 3 positive test for free dimethylglyoximate. Combining the results from ml of benzene, then three 1-ml portions of CHC13, and vacuum dried. the various fractions, the basic reaction produces Fe(N0)2(PPh& It was identified by ir as RhNOC12(PPh3)2, yield 0.04 g (100%). and Co(N0)2CI(PPh3) in approximately a 3:l mole ratio. HRhCO(PPh3)z + I. (a). An exploratory reaction was run in a sealed (2). FeC12(PPh3)2 (0.022 g), I (0.024 g), and PPh3 (0.018 g) were evacuated NMR tube and monitored by 31PNMR. Products were sealed in an NMR tube with 0.5 ml of THF. After 17 h a t 25O, the 3 1 P identified by comparison with authentic samples. HRhCO(PPh3)32' NMR spectrum (-64O) exhibited (among others) a resonance at 47.6 (0.05 g, 0.054 mmole) and I (0.02 g, 0.054 mmol) were allowed to ppm, which duplicates the chemical shift of an authentic sample of react at 25O in 0.5 ml of THF. After 14 h, the solution contained 26% Co(N0)2CI(PPh3) at this same temperature. unreacted HRhCO(PPh3)3 (39.9 ppm, J R h - p = 155 Hz), 62% Fifteen minutes after initiating the above reactions, an ir absorption RhNOCO(PPh3)224(46.8 ppm, J R h - p = 164 Hz), and 12% RhNOwas evident at 1775 cm-' in THF. By the end of 75 min, absorptions (PPh3)3 (51.8 ppm, J R h - p = 172 Hz). After 84 h , the phosphorus due to the iron and cobalt dinitrosyls were evident. Reactions 3-6 were NMR spectrum showed 96% RhNOCO(PPh3)2 and 4% run to identify the source of the 1775-cm-' band. RhNO(PPh3)3. A very broad resonance at 55.2 ppm is attributed to (3).To 1.24 g ( I .9 mmol) of FeC12(PPh3)2and 0.50 g (1.9 mmol) phosphorus bound to cobalt. of PPh3 in 5 ml of THF was added, within 7 min, 0.70 g (2.0 mmol) (b). HRhCO(PPh3)3 (1.02 g, 1.11 mmol) and 0.39 g of I(1.11 of I in 7 ml of THF. Their spectrum at this point showed the 1775mmol) were stirred at 25O for 14 h in 25 ml of THF. The solvent was cm-' band along with those of I, Fe(N0)2(PPh3)2, and Coremoved under vacuum and the dry solid was extracted with 10 ml of (N0)2CI(PPh3). The ratio of the intensity of the 1775-cm-' band to THF. Addition of 20 ml of hexanes followed by filtration yielded a one of those of Fe(N0)2(PPh3)2 was 1.4. After I O min of additional brown solid composed mainly of RhNOCO(PPh3)2 (v(N0) 1655 stirring, a solid was filtered and washed with T H F this solid contained cm-I; u(C0) 1960, 1935 cm-l, Nujol) along with a trace of I. The only the unknown nitrosyl and 11. No successful separation of the two THF/hexane filtrate contains unreacted HRhCO(PPh3)3, RhNOcomponents of this solid was achieved. CO(PPh3)2, and RhNO(PPh3)j. HRhCO(PPh& + N-Methyl-N-nitroso-ptoluenesulfonamide. (4). FeC12(PPh& (0.60 g, 0.91 mmol), I (0.32 g, 0.91 mmol), and PPh3 (0.24 g, 0.91 mmol) were stirred for 4 min in 4 ml of THF. The HRhCO(PPh3)3 (0.02 g) and the sulfonamide (0.005 g) were dissolution was then filtered and the filtrate rapidly taken to dryness. The solved in 0.5 ml of THF in an NMR tube and allowed to react for 15 solid on the filter disk was washed with I O ml of methanol and dried. min. The solution was then held at -196O until it was assayed by 31P NMR. An ir spectrum (Nujol) of this filtered solid showed it to consist of the unknown complex, Fe(N0)2(PPh3)2, and a small amount of RuHCI(PPh3)3+ I. R u H C I ( P P ~(0.16 ~ ) ~g,~0.17 ~ mmol), I(0.06 g, 0.17 mmol), and PPh3 (0.05 g, 0.17 mmol) were stirred at 25' in CoNOD2. Co(N0)2CI(PPh3) is absent but insoluble I1 is presumably 15 ml of T H F for 14 h. After filtering, addition of methanol to the present. Their spectrum of this solid, redissolved in THF, was monitored for 55 min. Immediately after preparing this solution, concentrated filtrate precipitated Ru(N0)2(PPh&, yield 70% based on NO. A trace of Co(N0)2CI(PPh3) is also produced. Co(N0)2CI(PPh3) was evident, and continues to grow during the RuHNO(PPh3)3 and I. R u H N O ( P P ~(0.6 ~ ) ~g, ~0.65 ~ mmol), I duration of the experiment. I n this same time period, CoNOD2 and the unknown mononitrosyl disappear. The growth of CO(0.23 g, 0.65 mmol), and 0.17 g (0.65 mmol) of PPh3 were stirred at 25' for 13 h in 20 ml of T H F (the reaction was not yet complete after (NO)zCI(PPh3)and the decay of CoNOD2 appear to be simultaneous 4 h). Solid was filtered off and methanol added to the concentrated independent occurrences, however. I n contrast, the initial filtrate, filtrate to precipitate Ru(N0)2(PPh&, identified by its ir spectrum, which contained Co(N0)2CI(PPh3),Fe(N0)2(PPh&, and the unyield 88%. A small amount of Co(N0)2Cl(PPh3) was present in the known mononitrosyl showed no spectral changes over 40 min after filtrate. redissolution in THF. RuNOCI(PPh3)z+ I. To 0.65 g (0.94 mmol) of R U N O C I ( P P ~ ~ ) ~ ~(5). ~ FeC12(PPh3)2 (1.30 g, 1.97 mmol), I (0.17 g, 0.49 mmol), and and 1 equiv of PPh3 in 20 ml of benzene was added 0.33 g (0.94 mmol) PPh3 (0.13 g, 0.49 mmol) were intimately mixed as solids. THF (7 of I in 20 ml of benzene. Reaction was complete in 1.5 h at 25O. After ml) was added and the solution stirred for 25 min. At this point, a total of 6 h, the reaction was filtered. The solid so obtained was Fe(N0)2(PPh3)2 was the only nitrosyl evident (ir evidence). shown by ir spectroscopy to consist of I1 and RuNOCI3(PPh3)2 (6).FeC12(PPh3)2 (1.35 g, 2.1 mmol) and Fe(N0)2(PPh3)2 (1.32 (u(N0) 1875 cm-I). Solvent was stripped from the filtrate, and the g, 2.1 mmol) were refluxed in THF for 17 h. Infrared spectroscopy residual solid was extracted with 5 ml of THF. Ru(NO)>(PPh& was showed that no reaction occurred. precipitated from the THF extracts by addition of methanol (25 ml). In order to ascertain the origin of the Co(N0)2CI(PPh3) produced The dark red dinitrosyl was recrystallized from THF/methanol, yield in the above reactions, the following two reactions were carried out. 70%. Anal. Calcd for C & ~ O N ~ O ~ P ~C,R63.01; U : H, 4.37; P, 9.03; Fe(NO)z(PPh3)2 11. Fe(N0)2(PPh3)2 (0.50 g, 0.77 mmol) and N, 4.08. Found: C, 62.53; H, 4.57; P, 8.90; N, 4.69. v(N0) 1660, 1615 I1 (0.46 g, 0.78 mmol) were stirred for 20 h in 25 ml of T H F at 2 5 O . cm-I (CH2CI2). Only trace amounts of Co(N0)2CI(PPh3) are proThe ir spectrum of the solution at this time showed evidence for duced. Co(N0)2CI(PPh3)2 and Co(N0)2(PPh3)2+ (combined yield 40%) Ru(NO)z(PPh3)2+ 11. Ru(N0)2(PPh3)2 (0.05 g, 0.07 mmol) and as well as CoNOD2 and unreacted Fe(N0)2(PPh3)2 (combined yield I1 (0.13 g, 0.21 mmol) were stirred in 5 ml of T H F at 25O for 8 h. 60%). Fe(N0)2(PPh3)2 (0.22 g, 44%) and I1 (0.19 g, 41%) were reFiltration yielded a brown solid composed of RuNOC13(PPh3)2 covered. The Co(N0)2CI(PPh3) was derivatized to [Co(u(N0) 1875 cm-I, NuJol) and a dmg complex. The filtrate was taken (N0)2(PPh3)2]BPh4 and identified by its infrared spectrum. to dryness; CoNOD2 was extracted away from 0.02 g of unreacted I and 11. Compound I (0.048 g) and compound I1 (0.04 g) were Ru(N0)2(PPh3)2 with methanol, and was identified by ir and proton stirred in 2 ml of T H F for 4 h. An infrared spectrum of the reaction NMR spectra. Even after reaction times of 15-18 h, approximately solution shows a nitrosyl absorption due solely to I, indicating no net the same amount of unreacted Ru(NO)r(PPh3)2 remains. reaction. Reaction of FeClz(PPh3)~with I. (1). C O N O D ~ C H ~ O(0.70 H g, FeHCl(dpeh + I. (1). FeHCl(dpe)2I6 (0.90g, 1.0 mmol) and I (0.356 1.98 mmol), FeC12(PPh& (0.644 g, 0.99 mmol), and PPh3 (0.519 g, 1 .O mmol) react (ir evidence) to only a small extent after 96 h of stirring in 15 ml of T H F at 25'. The reaction was therefore refluxed g, 1.98 mmol) were stirred at 25' in 15 ml of T H F for 7 h. CoCID2(PPh3) (11) was removed by filtration and identified by its for 14 h. After cooling to 25O, the THF was removed under vacuum infrared spectrum. The filtrate was concentrated to a volume of several and the residual solid extracted with hot ethanol. After filtering, milliliters. Addition of methanol produced brown-black crystals of Fe(N0)2dpe crystallized on standing from the ethanol solution. The Fe(N0)2(PPh3)2 (0.36 g, 58% yield). Anal. Calcd for dinitrosyl was recrystallized from acetone/ethanol, yield 40% based C ~ ~ H ~ O N Z F C, ~ O67.51; Z P ~H, : 4.68; P, 9.70; N, 4.37. Found: C, on NO. Anal. Calcd for C26H24N~FeOlP2:C, 60.72; H, 4.67; P, 1 1.85;



Ungermann, Caulton


Nitrosyl Transfer Reactions


N,5.45. Found: C, 60.82; H, 4.72; P, 11.75; N,5.70. v ( N 0 ) 1675,

trolled to prevent oxidation, by N O , to Co(N02)D2.solvent. 1725 (THF). A separate experiment proved that the rate and yield We find the 2-h reaction time quoted in ref 14 to produce large of this reaction were unaffected by addition of I O mol % of CoD7 amounts of nitro complex. Oxidation of CoNOD2aMeOH (I) 2H20. by free NO is known,31but requires basic conditions. Appar(2). FeHCl(dpe)Z (0.20 g, 0.23 mmol) and I (0.08 g, 0.23 mmol) ently the acetate ion functions as the base in this complicating were stirred at room temperature in 7 ml of benzene for 72 h. Infrared side-reaction. T h e solid-state infrared spectrum of I shows evidence showed that Fe(N0)zdpe formation was approximately 33% v ( N 0 ) a t 1639 cm-'. Also present is a broad absorption a t complete at this point. The reaction was then refluxed for 14 h, cooled 2325 cm-I. T h e nitrosyl stretching frequency undergoes a to 25', and filtered. This filtered solid showed vibrations characteristic remarkably large shift to higher energy in noncoordinating of DMG, and was insoluble in all common organic solvents. The filtrate above was pumped to dryness and extracted with acetone to solvents; in CHC13 v ( N 0 ) is 17 17 cm-I. Moreover, the proton separate Fe(N0)zdpe (soluble) from FeHCl(dpe)2 (insoluble). AdN M R shows a resonance for methanol C-H protons which dition of ethanol to the concentrated acetone solution precipitated superimposes on added methanol. This is consistent with brown Fe(N0)zdpe. complete dissociation of methanol to produce five-coordinate (3). FeHCl(dpe)l (0.31 g, 0.34 mmol), I(O.12 g, 0.34 mmol), and CoNOD2 in CHC13. Two further observations support this NH4PF6 (0.05 g, 0.34 mmol) were unreactive at 25' in 20 ml of ethcontention. Periodically, we have synthesized samples of I anol over a period of 12 h. The mixture was then refluxed for 4 h, which show two nitrosyl frequencies in the solid state. Proton cooled, and filtered. Upon standing, a small amount of green solid N M R shows such samples to be deficient in methanol, the formed; this was identified as [FeNO(d~e)21PFs~~ by ir (v(N0) 1680 degree of deficiency correlating with the intensity of the higher cm-l, Nujol) and 31PNMR (81.5 ppm), yield 11%. The filtrate contained Fe(N0)zdpe. energy ir band (1704 cm-', in Nujol). Finally, heating stoi(4). FeHCl(dpe)z (0.4 g, 0.45 mmol) and I (0.16 g, 0.45 mmol) were chiometric CoNOD2eMeOH under vacuum for 20 h yields a stirred at 25' in 12 ml of CH3CN for 16 h. The solvent was removed solid exhibiting two equally intense nitrosyl bands. Azeotropic under vacuum. An ir spectrum of a THF extract of the residue showed distillation of methanol/benzene from CoNOD2-MeOH in only a single nitrosyl band at 1607 cm-I, due to CoNODzC1-l. Metal benzene produces the same result. In CHC13, t h e methanolhydride (1860 cm-I) and coordinated acetonitrile (2235 cm-l) bands deficient material shows only the 1717-cm-l nitrosyl band. As due to FeHdpez(CH3CN)+ are also evident.29No product due to methanol is removed from the solid, the 2325-cm-' band denitrosyl transfer was present. clines in intensity. W e feel this is the 0 - H stretching vibration [FeH(dpe)2(THF)]BPh4+ I. FeHCl(dpe)z (0.70 g, 0.79 mmol) and of coordinated methanol which also participates in hydrogen NaBPhr (0.27 g, 0.79 mmol) were stirred in 13 ml of THF under bonding either to (a) the nitrosyl group of a neighboring argon for 8 h. This produces a precipitate of [FeH(dpe)z(THF)]BPh4.29To this slurry was added 0.28 g (0.79 mmol) of I in 9 ml of molecule or (b) a dimethylglyoximate oxygen. Examples of THF. Stirring at 25' was continued for l,3 h. The THF was then rehydrogen bonding of lattice-trapped solvent to both funcmoved under vacuum and the dry solid residue extracted with 15 mi tionalities a r e T h e compound CoD2(CH3)H20 of acetone. In the course of concentrating the filtered extracts, a trace also exhibits such an infrared absorption, and it too disappears (0.03 g) of red FeHCl(dpe)z precipitated and was filtered off. The in anhydrous analogues.34 infrared spectrum of this filtrate showed Fe(N0)zdpe to be the only CoNOD2-MeOH is soluble in a wide variety of solvents, nitrosyl species formed in the reaction. Bubbling nitrogen gas through ranging from water to benzene. When pure, it is oxidized by this solution generated a new stretching frequency at 2130 cm-I 0 2 to a nitro (and possible nitrate35) complex within 1 d a y in characteristiczg of FeH(Nz)(dpe)z+; this confirms the successful CHC13 solution, but is air stable as a solid. It may be recovered formation of FeH(dpe)zTHF+ in the first phase of this reaction. unchanged after 10 h a t reflux in T H F , indicating that there [FeNO(dpe)2]CI I. [FeNO(dpe)z]C130(0.14 g, 0.15 mmol) and I(O.05 g, 0.15 mmol) were unreactive in 6 ml of THF at 25' in a 3-h is no tendency to dissociate N O . In view of the similarity of the period. Refluxing for 1 1 h produced only Fe(NO)ldpe, identified by nitrosyl stretching frequency of I to that in a number of auits infrared spectrum. thentic bent nitrosyl complexes,2 the C o N O moiety is pre[FeNO(dpe)z]PF6 + I. [FeNO(d~e)zjPF6~* (0.1 1 g, 0.1 1 mmol) and sumably bent in I. I (0.04 g, 0.1 1 mmol) in 7 ml of THF did not react at 25' in I2 h. The Among bent nitrosyl complexes of Co, Rh, and Ir, only cosolution was refluxed for 1 1 h, cooled, and filtered. The solid filtered balt shows evidence for coordination of groups trans to the off here shows infrared evidence for PFs-, phenyl groups, and DMG. nitrosyl. In every instance, the bonds so formed a r e very long, I t was insoluble in all common organic solvents. Although no comdue presumably to the trans effect of "bent NO". The ready pletely acceptable analysis was obtained, the atom ratios from the loss of coordinated methanol by I is therefore understandable. observed analysis (C:H:N:P = 34.2:41.2:4.22:3.0)are consistent with Proton N M R spectra of I in CH2Cl2 as low as -90' show no [CoD2dpe]PF6.Anal. Calcd for C34H38N4CoF604P3: c, 49.09; H, 4.57;N,6.73;P, 11.18.Found:C,44.01;H,4.42;N,6.35;P,9.99.The evidence for dimerization via the oxime oxygens. CoCH3D2 only nitrosyl in the THF filtrate from above was Fe(NO)zdpe, idenis wholly dimeric under these condition^,^^ indicating that the tified by ir and 31PNMR spectroscopy (79.2 ppm). nitrosyl group has a very high trans effect. FeClzdpe I. To 0.1 I g (0.21 mmol) of FeCIzdpe in 5 ml of THF Infrared spectroscopy provides clear evidence for adduct was added 0.04 g (0.12 mmol) of I and 0.02 g (0.12 mmol) of NH4PF6 formation by five-coordinate CoNOD2 with certain bases in 5 ml of THF. A brown solid formed immediately. After 2 h stirring, (Table I). T h e methanol adduct apparently persists intact in the solution was filtered. The filtrate was concentrated to 1-2 ml and methanol solution. Pyridine, THF, PPh3, and acetonitrile also methanol added to precipitate the nitrosyl products, shown by ir and coordinate. Chloride and iodide also bind, producing in some 31PNMR to be [FeNO(dpe)z]PF6(81.7 ppm) and Fe(N0)zdpe (79.1 solvents an equilibrium mixture of CoNOD2 and C O N O D ~ X - . ppm). By phosphorus NMR, these two nitrosyl complexes are produced in a mole ratio of 1:2. Removal of solvent from an acetonitrile solution of [Ph4As]CI and I yields a solid, presumably a Co(NO)D2CI-' salt, with Results a nitrosyl frequency of 1588 cm-' (Nujol). The Transfer Reagent, Co(N0)DyMeOH. A methanolic Clarkson and Basolo have analyzed kinetic data on the oxsolution of CoD2PPh313 rapidly reacts with NO to produce a idation of C o N O ( L ) complexes in terms of the formation of mononitrosyl species exhibiting a n NO stretching vibration base adducts.37L included Schiff bases and dithiocarbamates, at 1640 cm-I. The isolated product analyzes as the 1: I solvate but not dimethylglyoximate. They were unable to directly CoNOD2-MeOH, and the proton N M R in CDC13 exhibits a detect such adducts, however. More recently, a n adduct of I methoxy methyl resonance with one-quarter of the intensity with a substituted pyridine was detected in solution by ir and of the dimethylglyoximate methyl groups. If the reaction is run N M R methods.35 It was noted that dimethylglyoximate by passing N O through a 1:2 mixture of cobalt(I1) acetate and complexes generally have higher base adduct formation condimethylglyoxime, the reaction time must be carefully constants than their Schiff base analogues. T h e base adducts ob-



Journal of the American Chemical Society



/ June 23, 1976

3865 served here are quite different from the adduct of CONO(das)z2+ with S C N - ; the latter38 involves a linear-to-bent conversion, while we consider adducts of I to involve only minor alterations of structure and electron density. Reactions of I. (a) NiC12(PPh&. Interaction of CoNOD2. M e O H with NiC12L2 in the absence of added phosphine produces the dimeric complex L ( O N ) N ~ ( M - C ~ ) ~ N ~ NThe OL. nickel has lost pho sphine during the reaction, and it was found associated with cobalt. T h e second reaction product is CoCID2(PPh3). The tendency for Co(II1) to be six-coordinate necessitates binding of an additional ligand after chloride transfer. This can be PPh3, but it need not be so. Thus, if the reaction of I with NiC12L2 is left for 18 h, an equilibrium mixture of NiNOClL2 and the halide-bridged dimer is produced. In this case CoCID2(THF) must form. In order to avoid the complications of phosphine scavenging by the Co(II1) halide complex, equimolar PPh3 was normally added to most nitrosyl transfers. This has the added feature of forming a poorly soluble and thus easily separated product, CoCID2( PPh3). (b) CoCl~(PPh3h. This acceptor was selected for investigation because it is a 15-electron complex. Simple transfer of neutral N O from I is thus anticipated. The expected product, CoNOC12L2, is known. However, nitrosyl transfer to CoC12L2, even with equimolar I, produces only C o ( N 0 ) 2 C I L in equilibrium with Co(N0)2L2+. Both cobalt dinitrosyls are produced even in the absence of added phosphine, and separation of these two is difficult. Even when phosphine is added ( 2 P P h 3 / C o ( N 0 ) 2 + unit), conversion to the cation is not complete since eq 1 is an equilibrium. Co(NO)2Cl(PPh3)

+ PPh3

* Co(NO)2(PPh3)2+ + CI-


Equation 1 can be shifted completely to the right by precipitating the salt [Co(NO)2(PPh3)2]BPhd. The observed transfer of two nitrosyl groups and one chlorine atom could proceed in two ways. If simple N O transfer precedes N O / C I redistribution, CoNOC12L2 is an intermediate. If the reverse is true, CoNOClL2 is the intermediate. The following transfer was therefore attempted. (c) CoNOC12(PPh3)2.This complex reacts with equimolar I rapidly at 25' to produce the same mixture of cobalt dinitrosyls as observed above. This result is consistent with the double nitrosyl transfer to CoC12L2 proceeding by initial simple NO transfer. (d) RuC12(PPh3)4. This complex dissociates completely to produce unsaturated R u C I ~ L Reaction ~ . ~ ~ with I produces mononitrosyl species. T h e expected RuNOCIL2 is isolated as its 0 2 adduct as a result of adventitious oxygen. One-half of the nitrosyl-containing product is the trihalide RuNOC13L2. T h e two ruthenium complexes account for all of the halogen, and the cobalt-containing product remains soluble as CoD2. This stoichiometry differs from the reaction of RuC12L3 with N O itself (eq 2).40 3RuC12L3

+ 4N0



+ Ru(N0)2L2 + 3L


Table I. Stretching Frequencies of Co(NO)D2MeOH in Various Solvents Solvent CH3CN, [Ph4As]CI added" THF, [N(n-Bu)4]CIaddedb CHC13, pyridine added" CH2C12, [N(n-Bu)4]Iadded" MeOH CH3CN THF CH2C12, PPh3 added CsH6 CHzClz CHCI3

RhNOL3. Initially, we thought the production of RhNOL3 was mechanistically significant in suggesting that expulsion of C O was competitive with loss of PPh3. A separate experiment, monitored by 31PN M R , showed that PPh3 replaces C O in RhNOCOL2, however. This demonstrates the existence of the following equilibrium (eq 4). RhNOL3


+ RhNO(PPh3)3 RhNOC12(PPh3)2 + 2CoD2(PPh3) + PPh3 (3)

(r) HRhCO(PPh&. HRhCOL3, which dissociates L in sol ~ t i o n , ~reacts l with I to produce R h N O C O L 2 and traces of

+ CO




T h e appearance of RhNOL3 in the nitrosyl transfer is then attributable to PPh3 substitution on RhNOCOL2, the primary product. The observation that the RhNOL3/RhNOCOL2 ratiofa[/s during the course of the reaction is presumably due to the fact that HRhCOL3 dissociation causes [L] to be highest early in the reaction. As nitrosyl transfer proceeds, the HCoD2 produced (see Discussion) functions as a phosphine scavenger, thereby preventing the secondary substitution reaction on RhNOCOL2. By analogy to the above reaction, we find HRhCOL3 to react within 15 min a t 25' with N-methyl-N-nitroso-p-toluenesulfonamide in T H F to produce RhNOCOL2, along with 4% RhNOL3.

(g) RuHCI(PPh3)a RuHNO(PPh3)3, and RuNOCl(PPh3)2. The compound RuHCIL3 provides an opportunity to compare the propensity of hydride and chloride ligands to undergo nitrosyl transfer. Reaction of RuHCIL3 and I in a l :1 mole ratio produces Ru(N0)2L2 as the only ruthenium-containing nitrosyl product. This indicates that the actual mononitrosyl intermediate, either R u H N O L 3 or RuCINOL2, reacts faster with I than does RuHCIL3. It was shown directly that both of these mononitrosyls do indeed undergo facile nitrosyl transfer (see Scheme I) and thus it is impossible to determine if one of the two possible nitrosyl transfer sequences ( H before C1, etc.) occurs exclusively. Scheme I



I yields two products. One is the expected RhNOL3. T h e sec-


1608 1607,1655 1639 1629,1710 1640 1647 1655 1661 1686 1710 1717

Mole ratio added base:Co = 5:l. Mole ratio added base:Co = 1O:l.

(e) RhCI(PPh3)3.Reaction of this square planar complex with ond is the very insoluble RhNOCIzL2. T h e latter is a halogen-rich product. It was shown in an independent reaction that CoCID2(PPh3) reacts with RhNOL3 to produce the rhodium dichloronitrosyl (eq 3).

v(NO), cm-'








+ 1,


In a complicating side reaction, a small amount of RuNOCl3L2 is produced in the reaction of RuNOCIL2 with I. It was demonstrated directly that CoCID2L halogenates Ru(N0)2L2 (eq 5).42 Ru(N0)2L2

+ 3CoClD2L


Ungermann, Caulton

RuNOC13L2 C O N O D ~ 2CoD2


/ Nitrosyl



Transfer Reactions

3866 W e feel eq 5 is not actually t h e major source of t h e RuNOCI3L2 in the reaction of RuNOCIL2 with I, however. Instead, we prefer to base the appearance of the trichloride on direct reaction of the very sensitive RuNOCIL2 with CoClD2L as it is produced. Such a reaction is implicated by the products from nitrosyl transfer to RuC12L4 (d above). W e have independent evidence that RuNOCIL2 is halogenated by chlorocarbon solvents, and the complex is infamous for its air sensitivity. (h) FeC12(PPh3)2. Unsaturated FeClzL2 reacts a t 25' with I (1:2 mole ratio) to produce Fe(N0)2L2 (eq 6). FeClzLz

+ 2CoNOD2 + 2 L



+ 2CoCID2L


C o ( N 0 ) 2 C I L is also produced in a complicated side reaction between the two products, Fe(N0)2L2 and 11. This was verified independently. It was also shown that CoNOD2 and CoCID2L d o not react to produce C o ( N 0 ) 2 C I L . T h e fate of t h e dimethylglyoximate ligand (FeD2L?) is uncertain, but free dimethylglyoximate was detected. Equation 6 involves two NO/CI interchanges. It is therefore natural to contemplate an intermediate mononitrosyl: FeNOCIL,. Early in the course of reaction 6, a transient nitrosyl stretch is observed a t 1775 cm-I. This compound is stable in the absence of CoNOD2; that is, it does not readily disproportionate to Fe(N0)2L2 and FeC12L2. Only Fe(N0)2L2 is present 25 min after initiating the reaction of a concentrated solution of FeC12L2 with I in a 4:l mole ratio; therefore, the mononitrosyl must react more rapidly with the transfer reagent (I) than does FeC12L2. Similar behavior is observed in transfer to CoC12L2 and CoNOC12L2. A direct approach at production of FeNOClL2 by N O / C I redistribution at reflux in THF (eq 7) was fruitless. FeClzL2

+ Fe(N0)2L2




(i) FeH(base)(dpe)z"+.Because of the variety of known derivatives of FeH(base)(dpe)2"+, nitrosyl transfer to this system of compounds is of potential mechanistic significance. FeHCl(dpe)z is generally unreactive to I in ethanol or THF a t 25O. Under reflux in T H F , a high yield of F e ( N 0 ) z d p e is obtained. Coordinative unsaturation a t the nitrosyl acceptor may be a prerequisite for successful transfer. For example, chloride dissociation from FeHCl(dpe)z may occur in THF. T o suppress this, the reaction was repeated in refluxing benzene. Again, F e ( N 0 ) z d p e was produced. W e have measured the conductivity of FeHCl(dpe)2 in purified, degassed acetonitrile at 25'. The compound is initially a nonconductor, but ionic dissociation occurs slowly (-1 8 h), presumably producing [ FeHCl(dpe)2(CH3CN)]Cl. Attempted nitrosyl transfer to FeHCl(dpe):, in acetonitrile fails a t 25'. Although no iron nitrosyl is produced, the N O stretching frequency of CoNOD2 is altered during the course of the reaction. This is entirely consistent with adduct formation between CoNOD2 and liberated CI- to produce CoNOD2C1-. Vibrational frequencies of FeH(dpe)2(CH3CN)+ a r e also observed. All of the above reactions were run with only 1 mol of I per mole of iron. The anticipated product had been FeNO(dpe)z+. In fact, reaction of FeHCl(dpe)z with I in ethanol in the presence of NH4PF6 does produce some [FeNO(dpe)2]PF6, but the major product remains Fe(NO)2dpe. In an effort to identify certain potential intermediates in the double nitrosyl transfer which produces Fe(N0)2dpe, two additional transfers were a t t e m p t e d . Under argon, FeHCl(dpe)z reacts with THF in the presence of NaBPh4 to produce [ FeH(dpe)2THF] BPh4. T h e coordinated T H F is weakly bound, being replaced even by Nz. [FeH(dpe)zTHFjBPh4 reacts with equimolar I at 2 5 O in THF to produce Journal of the American Chemical Society




Fe(N0)zdpe as the only iron nitrosyl. [FeNO(dpe)2]+, either as the chloride or the hexafluorophosphate salt, reacts only a t reflux in T H F , again producing Fe(N0)2dpe. This second result bears on the mechanism of the first reaction. Since FeNO(dpe)z+ undergoes nitrosyl transfer only a t elevated temperatures, it cannot be a n intermediate in the double nitrosyl transfer to FeH(dpe)z(THF)+. Instead, an intermediate such as FeHNO(dpe)zq is suggested. (j) FeClddpe). W e find the reaction of anhydrous FeC12 with 2 mmol of dpe in benzene produces FeClzdpe, not FeCl~(dpe)z as reported.I6 It is to be noted also that reaction of Fe(C2H4)( d p e ) ~with I2 produces FeIzdpe, and not the bis-dpe complex. Likewise, iodine oxidation of H>Fe(dpe)2and direct reaction of FeI2(H20), with dpe produce F e I 2 d ~ e .Finally, ~~ the product of reaction of FeC12 with dpe in acetone/CHC13 is reported to be F e C I 2 d ~ e . ~ ~ FeClzdpe reacts with I a t 25' in the presence of NH4PF6. Curiously, the bis-phosphine complex [FeNo(dpe)z]PF6 is produced in addition to Fe(N0)2dpe, in a mole ratio of 1:2. (k) Others. Equimolar I, PPh3, and MCOCI(PPh3)2 ( M = R h , Ir) d o not react upon refluxing 6 h in benzene, T H F , or toluene. Addition of 20 mol % of C o D y 2 H 2 0 does not alter this result. Finally, since chloride is known to coordinate to I, equimolar N(n-Bu)&I was added in a n attempt to catalyze nitrosyl transfer to IrCOCI(PPh3)2 in THF a t 6 5 O . No such catalysis was observed. N o gold nitrosyls are known, and no copper nitrosyl has been isolated. Reaction of equimolar I, PPh3, and AuCI(PPh3) a t 2 5 O in T H F for 60 h left the reagents unchanged. Similarly CuCI(PPh3)3 was unaffected by equimolar I in refluxing CH2Cl2 for 1.5 h. An attempt (100 h in THF a t 25O) to produce Co(NO)3 from [Co(N0)2C1]2 and I was also unsuccessful. Equimolar RhNOC12L2, I, and PPh3 were refluxed for 7 h in benzene in an attempt to produce Rh(N0)2CIL2, which would probably exist as a salt. Only unreacted starting materials and traces of C o ( N 0 ) 2 C I L resulted.

Discussion Nitrosyl transfer, a general term implying only the migration of coordinated N O from one metal to another, is a reaction of some generality. W e wish to further categorize nitrosyl transfer according to whether it is (A) simple nitrosyl transfer, eq 8 MNO

+ M'-




+ M'NO



or (B) N O / X interchange, eq 9. MNO

+ M'X


T h e ligand X is taken to be a one-electron ligand.45 W e have shown X may be a halogen or hydrogen, but other examples can be envisioned. Both of these reactions bear strong formal resemblance to the well-studied phenomenon of ligand-mediated electron transfer,] and much of what is known in that area may hold for nitrosyl transfer. The detailed nature of the migrating species in nitrosyl transfer is unclear. T h e nitrosyl ligand is variously claimed to be N O + , NO-, or neutral N O , and transfer of each of these must be given serious consideration. Mechanism of Simple NO Transfer. For simple NO transfer, as it occurs in the initial reaction with CoC12L2, net migration of neutral N O is demanded by the reaction stoichiometry. However, the redox versatility of the nitrosyl ligand is evident from the reaction of I with FeNO(dpe)2+. Production of F e ( N 0 ) z d p e unequivocally implicates net transfer of NO-. Consistent with this, the second product in this reaction is tentatively characterized as the (presumably solvated) cationic cobalt complex [CoD2dpe]PF6. W e feel that a mechanism

June 23, 1976

3867 involving free (solvated) N O and N O - is unreasonable. C o N O D 2 is stable to reflux in THF, and the proton N M R of this compound shows no evidence for dissociation to paramagnetic CoD2; this latter test is particularly sensitive. Finally, many of the nitrosyl transfer reactions observed here d o not occur with free NO. Ligand-mediated electron transfer is consistent with our observations. This mechanism is favored since it readily accounts for the ability of I to transfer N O and a variable number of electrons (Le., NO, NO-). T h e exact number of electrons transferred will depend on the energy levels of the transition state M(b-NO)M’. Some support for this mechanism comes from the observation that most nitrosyl acceptors react readily at 25’ if they are coordinatively unsaturated (FeC12L2, FeClzdpe, CoC12L2, NiC12L2, RuC12L3, RuHCIL3, RuNOClL2, RhL3Cl). T h e compounds HRhCOL3 and HRuNOL3, ostensibly saturated, both react at 25O. The former is known from solution molecular weight and 31PN M R studies to dissociate phosphine perceptibly a t 25O. W e have shown, by observing broadening of the 31PN M R of added PPh3, that H R u N O L 3 also dissociates phosphine, although to a very small extent (eq 10).


H R u N O L ~~1H R u N O L ~ L


Solutions thus contain unsaturated H R u N O L 2 which presumably carries the nitrosyl transfer reaction.46 The complexes FeH(B)(dpe)z+ (B = Lewis base) constitute a series of substrates useful in probing the requirement of unsaturation. Our results a r e consistent with formation of a species F e ( p - N 0 ) C o as a prerequisite to NO transfer. When B, above, is CI- or C H 3 C N , transfer does not occur at 25’. When B is the readily displaceable molecule T H F , the reaction proceeds. FeHCl(dpe)2 does react a t reflux in ethanol, where halide dissociation is conceivable. In order to suppress ionic dissociation, the reaction was repeated in benzene. Nitrosyl transfer again proceeds, but only a t reflux. If this is to fit into the general mechanism suggested here, dissociation of one or both ends of a phosphorus chelate must occur to a kinetically significant extent. Mechanism of NO/X Interchange. Mechanistic analysis of NO/CI interchange is more complex. Although CoCID2L is a characterized product, the interchange could be (1) N O for CI, (2) NO+ for Cl+, or (3) N O - for C1-. Although the bent NO in I has been called NO-, this alone is inadequate support for the third choice. Moreover, a transfer reagent need not contain a bent nitrosyl; the production of RuNOCIL2 by eq 1 1 involves nitrosyl transfer from a nearly linear R u N O RuC12L3

+ Ru(N0)2L2








+ C1-


+ L,MH


(1 1 )

( 1 2) T h e charge separation required in this mechanism, coupled with the instability of Co(II1) without six ligands, would seem to make this a high energy bath. T h e same problem flaws the N O + / C I + route, as does the improbability of producing Cl+. Moreover, this mechanism produces CoD2-, a known reactive species which would certainly attack some of the solvents used here. Thus, interchange of neutral NO and CI groups seems most plausible. In the instances of N O / H interchange, choosing from among the three transfers NO, for HS (q = 0, f l ) is difficult because the fate of the hydrogen and the cobalt could not be established. By analogy with the chloride reactions, HCoD2L is assumed to be the product. Our inability to characterize this species is then reasonable in view of the demonstrated instability of this complex.48

+ R N H M e + L (13)


W e have shown here that both CoNOD2 and the sulfonamide produce the same products with HRhCOL3. The sulfonamide also reacts with FeHCl(dpe)2 in the presence of NaBPh4 to produce [ F e N O ( d ~ e ) z ] B P h 4This . ~ ~ is only a minor product in the nitrosyl transfer with I, the major product being Fe(N0)zdpe. In order to settle this apparent discrepancy, we have reexamined the sulfonamide/FeHCl(dpe)2 reaction and find that F e ( N 0 ) z d p e is also produced in small yield. T h e difference between the two nitrosyl transfer reagents is thus quantitative, not qualitative. Nitrosyl/halogen or hydrogen interchanges bear a formal resemblance to redistribution reactions of main group elements (eq 14).50 MR,

+ M’R’,


+ M’R’,-,R,



Very little mechanistic information is available on these reactions, but some qualitative comparison with N O transfer can be made. If M = M‘ = Si ( n = m = 4 ) uncatalyzed equilibration occurs only very slowly even a t elevated temperatures. If M = AI, M’ = Si, alkyl interchange is still very slow. I f M = M’ = AI, reorganization is rapid. In this last instance, a four-center AI(b-R,R’) AI bridged intermediate is probable, although ate complexes of formula M[MRR’] have been p r ~ p o s e d . In ~ ’ the aluminum alkyl exchanges, it is known that Al2R6 dimers a r e unreactive to redistribution in comparison to the corresponding monomer, AIR3. Likewise, Lewis bases slow the exchange by forming saturated B AIR3 species. The one striking similarity between N O / X interchange and classical redistribution is thus the need for coordinative unsaturation. For NO/CI interchanges, one additional mechanistic feature requires discussion; the sequence of the migration of the two groups. If two groups a r e to migrate, it is natural to envision a transition state with both groups bridging the two metals. For the reaction of Ru(N0)2L2 with RuCl2L3 (eq 1 I ) , this is quite plausible (III).52 However, for the majority of reactions de-









If the interchange were N O - for Cl-, the reaction is then best described as a bimolecular substitution reaction (eq 12). CoNOD2

T h e N O / H interchanges observed here for RuHCIL3 and R u H C O L 3 a r e formally similar to the reactions of these hy(abdrides with N-methyl-N-nitroso-p-toluenesulfonamide breviated R - N ( N O ) M e ) . 4 9 These generally occur with the stoichiometry shown in eq 13.


111 scribed here, the rigidly coplanar CoD2 group makes such a mechanism unlikely. In these instances, simple nitrosyl transfer may occur as a first step to produce the known odd-electron species CoD2. This readily oxidized species may then undergo reorganization in the solvent cage to abstract a halogen atom from the very unstable cage partner of general formula M ( N 0 ) C I . W e have made several attempts to utilize the halogen acceptor capacity of CoD2 in order to catalyze otherwise sluggish transfers (eq 15, 16).


+ CoNOD2




+ CoD2



T h e results were uniformly negative. Competing Reactions. A side-reaction observed several times is the production of tetrahedral base adducts of the unit C o ( N 0 ) 2 + . Destruction of the planar CoD2 unit is indicated and free dimethylglyoximate was detected. While this would seem to indicate that the planar CoD2 unit is not as stable as

Ungermann, Caulton

/ Nitrosyl Transfer Reactions

3868 generally assumed, we favor a n alternative explanation: it is the unit C o ( N 0 ) 2 + which is especially stable. This factor may contribute to the reducing ability of N O in reductive nitrosyl a t i ~ n .W~e~ have noted that solvent oxidation of CoNO(PPh3)3 in CH2C12 produces Co(N0)2(PPh3)2+. Finally, CoNO(SacSac)2 spontaneously disproportionates quantitatively to Co(NO)2(SacSac) and C 0 ( S a c S a c ) 3 . ~ ~ A second side-reaction can result in a deviation from the nitrosyl transfer products noted in eq 8 and 9. In the reaction of I with RuC12L4 and RhClL3, the halogenated products RuNOCl3L2 and RhNOC12L2 a r e produced in addition to RuNOClL2 and RhNOL3. In t h e latter case, it was demonstrated that R h N O L 3 is oxidized by CoCID2(PPh3) (not generally considered a n oxidizing agent!) to produce RhNOC12L2. T h e dinitrosyl R u ( N 0 ) 2 L 2 was shown to react (eq 5 ) with COCID2(PPh3) to produce RuNOC13L2 and the

nitrosyl transfer reagent itself. Conclusion In contemplating nitrosyl transfer as a synthetic tool, it would be useful to be able to predict whether simple N O transfer or N O / X interchange will occur. T h e following analogy to electron transfer is useful in this regard. Redox reactions a r e characterized as complementary or noncomplementary according to whether the oxidant and reductant d o or d o not transfer t h e same number of electrons.'


+ co3+ 2Cr2+ + TI3+ Cr2+


+ Co2+


+ TI+



Reaction 17 is complementary while reaction 18 is not. CoNOD2, if it formally transfers neutral NO,56 can provide to a n acceptor a ligand which donates one or three electrons. Thus CoNOD2 can be said to undergo complementary simple N O transfer to 17-electron and 15-electron complexes. T h e compounds coc12L2, NiClL3, and CrC163- a r e nitrosyl acceptors of this type. V(CO)6 and CoD2 itself are additional examples. Simple NO transfer to a 16-electron complex is a noncomplementary reaction. Just as Cr(1V) (or possibly TI(I1))is not isolated in eq 18, the initial product of simple N O transfer is not observed in noncomplementary nitrosyl transfers. Subsequent halogen transfer to CoD2 completes the N O / X interchange and converts a 16-electron complex into a n 18-electron complex. Viewed in this way, it is possible to predict whether nitrosyl transfer will occur as simple transfer or N O / X interchange.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by NSF G r a n t G P 38641X. References and Notes (1)R. G. Linck, MTPInt. Rev. Sci., Inorg. Chem., Ser. One, 9, 303 (1972). (2)K. G. Caulton, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,95,4076 (1973). (3)J. 2. Chrzastowski, C. J. Cooksey, M. D. Johnson, B. L. Lockman, and P. N. Steggles, J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 97, 932 (1975).and references

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